% adhesion formation of omentum
% adhesion formation of small intestine
% adhesion formation of colon
Dissecting avascular adhesions
Blunt traction/countertraction
What has the greatest thermal spread out of monopolar, bipolar, ultrasonic?
Bipolar > Monopolar > Ultrasonic
% of ectopics in fallopian tube
RFs ectopic
Previous ectopic
Fallopian tube damage
Prior tubal surgery
Prior pelvic surgery
1/2 have no RFs
Indications for salpingectomy over salpingostomy for ectopic
Salpingectomy preferred if:
Tubal damage or extensive bleeding from tube
Appropriate if desired future fertility and LSC evidence of healthy contralateral fallopian tube
Indications for salpingostomy over salpingectomy for ectopic
Salpingostomy preferred if:
Desire future fertility or evidence of damage to contralateral fallopian tube/someone who would require ART if salpingectomy is performed
Residual trophoblastic disease after salpingostomy may be as high as __%
How to decrease risk of residual trophoblastic tissue after salpingostomy
Consider MTX prior
Difference in recurrent ectopic rate after salpingectomy vs salpingostomy?
RCT shows no difference in recurrent ectopics or IUP rates when comparing the two
Post-op care after salpingostomy
Follow bhcg to 0 (even if path shows trophoblastic tissue)
Indications for ovarian cystectomy
Intact technique to leave functional ovary in place
Do you need to reconstruct ovary after cystectomy?
Not unless needed for hemostasis (it will heal by secondary intention)
Hemostatic options for ovary
Minor bleeding - hemostatic agents (ex: topical thrombin, fibrin sealant)
Moderate bleeding - suture ligation, electrosurgery
Severe uncontrolled bleeding - consider oophorectomy
Oophorectomy infications
Benign ovarian neoplasm not amenable to cystectomy
Risk-reducing surgery (ex: ovarian or breast cancer)
Ovarian torsion or non-viable ovary
TOA refractory to conservative management
Gender dysphoria with no desire for future fertiility
RFs ovarian torsion
Reproductive age
Ovarian mass >5cm
Pregnancy (especially between 11-17w)
Ovulation induction
Prior torsion