8 Flashcards
What is IAS 1 presentation objective and purpose
Objective - basis for presentation of general purpose financial statements, requirements for presentation of financial statements, guidelines for the structure and minimum requirements for their content.
Purpose – to give useful information to investors in particular to help and make economic decisions
What is fair presentation
Requires faithful representation of effects of transactions, other events and conditions. In extremely rare circumstances in which management concludes that compliance with a requirement in a standard or an interpretation would be so misleading, entity shall depart from that requirement
What is going concern
Financial statements shall be prepared on a going concern basis unless management either intends to liquidate entity or to cease training or has no realistic alternative but to do so
What is accrual basis
Entity shall prepare its financial statements except for cash flow information using accrual basis of accounting
What is offsetting
Assets, liabilities, income and expenses shall not be offset unless required or permitted by a standard or an interpretation. It’s important that they are reported separately
What is consistency
Entity shall retain presentation and classification of items in financial statements from one period to next
What statements are included in presentation
Statement of financial position
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
Statement of changes in equity
Statement of cash flows
What are the gains and losses on foreign currency
Unsettled monetary balances
Settlement of monetary balances
Financial statements of foreign subsidiaries
Which items go into other comprehensive income under IFRS

Currency gains/losses on foreign subsidiaries
Revaluations on PPE and some financial assets
Pension remeasurements
What does the statement of changes in equity include
Total from statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income
Policy changes and error corrections
Contributions from and distribution to owners (dividends)
What is earnings per share
Ratio gives idea of what business has achieved during year for benefits of all ordinary shareholders divided by number of such shares. Earnings is net profit available to ordinary shareholders. In mini companies, this is profit or loss, profit before other comprehensive income. Some companies have issued preference shares so preference dividends paid should be deducted in calculation of earnings in order to calculate profit available for ordinary shareholders. 
What does price/earnings ratio represent
How much must be paid in order to acquire 1 share
What is cash and cash equivalents
Cash compromises cash on hand and demands deposit. Cash equivalents are short term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value
What are the three main headings of cash flow statements
Operating, investing, financing
What is the cash flow statement
Reports cash flows during period classified by operating, investing and financing activities. Direct method (gross cash) or indirect method (adjusted income statement)