8 Advertising & Promotions Across Languages & Cultures Flashcards
Why can’t you just run the same ads?
- LD
- MA
- MA
- IA
- CA
- PA
- GC
What are the Influences of Culture?
- Humour
- Taste
- Style
- Message Preference/ Suitability
- Local Bias
The Influences of Culture will affect:
- Symbols
- Brand Names
- Celebrity Endorsement
- Platform used
- Positioning
What are the principles of influence of culture?
- Conversational - high/low context?
- Presentation - slang/ speak quickly?
- Word-Written - google ad word count
Other considerations?
- Level of Literacy - visual/oral
- Level of Economic Development - media consumption, product usage, product price
- Media Infrastructure - channel availability/ cost effective
- Gov Reg - restrictions, local content
What are the advantages of running global campaigns?
- cost (production, media purchasing)
- Economies of scale (consistent brand image/symbols)
- Crossfertilisation, spillover effects
- Growth of Global Media
- Strength of Global advantage & Media agencies
- Global markets & consumers
What are the disadvantages of running global campaigns?
- Linguistic barriers, cultural diversity
- Legal regulation & constraints, taboos
- Production limitation
- Media limitations
- Agency & campaign limitations (‘not invented here’ (NIH) syndrome)
- Market maturity, diff in product life cycle stages
Table 15.2 Typical communication tools (media)
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What are Universal Appeals?
- Superior Quality
- New product/service
- Coo
- Celebrity endorsement
- Lifestyle
- Co’s global presence
- Corporate image
Table 15.7 COO and Stereotypes
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Define COO
“a psychological effect describing how consumers’ attitudes, perceptions and purchasing decisions are influenced by products’country of origin”
What affects COO?
- Type of product matters
- Mode & consumption matters
- Country Image matters
- Coo importance depends on the person
- Consumer ethnocentrism moderates the effect
- A country’s level of development matters
- Depends on amount of information cues available
- Strength of effect varies
- COO image is not stable
Define Country Image.
“overall perception consumers form of products from a particular country, based on their prior perceptions of the country’s production and marketing strengths and weaknesses”
-Consider the fit between perceived country image and type of product
Why does COO depend on the person?
Not the same effect on all people
- Demographic variables
- Consumption variables
- Political ideologies
Particularly high amongst:
- novice purchasers
- elderly
- less educated
- politically conservative
How does Consumer ethnocentrisms moderate the effects?
Increases positive perceptions of domestic products
Increases negative perceptions of imported products
Logic is based on non-product assumptions – irrational
People in general rate their own countries products higher
Why does a country’s level of development matter?
In developed countries, local products are more likely to be preferred over imported
In developing countries, local products are less likely to be preferred over imported (if from a developed country)
Why isn’t COO image stable?
It is dynamic and evolves over time with:
- Industry development
- Customer familiarity
- Major events