8. Carbon And Nitrogen Cycles Flashcards
How is carbon distributed?
- The majority is in rocks and the oceans,
- There is also some in soils, the atmosphere and land plants
- Carbon in rocks is locked up and largely untouched. It contributed to the c cycle at a low rate when broken down slowly by erosion and microbes.
- In Oceans and soils, much c is dead sediment of minerals and organisms
Do you know the carbon cycle?
Do you?
Do you know the bacterial carbon cycle?
No cheating!!
Describe the autotrophic fixation of co2. 5
- Occurs in oxygenic photosynthesis by plants and Cyanobacteria
- Also in anoxygenic photosynthesis by purple and green sulphur bacteria
- Light leads to NAD(P)H2 -> co2 -> (CH2O)n
- Also by chemolithotrophs with inorganic electron donors
- Uses Calvin cycle or reverse citric acid cycle
Describe the Calvin cycle. 5
- 6-ribulose 5-phosphate (30c) is broken down into 6-ribulose 1,5-bis phosphate by ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, using up 6ATP
- 6-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is broken down to 12 3-phosphoglycerate (36C) by the same enzyme, rubisco
- This occurs in purple sulphur bacteria, Cyanobacteria and algae and plants
- Also in many chemolithotrophs
- 6co2+12nadph+18atp -> c6h12o8(po3h2) + 12nadp+ + 18adp + 17pi
Describe the reverse citric acid cycle. 6
- Occurs in green sulphur bacteria which phototrophic, anoxygenic, photosynthetic bacteria
- Citric acid cycle is reverse, uses energy to go backwards
- Requires ATP and reducing power to fix 2CO2
- 2co2 is added to 4c oxalacetate to make 6c citrate, then 2c cleaved off citrate to make 2c acetyl-coa
- Glycolysis the goes backwards to form a sugar-requires ATP
- 3co2+12h+5atp -> triose-P is the full net reaction
Describe decomposition. 5
- We are dependent on eating organisms which fix carbon dioxide
- What is fixed is rereleased by death
- This incl 400000m tonnes plant biomass p.a
- About 70% is cellulose/hemicellulose and 20-25% is lignin
- Decomposition leads to release of co2 and ch4
Describe wood rotting fungi. 6
- Wood is a highly abundant, major carbon sink and difficult to degrade
- When a tree dies, mostly degraded by wood rotting fungi
- This is restricted to some specialised basidiomycetes/ascomycetes
- Cellulose (40-50%), hemicellulose (25-40%) and lignin (20-35%) make up wood
- Brown rot degrades cellulose over lignin
- White rot degrades lignin over cellulose
What is brown rot? 5
- Cellulose is pale and lignin is browN
- As cellulose is broken down, the conc of lignin increases so wood appears darker brown
- Causes cubical cracking due to way cellulose is arranged in wood
- Cellulose is made up of a beta 1-4 glycan polymeric chain
- 3000-10000 glucose residues
What are cellulases? 6
- Three enzymes needed to break cellulose down into monomers by glycolysis
- Endocellulases attack randomly within polymer to fragment it
- Exocellulases work at the same time, removing disaccharides at the end of the polymer
- Combined action means quicker breakdown of cellulose to cellobiose
- Then, cellubiase breaks cellubiose to glucose
- Vines are usually lignin, so brown rot leaves leave skeletons behind
Wha this white rot? 5
- Degrades brown lignin and leaves pale cellulose
- Lignin is make of three complex phenolic compounds. It is a large, complicated molecule
- Found in houses eg, dry rot grows in humidity of 10-20%
- Under floorboards initially, then spreads and degradation of lignin leads to springy floor
- Causes a lot of damage in poorly ventilated houses
How is lignin degraded? 5
- H2o2 generates enzymes eg glucose oxidase
- Lignin peroxidase and/or manganese peroxidase transfers e- from h2o2 to lignin
- Laccase directly oxidises lignin by demethylation, electron passed to lignin molecule
- Uncontrolled chain reaction opens lignin’s ring structure
- Unique to white rot fungi, % of cellulose increases as wood gets paler
TEST: do you know the nitrogen cycle?
Write it out now!
Describe the processes and prokaryotes in the nitrogen cycle. 6
- Nitrification of nh4+ to no2-, then to no3- via nitrosomonas and nitrobacter, respectively
- Denitrification (anaerobic) of no3- to n2 by bacillus paracoccus and pseudomonas
- Nitrogen fixation by n2 + 8h -> nh3 + h2. Free living aerobic bacteria like azotobacter and Cyanobacteria
- Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria invoice rhizobium, bradyrhizobium and frankia
- Ammonification of organic nitrogen to nh4+ can be done by many organisms
- Some bacteria in these processes are free living, others need plants
What is the importance of the nitrogen cycle? 3
- Essential for biomass production for conversion of amino acids to proteins
- Nitrogen deficiency leads to chlorosis of a plant, loss of the protein chlorophyll
- Causes yellowing, reduced photosynthesis therefore growth
What is nitrogen fixation? 6
- Important snit gets nitrogen form atmosphere into ecosystem
- N-n (triple bond) is very stable (inert). Doesn’t do much due to the three covalent bonds
- Fixation is very energy demanding
- Atmospheric nitrogen is a major reservoir (ca. 78%) and organisms evolved to utilise this
- Overall, 8h+ + 8e- + n2 -> 2nh3 + h2
- Requires 18-24 ATP
What is the nitrogenase complex?
- Made up of dinitrogenase Fe and Mo cofactors and dinitrogenase reductase fe cofactor
- Occurs in some free living anaerobes and aerobes, and most importantly symbioses with plants
- Overall reaction:
8H+ + 8e- + n2 + 16-24atp -> 2nh3 + h2+ 16-24adp and Pi
What is the relationship between the nitrogenase complex and oxygen? 6
- The nitrogenase complex is very sensitive to oxygen and is inactivated by it
- Aerobic nitrogen fixers protect dinitrogenase reductase from oxygen
- Rapid removal of oxygen by respiration
- Oxygen impermeable slime layers around nitrogenase complex containing cells
- Complex with protective protein
- Partitioning in special compartments eg some Cyanobacteria contain non-photosynthesising heterocysts which fix n and remove and O2 containing compounds to vegetative cells
What is denitrification? 4
- Major loss of utilisable n gas, and the reason we need nitrogen fixation
- Anaerobic, no3 used as alternative electron acceptor
- Repressed by oxygen, induced by no3
- Diagram, Gogol
What is ammonification? 4
- Decomposition of organic nitrogen (mostly proteins) releases ammonia
- Aerobically or anaerobically by bacteria
- Aerobically by fungi
- Some loss as nh3 gas (15% of total loss), rest ammonium ion
What is nitrification? 5
- Conversion of ammonia to nitrate
- Common in aerobic soils
- Very important process as no3 is highly soluble, which can lead to leaching
- In Agriculture, ammonium is added to fertiliser along with inhibitor of nitrification
- Inhibitor increases efficiency of fertiliser and reduces algal blooming in water sources
How are bacteria and enzymes involved in nitrification? 4
1, ammonia oxidisers: 2nh3 + 3o2 -> 2no2- + 2h2o by nitrosomonas spp 2. Ammonia monooxygenase: Ammonia to hydroxylamine 3. Hydroxylamine reductase: Hydroxylamine to nitrate 4. Nitrite oxidisers: 2no2- + O2-> 2no32- by nitrobacter spp. Using nitrite oxioreductase
What are some important cycles besides oxygen and nitrogen? 3
- Phosphorous
- Sulphur
- Iron
Where does biomass come from? 4
- About 400 000 million tonnes of new biomass produced p.a
- Majority is plants
- A lot comes from forests and grassland savannahs
- 50% comes from oceans eg Cyanobacteria and other algae/phytoplankton