7th - 9th Grade: Human Body & Medicine Flashcards
What branch of science deals with aging and the problems associated with older people?
Which process pf muscular contractions and relaxation forces food through the digestive system?
What gland located in the neck produces secretions that control growth & metabolism?
What severe, progressive disease causes the brain cells to degenerate, often leading an individual to forget names, conversations, recent events, and eventually experience complete dementia?
Alzheimer’s Disease
What kind of cancer inside the bones does the body make too many white blood cells?
What term refers to the outer non-sensitive and nonvascular layer of the skin of a vertebrate that overlies the dermis?
What part of the body would be affected by the non-contagious disease known as psoriasis?
The skin
What part of the body would be affected by the non-contagious disease known as glacuoma?
The eyes
Identify the two lower compartments of the heart which receive blood from the upper chambers and pump it to the lungs and throughout the rest of the body
What reddish orange pigment found in orange, yellow and dark green vegetables provides us with important sources of vitamin A?
Which medical term refers to the removal of tissue from an animal o person for study in order to look for evidence of disease, particularly cancer?
What branch of medicine deals with the skeletal system and its associated muscles and joint, including the treatment of skeletal disorders in children?
This smooth elastic tissue is a structural component of your rib cage, ears, and nose. Name this tissue which comprises the entire skeleton of sharks
Where in the human body would one expect to find the phalanges?
Fingers and toes
What type of acid is produced when the muscles in the human body demand more oxygen than the body can supply?
Lactic Acid
Identify the jellylike substance which is found within the cells in the human body
What do the letters CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
What branch of science designs artificial replacement parts for the human body?
What disease is commonly known as lockjaw?
The colon is another name for what part of the digestive system?
Large Intestine
What is the only type of tissue in the human body that can contract, thus moving other parts of the body?
Muscle Tissue
What is the name of the iron-containing protein in the blood that is responsible for carrying oxygen?
What name is given to the temporary rigidity of muscles occurring after death?
Rigor Mortis
What is the branch of medicine or biology that deals with nerves and the nervous system?
What organ is inflamed when one suffers from encephalitis?