8 - Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (Cl-SCC) Flashcards
Cl-SCC - Surface initiated cracks caused by environmental cracking of 300 Series SS and some nickel base alloys under the combined action of,,,,,,
tensile stress, temperature and an aqueous chloride environment
For Cl-SCC - The presence of dissolved oxygen increases ,,,,,, for cracking
SCC usually occurs at pH values above ,,,,,,
SCC tendency decreases toward the ,,,,,,
alkaline pH region
Cl-SCC - Cracking usually occurs at metal temperatures above about ,,,,,
Cl-SCC - has greatest susceptibility is at a nickel
content of ,,,,,
8% to 12%
Alloys with nickel contents above ,,,, are highly resistant
Alloys with nickel contents above ,,,,, are nearly immune
Carbon steels, low alloy steels and 400 Series SS are not susceptible to ,,,,,,
Cl-SCC - Metallography of cracked samples typically shows ,,,,,
branched transgranular cracks