8 Command & Control / Emergency Management Flashcards
Why do we use TENR as a decision making process
Supports a timely and accurate assessment of information directly relevant to the safety of Police AND others
This will help staff balance the MAINTENANCE of SAFETY with EFFECTIVE EXECUTION of their DUTIES
What does TENR stand for?
Threat - threat is assessed
Exposure - is managed, including the POTENTIAL for harm
Necessity - to intervene immediately , act now or later
Response - is proportionate AND based on considered assessment of the above
Using TENR will mean that our response to any situation is considered, timely and proportionate - who do we consider the impact of the situation on?
When a controller is appointed to an incident, they are in ‘control’ who can they command?
They can only command staff from withing their own agency
Cannot command other agencies
Control operates horizontally
The ability to command, lead and control a Police operation is fundamental - what attributes should a commander possess?
Leadership Effective Decision making Behaving lawfully Behaving ethically Have a prevention and victim focus
The controller of an incident does what?
They are responsible for coordinating and directing the response/
They set priorities and objectives and determines how best to implement these
Can ASSIGN tasks to another agency or organisation.
Command operates vertically
Command and Control consists of three essential elements - what are they?
Decision making
It is vital that KEY DECISIONS are recorded in a decision log
What do NZ Police use as their command and control model?
- one model of command, control and coordination
- understood and used by other agencies
- consistent with SOPS
- already practised within all levels of police
What are the three specific command levels?
Tactical - unplanned (PST type…)
Operational - higher complexity and more time to plan
Strategic - highest complexity and most time for planning
When would a strategic level of command exist?
When the SCOPE, CONSEQUENCE, COMMUNITY or POLITICAL implications are significant AND require a dedicated team
What are the number of units or direct reports that can be effectively controlled / managed?
The internationally recognised span is between 2-7
When you are changing over command and control to an incoming shift what must you be aware of and minismised?
Disruption or delay during transfer of authority
What do Police use to form an appreciation of a situation?
Courses Open
Plan to implement
What is AFCP for?
It is an appreciation process for problem solving and decision making
What does the AIM in AFCP start with?
To find and arrest…
To find and recover…
It should also take in to account any critical facts and assumptions
What is a FACTOR in relations to AFCP?
A factor is a circumstance, fact or something that might influence the operation.
Should always interrogate each factor by asking SO WHAT and THEREFORE
weather - so what its going to rain, therefore all units should have wet weather gear…
media ground timing risks budget Health and safety
What should you do once you have got your AIM, gone through your factors and established a few courses open?
Each course of action should be discussed and analysed by looking at their advantages ad disadvantages.
Once the IC has approved a course of action it should be further develped into a plan
Once you have a plan to implement, how should the team be briefed on it?
It should be presented in GSMEAC form
The plan can be for the duration of the incident or the operational period
When you are in an IMT and have a plan which staff have been briefed on via GSMEAC can you change the plan or develop a new one?
Plans can only be changed when;
- the objectives in the plan are achieved
- the situation changes significantly and the original plan cant be achieved
- objectives are changed by the controller
When you are delivering a plan is it best to do this face to face or in written form?
Delivering it face to face allows you to guage understanding, emphasise key elements and answer any questions
An ops order is called what in the CIMS model?
An action plan - IAP - Incident Action Plan
Should be clear and simple or SMART Simple Measurable Actionable Realistic Timely
The GROUND part of GSMEAC covers what?
Overview of the terrain and make up of the area
Any risk or hazards
The SITUATION part of GSMEAC covers what?
Provide a summary and back ground of what has happened
The MISSION part of GSMEAC covers what?
A clear and concise statement of the Police role
generally the same as the aim
Should always start with To…
The mission should be repeated twice during the briefing so everyone is clear on it
The EXECUTION part of GSMEAC covers what?
How the mission will be achieved
SIngle or multiple phases
ID OC of each phase Key tasks Route to address Boundaries Timings Fire Orders Arrest procedures Media Legal Evidence gatherine