Early symptoms of pregnancy
- Delay in period
- Fatigue
- Nausea & vomiting
- Increased breast size
- Increased urinary frequency
- Constipation (progesterone)
Hormones changes: names & function of each
Physiological changes: types
GI tract
Bone density
Weight gain
Description of cardiovascular changes: 2 types & description of each
Arterial system
- Cardiac output ➚ —> due to stroke volume + HR increase (10-20 beats/min)
- Blood volume ➚ 50% around 6th months
- BP ➘ (systolic and diastolic) —> due to vasodilatation & ➘ vascular resistance
- Same amount of red blood cells, but anemia because of increased blood volume —> dilution uIron supplementation —> constipation
Venous system
- Hypotonia of smooth muscles fibers + hypo-contractability (progesterone) —> ➚ diameter of veins in lower extremities
- At same time : compression of venous system in pelvis & lower extremities by growing uterus + weight gain ➜ varicosities in legs
➜ vulvar varicosities : 18-22% of pregnant women
⇛ use compression : support stocking, v-supporters
- Supine hypotension syndrome (vena cava syndrome) : uterus compress vena cava —> fainting, BP drop… => ACOG 2021 guidelines : pregnant patients should NOT exercise in supine position after 20 weeks
- Other possible vascular problems : venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism, edema, leg cramps (33% of pregnant women increased demand on plantar flexors + hypocalcemia + electrolyte imbalance)
- BP Guidelines : resting blood pressure > or = to 140/90 mmHg : exercise contraindicated + immediate physician follow up
Description of respiratory changes
- Respiratory rate ➚ from 12- 15 to 18 breath/min
- O2 consumption ➚ up to 20%
- Ribs position changes : flare out & up
- Diaphragm elevation by 4 cm and chest wall widening by 2 cm —> « bell rung up »
- Reorganization of wall chest geometry, but not volume ➜ no lung restriction
Cognitive changes
- Baby brain : Brain fog, ➘ concentration, absent mindedness
- Decline in story recall between 2nd & 3rd trimester, return to normal 3 months postpartum
- ➘ brain volume by 4% in pregnancy, return to normal postpartum
Urinary changes
- Growing uterus compresses bladder + ➚ renal blood flow ➜ ➚ urinary frequency
- ➘ anti diuretic hormone ➜ ➚ urination during the night
GI tract changes
- Progesterone : ➘ peristalsis ➜ constipation
- Problem : constipation while pregnant ➚ UI postpartum by 50% + ➚ fecal incontinence + ➚ POP postpartum &
later in life - What can we do ?
- Water + fibers
- Physical activity
- Squatty potty
- Avoid downward pressure
- Never ignore call of bowel (gastro colic reflex)
Bone density changes
- ➚ need for calcium by fetus. Taken from mother via :
- ➚ intestinal calcium absorption
- calcium conservation by kidneys
- mobilization of calcium from maternal skeleton
- Bone mineral density ➘ with loss of trabecular bone. On average :
- ➘ 1.8 to 3.4 % in lumbar spine
- ➘ 3.2 ± 0.5 % at hip
- ➘ 4.2 ± 0.7% at distal forearm
- ➘ 4.3 % in femoral neck
- ➘ 6 % at calcaneus
- Risk of fracture during pregnancy & post-partum (lactating !)
Weight gain changes
- Baby: 3-4 kg
- Amniotic fluid: 800g
- Placenta: 650 g
- Uterus ➚ : 950 g
- Breast ➚ : 400 g
- Maternal blood volume ➚ : 1,5 kg
- Interstitial fluid ➚ : 2 kg
- Fat & nutrient store : 3 kg
AVERAGE : 9-12 kg, with huge variability
- Risks of weight gain : High BP, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, macrosomia, premature birth, miscarriage
- For women suffering from gestational diabetes, vigorous physical activity (such as running) reduces from 54% risk of too much weight gain
Postural adjustments
- Foot pronation ➚
- Hyperextension knees ➚
- Anterior pelvic tilt ➚
- Forward shift pelvis
- Lumbar lordosis ➚
- Thoracic kyphosis ➚
- Cervical lordosis ➚
- Forward head movement ➚
- Scapula protraction ➚
- Thoracic perimeter ➚ - 5-7 cm, may not return postpartum
- Subcostal angle ➚ from 68° before being pregnant to 100° at delivery
Balance challenge
- Displacement of centre of gravity
- Compensatory gait:
- Gait length ➘
- Speed ➘
- Double support time ➚
- Step width ➚
- Base of support ➚
- Alteration of balance
➜ Increase risk of fall : rate of fall = 26.8% during pregnancy = women over age of 65 years - Cause maternal & fœtal complications : maternal bone fractures, head injuries, internal hemorrhage,
abruption placenta, rupture of uterus & membranes, maternal death or intra-uterine fœtal death - Preventative strategies, such as physical exercise & use of maternity support belts ➜ Increase postural stability & reduce risk of falls during pregnancy
Medical complications: 5 types & description of each
Red flags: different parts & red flags of each
Benefits of physical activities during pregnancy
- ➘ neonatal complications
- ➘ C-section number & assisted
- Help control weight gain
- ➘ depression risk, ➚ mood
- ➘ gestational diabetes
- ➘hypertension
- ➘ risk of pre-eclampsia
- ➘UI
- ➘ intensity of LBP during pregnancy & immediate postpartum
- ➚ venous return
- ➚sleep
Joint SOCG / CSEP Canadian guidelines
- All women without contraindications should be physically active
- At least 150 mins
- Minimum 3 days/week
- Women not active before can safely start exercising to meet recommendations
- Exercising can start at any time during pregnancy
- Every type of PA contribute : walking, aerobic exercise, resistance training, soft stretching, yoga..
- Combining aerobic exercise & resistance training = more effective at improving health outcomes
- Also possible to train pelvic floor muscles daily