3b. Criticisms of Evolutionary Psychology Flashcards
What is panadaptationism?
The tendency to believe that everything is an adaptation
What is an adaptation?
A trait designed to solve a survival or reproductive problem
Are all traits adaptations
No: some traits are by-products (side-effects) of real adaptations, random mutations or diseases
Mistaken by-products include…
human emotion (falsely believed to have no role in survival) and the female orgasm (releases different hormones, may promote pair-bonding)
Small number of principles to explain phenomena (parsimony)
What are the SCIENTIFIC criticisms to evolutionary psychology?
Genetic determinism
What are the NON-SCIENTIFIC criticisms to evolutionary psychology?
Evolved group differences
Feminist opposition
Political leanings
What is the response to the reductionist criticism?
Focus on patterns of behaviour (and explaining the origin of individual differences), not individual behaviour
Few, if any, traits are result of biology alone
Role of culture, learning & environment still very important to evolved traits
Genetic determinism
Removal of responsibility for ‘bad’ behaviour - “my genes made me do it”
Too much emphasis on genes, ignore the environment
What is the most common criticism of evolutionary psychology?
Genetic determinism - due to negative behaviours researched e.g. rape
Is genetic determinism a valid criticism?
Commits the Naturalistic Fallacy
A misinterpretation of EP
EP is OPPOSED to genetic determinism (inflexibility of behaviour is NOT adaptive)
Many see evolutionary psychology as an extension of…
Social Darwinism and Eugenics
Key differences between the origins of eugenics/Social Darwinism and evolutionary psychology
Darwin - evolution via natural selection
The likes of Spencer & Hitler distorted general principles related to NS (e.g. survival of the fittest) to fit their ideologies
EP merely applies Darwinian principles to human behaviour
Examples of evolved group differences
Lactose intolerance
Sickle Cell Anaemia
Feminist opposition
EP often studies biological differences between men & women
Feminists argue - ‘gender’ is socially constructed & malleable
EP viewed as supporting patriarchy
Response to feminist opposition criticism
EP doesn’t suggest there is a superior sex, just that there are differences
An understanding of evolutionary origins of these can be useful in reducing equality
EP can support feminism (Sarah Blaffer Hrdy: female choice is a driving force shaping human nature)
Political leanings
Often linked to right wing (conservative) - competition, individual fitness, The Selfish Gene, “survival of the fittest”
Many right-wing politicians used Darwinian principles wrongly
Politically, many evolutionary psychologists are ‘right of centre’
Left wing - cooperation, group processes, similarities between different human groups
Valid criticisms of evolutionary psychology
We don’t really know what the EEA was like
Links to genetics
Too much pan-adaptationism