Autoimmune disease: def
- Could be systemic or single organ
- Systemic = Scleroderma, Psoriasis, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Celiac disease, Multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia gravis, Ankylosing spondylitis & Rheumatoid arthritis
- Organ specific = Diabetes mellitus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Grave’s diseases & Crohn disease
Autoimmune disease: pathogenesis
- Exact mechanism unknown
- Disruption of immuno regulatory mechanism
- Antibodies directed against body’s own cells
- Body’s fails to distinguish self from non self
Autoimmune disease: risk factors
- Hormones
- Environment
- Genetics
Rheumatic disease: description
- Systemic diseases affecting any & all body systems
- Characterized by periods of exacerbation & remission
- Chronic conditions with long term rehab needs
- Heavy burden for health care system & economy
- Prevalence in general population: 9,8 - 33,2%
- Chronic systemic inflammatory disease affecting synovial lining of joints & other connective tissue
- Presents with wide range of articular & extra-articular findings
- Systems that may be involved: cardiovascular, pulmonary & gastrointestinal
- Extra-articular manifestation: affect bones, skin & lungs. Eye lesions, infection & osteoporosis also possible
Rheumatoid arthritis: epidemiology
- 2nd most prevalent form of Arthritis after OA
- 1-2% of US adult population has RA
- Higher incidence for females (x3 times)
- Onset: any age
- Peak onset: around age of 60y
Rheumatoid arthritis: risk factors & multifactorial etiology
- Age
- Decaffeined coffee
- Female gender
- Unknown
- Possible due to genetics, environmental factors
- In some cases, gene HLA-DR4 identified
- 80% of patients with RA positive, rheumatoid factor (autoantibody)
Rheumatoid arthritis
- RA begins attacking joint in synovium
- Multiply of cells in synovial lining + stream of leukocytes —> edema of synovium
- Thickened synovium & pannus tissue formation
Hypertrophic joint, thickened synovium: description
Rheumatoid arthritis: manifestation: description of subjective, objective & joints symptoms
- Insidious onset with slow progression
- Most frequently involved joints: wrist, knee & joints of fingers, hands & feet
- Early involvement hand joint with MCPJ and PIJ
- Have periods of remission & relapse / flare ups
- Remission period: absence of joint symptoms for 2 consecutive months
- Fatigue
- Weight loss
- Weakness
- General, diffuse MSK pain - Decondition
- Depression
- Localized symptoms to specific joints
- Multiple joints presentation (& symmetrical)
Joints symptoms
- Edema, warm joint, pain
- Morning stiffness > 30 min up to several hours
- Gradual joints deformity (ulnar deviation, swan neck deformity, boutonnière deformity) - Characteristic: RA nodule in skin
Rheumatoid arthritis: objective cont.: soft tissue symptoms & spine
Soft tissue symptoms
- Symptoms of Synovitis
- Bursitis
- Tendinitis
- Fasciitis
- Neuritis
- Vasculitis
- Deep aching cervical pain
- Frequent occipital headaches
- C1 & C2 mostly affected
- Increased risk for atlanto-axial (C1-C2) subluxation
Rheumatoid arthritis: prognosis
- No cure or condition with irreversible joint changes
- Difficult to make accurate prognosis, depends on number of factors
- 70% of RA patients may have varying degrees of disability
- 10% severely disabled
Rheumatoid arthritis: classification of functional capacity
1) Class I: completely able to perform usual activities of ADLs (self care, vocational, avocational)
2) Class II: able to perform usual self care & vocational activities, but limited in avocational activities
3) Class III: able to perform usual self-care activities but limited in vocational & avocational activities
4) Class IV: limited in ability to perform usual self-care, vocational & avocational activities
Rheumatoid arthritis: aims of treatment, outcomes on PT, patient education & aims of exercise intervention
- Requires interdisciplinary approach & long term planning
Treatment aims to:
- Maintain state of remission
- Reduce pain
- Maintain mobility
- Minimize stiffness, edema & joint destruction
- Restore function
Outcome based on PT interventions
- PT assessment should include overall assessment of ADLs
- Assess activities & tasks that are also noted limited by patient
Gives attention to feet assessment
- Look for uneven or pathological weight bearing patterns
- Check shoes
- Is there need to provide assistive device or orthotics?
Adaptations may be necessary: types of crutches, adaptive equipment….
Patient education
- Self management strategies: learning of acing, joint protection, symptoms monitoring
- Minimize trauma to joint: unload joints & reduce mechanical stress
Consider stage of disease: acute, subacute or inactive
Balance between rest & exercise. Some patients might need about 2h of bed rest during day Know when to modify program: acute pain during exercise, post-exercise pain lasting > 1h
Exercise intervention
Aiming to
- Prevent contractures
- Improve strength
- Enhance cardiorespiratory or aerobic conditioning
Rheumatoid arthritis: types of therapeutic exercises
- Functional strengthening exercises
- Aerobic & resistance exercise
- Balance, coordination, posture & ROM exercises
- Hydrotherapy