8 Extraordinary Channels 奇经八脉 and 8 Confluent points 八脉交会穴 Flashcards
Learn the points of the channels, their pathways, the 8 confluent points, their range of actions. xi cleft and luo points, opening points and origination.
Ren Channel Originates Where?
Lower Abdomen
Du Channel Originates Where?
Lower Abdomen
Chong (Penetrating Vessel) Originates Where?
Lower Abdomen
Dai (Girdling Vessel) Originates Where?
LV 13 章门
Yang Qiao (Stepping/Motility Vessel) Originates Where?
UB 62 申脉
Yin Qiao ( Stepping/ Motility Vessel) Originates Where?
KD 6 照海
Yang Wei (Linking Vessel) Originates Where?
UB 63 金门
Yin Wei ( Linking Vessel) Originates Where?
KD 9 筑宾
What point opens the Ren Channel?
LU 7 列缺
What point opens the Du Channel?
SI 3 后溪
What point opens the Chong ?
SP 4 公孙
What point opens the Dai?
GB 41 足临泣
What point opens the Yang Qiao?
UB 62 申脉
What point opens the Yin Qiao?
KD 6 照海
What point opens the Yang Wei?
SJ 5 外关
What point opens the Yin Wei?
PC 6 内观
What is the Luo-Connecting Point of the Ren Channel?
Ren 15 鸠尾
What is the Luo-Connecting Point of the Du Channel?
Du 1 长强
What is the Xi-Cleft Point of the Yang Qiao?
UB 59 附阳
What is the Xi-Cleft Point of the Yin Qiao?
KD 8 交信
What is the Xi-Cleft Point of the Yang Wei?
GB 35 阳交
What is the Xi-Cleft Point of the Yin Wei?
KD 9 筑宾
Ren/Yin Qiao opening point pair
LU7 - KD6 列缺-照海
Du/ Yang Qiao opening point pair
SI3 - UB62 后溪-申脉
Dai/Yang Wei opening point pair
GB41 - SJ5 足临泣-外关
Chong/Yin Wei opening point pair
PC6 - SP4 公孙- 内关
Ren/Yin Qiao opening point pair range of action (列缺照海)
Abdomen, chest, lungs, throat, face
Du/ Yang Qiao opening point pair range of action (后溪申脉)
Back of legs, back, spine, neck, head, eyes, brain
Dai/Yang Wei opening point pair range of action (足临泣外关)
Lateral side of leg, lateral sides of body, shoulders, lateral side of neck.
Chong/Yin Wei opening point pair range of action (公孙内关)
Medial aspect of legs, abdomen, chest, Heart, Spleen