8. Evolution of Language Flashcards
What makes language different from other methods of communication?
It is an open-ended system (can communicate lots or little)
We have grammatical structure (e.g. tenses), syntax
Transmitted by various means (speech, words, other symbols)
Involves vast vocabulary of words (50,000)
Symbolism: three categories of referential associations
- Icon (similarity between sign and object)
- Index (some connection between sign and object)
- Symbol (agreed and abstract connection between sign and object)
Deacon (1997) on symbolic thought
Deacon (1997) believed symbolic thought was vital in the evolution of language
Why is language important?
Allows transfer of information between individuals
Unlimited scope and reach
Efficient (lots in info communicated quickly)
Different media can be used (e.g. speech, written text)
Clear rules - easy to understand
How does language develop in children? Skinner (1957)
A consequence of current environment and behavioural and sensory history (e.g. parents praise children for speaking)
Chomsky (1959): Why can’t behavioural principles be applied to human language?
> The rapid growth of language in infants
Ability to use complex grammatical rules
The unlimited + universal creativity in language use
Language Acquisition Device: Chomsky
Children must have an innate ability to understand grammatical rules
How do children use Language Acquisition Device?
To understand the syntactic properties of their parents’ language
When does Language Acquisition Device occur?
When child is incapable of complex intellectual abilities - independent of intelligence
Language Acquisition Device: evidence of rules
Children over-regularise rules to irregular verbs e.g. “I thinked so”
What is Pidgin?
A simplified language used by speakers of native languages who are in prolonged contact
Antillean Creole
Based on French, with elements of Carib & African languages e.g. “bonjou” = “good morning”
TRUE OR FALSE: The ability to add grammatical structure is hardwired into our brains.
How does Chomsky attack the Standard Social Science Model?
Human nature is shaped by culture and environment
Why is Chomsky sceptical of Darwinian evolution in explaining language?
Language is the by-product of other adaptive traits
Gould (1987)
Language is a side effect of brain growth, shaped by unknown laws of growth and form