8 - Centromeres and Kinetochores Flashcards
What are kinetochores?
Kinetochores are the protein structures that anchor the microtubules of the spindle to the mitotic chromosomes at their centromeres
What is the role of kinetochores?
Enabling the spindle to bind to the chromosomes and so direct them to alignment on the metaphase plate axis and subsequently pull them apart. This requires highly directed pushing and pulling motions.
How do the kinetochores maintain genetic stability during mitosis?
• Binding to the centromere with great accuracy
o If the kinetochore linked the spindle not where the chromosomal cross is, the DNA would break when being separated
• Maintaining strong contact between the microtubules and the centromere during rapid polymerisation and depolymerisation of the microtubules
o Enables the spindles to move the chromosome around
• Proper kineotchore formation is the basis of the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) which prevents the onset of anaphase until the chromosomes are properly aligned.
How conserved are kinetichores?
The structure and its function are largely conserved within eukaryotes (i.e. those that use it). However there are some differences between lower eukaryotes and higher eukaryotes (i.e. metazoans – animals).
You can see a large amount of homology between the two systems however, with the notable addition in budding yeast kinetochores of the Cbl3 complex, and there are also additional functional complexes wihtin the Ipl1 complex
What are the three layers of kinetochore structure?
• DNA Layer o The centromere and the centrosome – specialised nucleosomes • DNA Binding Layer o Cbl3 and Cbf1p in yeast o CCAN, CENP-B and CENP-C in metazoa • Microtubule Binding Layer o The Dam1/Ndc80 complexes in yeast o Ndc80/Ska complexes in metazoa
How many proteins are present in lower and higher eukaryotic kinetochores?
There are around 65 in cerevisiae and upwards of 80 so far identified in humans, with additions being made to each complex.
How many microtubules are found at the centromeres?
Higher eukaryotes also have a greater number of microtubule attachment sites, 15-20 microtubules can be recruited to each centromere as opposed to the single one found in cerevisiae, and the same applies to the number of nucleosomes involved.
What is a centromere?
The centromere is the point of primary constriction on the sister chromatids and marks the place where they are most closely linked. The chromosomes can be metacentric, acrocentric or submetacentric depending on whether the centromere is found in the middle of the chromosome, at the tip or somewhere in between respectively.
What is the centromere structure of budding yeast?
Budding yeast possess a point centromere, a single specialised nucleosome with a highly conserved centromere sequence. This consists of three sequences called CDE I, II and III that bind specifically to the specialised octamer.
What is the centromere structure of fission yeast?
Fission yeast have a more complex regional centromere than budding yeast, possessing a core sequence with satellite sequences on either side.
What is the centromere structure of hoomins?
In humans the core of the centromere is a repeating ‘α-satellite’ sequence that can stretch up to 5Mbp, bookended by regions of heterochromatin .
What epi-marks are found at the human centromere?
The canonical nucleosomes are marked with a unique combination of histone modification epi-marks; H3K9me2 and H3K9me3 (which are typically activating marks) and severe hypoacetylations (typically inhibitory). In humans it is these epimarks that defines the centromere rather than the sequence.
What is the structure of the satellite repeats in human centromeres?
Each ‘monomer’ section is an approximately 171bp sequence of which there are a varying number of variations of varying similarity to one another. Some but not all of these will have a CENP-B box that binds CENP-B for kinetochore formation.
These group into higher order repeats which can be made of 2-30 monomers, but are in this case made of four. These are found in arrays, in which 100s of higher order repeats are grouped. Each chromoseom in humans will have a different structure.
How do the structures on non-human metazoan centromeres compare?
Other regional centromeres often have greater diversity in sequence and structure, despite which the CCAN (constitutive centromere associated network) that binds to them is largely conserved.
What are centromeric nucleosomes?
These are also calles CENPA nucleosomes, because in these H3 is replaced by Centromere Protein A (CENPA).
How many CENPA nucleosomes are found within a centromere?
There is only ever one of these associated with a point centromere, but there are many associated with a regional centromere, generally interspersed with normal (canonical) histone octamers.
How do canonical nucleosomes bind DNA?
In normal nucleosomes, the DNA wraps around the octamer with 1 ¾ full turns, via a left helical superturn, 146 base pairs. The whole complex has a diameter of 10nm.
What is the structure of a centromeric nucleosome?
Centromeric nucleosomes are usually homotypic octamers, where both of the H3 subunits have been replaces with CENPA, however heterotypic ones where only one is replaced and tetramers where only one of each (including CENPA but not H3) is present.
The purpose of heterotypic/tetrameric nucleosomes is unclear, they may actually not be representative of in vivo action.
How do centromeric nucleosomes bind DNA?
Centromeric nucleosomes bind less DNA than normal ones, managing to bind only 121bp. This is due to the slight difference between CENPA and H3 – CENPA has one less turn in the N-terminal alpha helix and a shorter tail after it, which in H3 stabilises an extra length of DNA.
This leads to less efficient packing by the centromeric nucleosomes.
Describe the nucleosome occupancy profile of centromeric nucleosomes.
The centromeric nucleosome does, on every chromosome, give a distinctive profile in which the probability of finding one that would overlap with it drops to very little and there is a sharp change leading up to and down from the centromere region, which has consistent likelihood of being bound to the octamer.
This demonstrates the high affinity and specificity of the CENPA nucleosome to the centromere.
How are point centromeres organised in terms of their macrostructure?
Having only one centromeric nucleosome on each strand they form a cruciform arrangement where the centromere sequence forms two stem loops perpendicular to the chromosome. This leaves the CENPA nucleosome at the tip, where it connects to the microtubule via the kinetochore
What is the looping model of regional centromere arrangement?
The looping model suggests that it forms a series of cruciform structures, similar to a row of point centromeres.
What is the solenoid model of regional centromere arrangement?
The solenoid model suggests that each strand of DNA forms a single stranded solenoid on either side of the chromosome, with the centromeric nucleosome at the tip of each coil. The solenoid model is thought to be more in-keeping with the compaction habits of DNA.
How do the microtubules attach to the kinetochores?
The microtubules from the spindle attach to the kinetochores in prometaphase, often cycling through a variety of attachment conformations before the chromosome is correctly positioned.
Any of the incorrect attachments is sensed by Mad2, which will then arrest the cell cycle until the correct one is found.
What different microtubule attachments to the centromeres do not satisfy the spindle checkpoint?
- Non-telic – unattached
- Monotelic – only one spindle has attached
- Amphitelic – both spindles attached, but have not yet produced enough tension
- Syntelic – both kinetochores bound by microtubules from the same spindle
- Merotelic – one of the kinetochores is bound by microtubules from both spindle
What is lateral attachment?
The microtubules can also attach incorrectly by not approaching the kinetochore in a manner perpendicular to the kinetochore, an attachment for which kinesins are responsible.
With what should the microtubules bind to the kinetochore?
This is in contrast to end-on attachment, in which the microtubules do approach the kinetochore from a right angle, as shown in this electron tomography image.
What is the normal mechanism of how microtubules grow and shrink?
Microtubules can be elongated as they polymerise and shrink as they depolymerise. Their extension is simply dependent on a high concentration of αβ-tubulin dimers, and likewise a low concentration will lead to gradual depolymerisation.
What is catastrophe?
Microtubules can be very rapidly deconstructed under the right conditions – this is called a catastrophe. When this occurs each long strand along the length of the tubule peel away from one another like a banana.
How is catastrophe and rescue controlled?
By the GTP/GDP bound to the tubulin dimers. GTP bound tubulin dimers are stable, and are used to cap the microtubule to prevent a catastrophe. When this GTP is hydrolysed it destabilises the end of the microtubule leading to catastrophe.
When this happens, GTP bound tubulin can attach to the end of the microtubule once more to rescue the cylinder from further deconstruction.
How does the spindle manipulate the chromosomes?
It is through controlled catastrophe that the chromatids are pulled apart and to either end of the cell, motor proteins (i.e. kinesin and dynein) are not required.
What are the two models of microtubule-kinetochore attachment?
Biased diffusion and Ring Coupler
What is the ring coupler model of microtubule-kinetochore attachment?
The Ring Coupler model describes a ring that is fit around the microtubule and connects to the kinetochore. Due to the ‘banana-peel’ way in which the catastrophe occurs, the strands move back wholly and so push the ring back on the microtubule, hence pulling the kinetochore. The DAM1 complex forms this ring in some organisms
What is the biased diffusion model of microtubule-kinetochore attachment?
The biased diffusion model is the one we will look at in greater detail. This suggests that the microtubule is connected to the kinetochore by long, flexible protein linkers bound down the microtubule that pull the kinetochore as they are lost at the tip of the microtubule during catastrophe – thus bringing it into reach of the protein ‘ropes’ bound further down the microtubule.
What is the KMN complex?
This is the long, flexible protein that is responsible for attaching the microtubule to the kinetochore in the biased diffusion model. It consists of three sections, the KNL1 complex, the MIS12 complex and the NDC80 complex (hence KMN).
What is the KNL1 complex?
The KNL1 complex is responsible for kinetochore binding, and is the least understood of the three.
What is the MIS12 complex?
The MIS12 complex consists of four proteins that link the kinetochore binding KNL1 complex to the rope structure.
What is the NDC80 complex?
The NDC80(/Nuf2) complex provides the long coiled-coil region and the kinetochore binding region. The coiled coil includes a loop structure that kinks it, allowing it to sharply turn to be parallel to the microtubule.
How does one perform a microtubule binding assay?
Taxol and GMPCPP were added to stabilise the microtubules. The KNL1, MIS12 and NDC80 complexed were then added separately and in different combinations.
Centrifugation at 100,000 RPM for five minutes produces a pellet which will contain the microtubules and any proteins attached to them, while proteins that are not bound will be found in the supernatant.
Extraction of the pellet and gel electrophoreses of the results allows for immunoblot analysis of what has and has not bound and in what proportion.
What did the microtubule binding assay show about NDC80 binding?
NDC80 on its own consistently binds to the microtubule, but with low affinity so that even at high concentrations there is still some in the supernatant.
What did the microtubule binding assay show about MIS12 binding?
MIS12 alone shows no binding to the microtubule. This is because it does not bind the microtubule directly, but is recruited by the others.
What did the microtubule binding assay show about KNL1 binding?
KNL1 shows some, limited interaction with the microtubule.
What did the microtubule binding assay show about the binding when all three complexes were added?
when they are all combined they have a far greater affinity for the microtubule than any of them do alone – there is very quickly nothing left in the supernatant.
Why does the entire complex have a greater affinity?
Because they can then form a full complex. This is synergistic affinity, the affinity of the three complexes is greater than that of the individual complexes.
What sort of binding does the KMN complex show with the microtubule and what produces this effect?
Concentration-dependent cooperative binding – the more of it that binds the better it binds. This is because adjacent complexes on the microtubule interact with and stabilise one another, so the KMN network has higher affinity when it is at higher concentrations.
What is the structure of the NDC80 complex?
This produces a 45-55 nm long structure with a microtubule binding domain called Nuf2 followed by a long coiled coil structure. This contains an unstructured loop for flexibility and a tetramirasation domain. At the other end is an inner kinetochore binding domain made of Spc24 and 25.
What is the stoichiometry of NDC80 binding?
two NDC80 complexes bind to each tubullin dimer and to each other.
How does the NDC80 complex bind to the tubulin?
The Nuf2 binding domain binds to the microtubule through a charge-charge interaction; three lysines on the Nuf2 interacting with two glutamates on the microtubule. This was confirmed when mutation of these residues led to loss of binding affinity.
How is NDC80 displaced?
As the microtubule undergoes catastrophe, the curling back of the filaments causes a change in the conformation of the tubulin dimers, warping the binding site for the NDC80 and causing it to dissociate.
What happens when an NDC80 complex is displaced?
Due to the intense co-operativity of the binding, the newly dissociated complexes are very likely to re-bind to the nearest unoccupied space on the microtubule.
Hence the entire microtubule is not required to be coated in NDC80, only the end does because it constantly rolls back and replenishes itself with little loss of NDC80 complexes.
Describe the DNA sequence of a cerevisiae centromere.
CDE I is an eight base pair conserved sequence.
CDE II has no specific conserved sequence, it is just always AT rich along its 78-86bp length.
CDE III is a 25bp area in which the sequence must be very highly conserved.
How do mutations in CDE I, II and III affect chromosomal separation?
Mutations in CDE I and II residues do cause chromosomal mis-segregation but do not totally prevent the centromere from working.
Mutations in CDE III do abolish centromere activity, which is reflective of the importance of this region.
What proteins do CDE I and II bind?
CDE I binds a protein called Cbf1 (centromere binding factor 1), while CDE II recruits a pair of Ndc10 dimers, an unspecific DNA binding protein.
What proteins does CDE III bind?
CDE III recruits six proteins as three dimers.
Two of these, Ndc10 and Cep3, are homodimers, and the last is a heterodimer of Ctf13 and Skp1. Together these proteins form the CBF3 complex.
Of these Skp1 is the only one that does not bind to the DNA directly, as shown by biochemical crosslinking studies.
For which CBF3 proteins is co-expression necessary for DNA binding?
Binding to the DNA as a complex is reliant upon the Ctf13 and Skp1 being co-expressed, which is due to their interaction with Hsp90.
What is special about Cep3 DNA binding?
This is the only protein in the CBF3 complex whose sequence analysis showed a recognizable DNA binding motif; a binuclear zinc cluster. This is a common motif found in fungal transcription factors.
What is the structure of the binuclear zinc cluster?
The two zincs in the centre are ligated tetrahedrally by six cysteine residues, that are part of a pseudo-helical structure. Hence this is denoted as being a Zn2Cys6 structure
How do binuclear zinc clusters bind to DNA, and what is their structure?
This binds to the major groove of the DNA at two points, both palindromic CGG sites. Different proteins that use this motif will have a different level of separation between them – called linkers. Cep3 has a 9 nucleotide linker.
In the structurally characterised transcription factors, each of these is separated from the coiled-coil dimerisation domains by a long linker.
Where does the specificity of the binuclear zinc clusters originate from?
The specificity of each of these DNA binding proteins comes from the distance between the sites, and the orientation of them on the DNA. The CGG repeats can be on opposite strands as inverted or everted repeats, or on the same strand in a direct repeat.
How are the binding sequences of the DNA binding domains of the Cep3 proteins identified on the centromeres?
Two regions in particular are highly conserved between all of the chromosomes, which are the major groove binding sites for the Cep3 dimer.
One of these sites is more conserved than the other, site one having a conserved central G residues but a less conserved T on either side. Site two on the otherhand is purely CCG.
What areas of CDE III are conserved other than those involved with Cep3 binding?
Apart from the Cep3 sites there are some conserved G’s and T’s within the linker sequence and a pair of A’s directly after site 2, but other than that CDE III is not particularly conserved.
Which binding site is the most important for Cep3 binding?
Site one is the most important binding site.
What is the structure of the Cep3 monomer?
The monomer of Cep3 forms three helical domains. Domain 1 is the binuclear cluster, and with domain 3 is formed largely of the C-terminal residues whereas domain 2 is mostly N-terminal.
What is the structure of the Cep3 dimer?
In crystal, this appears to form an arch shaped dimer with a concave gap.
How was the dimeric nature of Cep3 confirmed?
The dimeric structure of Cep3 in vivo is confirmed instead by size exclusion chromatography, where in normal solution it elutes at a point that corresponds to a molecular weight of 158kDa, double that of the 71.3kDa monomeric weight.
What do the homology and charge distribution maps of Cep3 indicate?
The conserved residues are mostly within the concave arch and in a patch on the side. The concave arch also contains the greatest concentration of basic (blue, +ve) residues, and since it is the appropriate size for a DNA duplex to bind and highly conserved (and therefore important) in it is a good candidate for a DNA binding site.
How are the binuclear zinc clusters thought to bind to the DNA?
Curving towards each other, which would be a novel mechanism of DNA binding for this kind of motif.
What feature of the CBF3 complex does the proposed structure of Cep3 DNA binding allow for?
This also leaves a gap between the binding sites, called the pseudodyad centre, which is where Cft13 binds to the DNA. The specific interaction with the cenral conserved G base has been proven using biochemical crosslinking.
What did sequence analysis indicate as the likely mechanism of the interaction between Ctf13 and Skp1?
Ctf13 possesses an N-terminal 58nt F-box, followed by a leucine rich repeat. The F-box is a known protein interaction domain, which interacts with F-box interacting domains such as the one found at the C-terminus of Skp1.
Why was the F-box interaction of Ctf13 and Skp1 hesitantly proposed?
Despite the high level of conservation of key interacting residues of the F-box, the relevance of this to their binding requires further probing, not only because the F-box system is exclusively associated with E3 ubiquitin ligases but also because the rest of Skp1 consist of a BTB/POZ domain, another common binding domain.
What technique was used to test the F-box interaction of Ctf13 and Skp1, and how does this work?
This was tested using a pulldown assay.
This is a simple technique in which the proteins are co-expressed, but only one with an affinity fusion tag that allows for affinity chromatography purification. When this is performed upon the extract, and the results analysed using SDS-PAGE, proteins that co-purify with the tagged protein are then known to bind to it.
What did the pulldown assay show about Ctf13-Skp1 interaction?
By performing this on a variety of Ctf13 F-box mutant using a glutathione resin and GST-tagged Skp1, the loss (or otherwise) of binding of Ctf13 was analysed.
Wildtype showed copurification, but when any of the F-box key interaction residues were mutated there was total loss of binding, indicating that the F-box system is indeed responsible for their dimerisation.