8: Play Flashcards
What are the 2 types of play?
Functional play & Pretend play
what is the role of functional play?
playing to explore for object functions
What does pretend play teach us?
Relationships to mental state understanding
What are the 4 core features of play?
Flexibility: in different forms and lengths
Positive affect: about having fun
Non-literality: paradoxical literacy
Intrinsic motivation: voluntary
What are Piaget’s 4 Types of Play
× Functional play: when a child repeats motor actions on objects (focused on)
× Construction play: when a child builds things
× Pretend or symbolic play: when a child substitutes reality for an imagined world. (focused on)
× Games with rules
What are the 4 functions of functional play?
× Playing to resolve uncertainty
× Playing to explore the unexpected
× Influence of adult pedagogy (teaching)
× Playing to discover the unseen
Are children more interested in a new toy or an old toy they cannot figure out?
old toy they cannot figure out
How is pedagogy 9teahing) a double-edged sword?
In some cases, children pay more with a toy when a function is shown accidentally, as it makes them more inquisitive. Whereas in other condition, something taught deliberately is seen as more important so there is more play with it.
define: decontextualization
using non-realistic objects in pretend play.
at what age does pretend play become cooperative?
What are the 3 views of children’s understanding of the distinction between their pretend play and real life?
× Rich Account: children understand what pretending means
× Lean Account: can’t really understand the difference between pretending and reality
× We-intentionality account: somewhere in between
Is there a relationship between IQ & pretend play?
Yes. Correlational studies: More intelligent children engaged in pretend play more often (direction of effect is uncertain)
How does pretend play help children with reasoning?
Pretend play might help children to reason about false premises, since they are definitional to pretend play:
How does pretend play help with Theory of Mind?
Through role play children put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Children who engage in pretend play perform better in false-belief tasks
How does pretend play help with language development?
Children who are more advanced in their play at 1, display better language skills at 2. Some evidence to indicate that play-based interventions affect later language development