7th-9th Grade Capitals & Other Land Stuff Flashcards
What is the capital of Japan?
What is the capital of China?
What is the capital of South Korea?
Seoul (pronounced “soul”)
What is the capital of Vietnam?
Hanoi (pronounced huh-noy)
Name the continent that has Mount Aconcagua
South America
Name the continent that has Mount Everst
Name the continent that has Mount Elbrus
Name the continent that has Mount McKinley/Denali
North America (Alaska)
Name the continent that has the Matterhorn (a mountain)
Name the continent that has K2 (a mountain)
Asia (by Mount Everest)
Name the continent that has Mount Blanc
Name the continent that has Mount Whitney
North America (California… tallest peak in the lower 48)
Name the continent that has Mount Kilimanjaro
Africa (Hemmingway wrote “The Snows of Kilimanjaro)
Name the continent that has Mount Fuji
What important piece of land did Dutch settler Peter Minuit buy from the Native Americans for $24 worth in 1626?
Manhattan Island
What state in 1829 was the site of the first major gold rush?
What state is the home to the Oconee and Chattahoochee National Forest?
It became colony in 80 B.C. and later a popular resort for wealthy Romans. What is the most famous of the three towns destroyed by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D.?
What is the second largest country by area in South America?
What is the capital of Argentina?
Buenos Aires
What gently sloping region, formed from deposition of large sediment masses, is located between the continental slope and the ocean basin?
Continental rise
What is a ring-shaped reef, island, or chain of islands formed of coral?
In what state is Lake Ponchartrain which has the longest continuous bridge in the nation, which runs for 24 miles?
What is the capital of Kenya?
On what continent is the Ivory Coast located?
In what U.S. state is the source of the Mississippi, St. Lawrence, and the Red rivers?
Sometimes known as “the Big Muddy” the capital cities of North and South Dakota are located along what river?
Missouri River
Identify the city that is the capital of Afghanistan
Which river did George Washington lead his troops across on Christmas Day, 1776?
Delaware River
Based upon surface area, what is the largest unland body of water in the world?
Caspian Sea
What state is Crater Lake National park located?
What state is Big Bend National park located?
What state is Mt. Rainier located?
What state is Albuquerque located?
New Mexico
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest deposit of coral in the world. It is located east of which Austrilian province?
What two nations border Mexico to the south?
Guatemala & Belize
What are the seven countries in Central America?
Guatemala. Honduras. Nicaragua. El Salvador. Costa Rica. Panama. Belize.
What state is famous for a Memorial Day auto race at a track named “the Brickyard”?
What historic home located near Arlington, Virginia was once the home of George Washington?
Mount Vernon
What current country was once known as Siam? Hint: the current capital is Bangkok
What is the capital of Turkey?
What U.S. state bases its laws off of the Napoleonic Code and is divided not into counties but into parishes?
In what city and state is the U.S. Naval Academy located?
Annapolis, Maryland
What mountain range, a part of the Appalachians, can be found in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia & West Virginia?
Allegheny Mountains (pronounced al-luh·gay·nee)
What U.S. state is the home to the 16th tallest mountain in our country?
What is the Hoosier state?
What state is Bryce Canyon Nation park?
At 14,433 feet, Mount Elbert is what sate’s highest peak?
What large sea is located between Britain and Norway?
North Sea
What Chinese river is the home of Three Gorges Dam, the largest hydroelectric project in history?
Yangtze River
What Spanish word for “village” refers to apartment-like villages of stone or adobe in northwestern New Mexico and northeastern Arizona?
When given the name of two non-capital cities, tell the state they are located: Anchorage & Fairbanks
When given the name of two non-capital cities, tell the state they are located: Albuquerque & Las Cruces
New Mexico
When given the name of two non-capital cities, tell the state they are located: South Bend & Evansville
When given the name of two non-capital cities, tell the state they are located: Wichita & Overland Park
When given the name of two non-capital cities, tell the state they are located: Huntsville & Mobile
When given the name of two non-capital cities, tell the state they are located: Shreveport & Lake Charles
When given the name of two non-capital cities, tell the state they are located: Fargo Minot
North Dakota
When given the name of two non-capital cities, tell the state they are located: Casper & Laramie
What seaport city in Northeastern Massachusetts was the site of witchcraft trials in 1692?
The bombing of what fort, at the entrance of Baltimore Harbor, inspired Francis Scott Key to pen the words to our national anthem?
Fort McHenry
Motown Records was a music label begun in 1960, named for the city in which it was founded. What American city is nicknamed Motown, a shortened form of Motor City?
Which river begins in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania and ends in Cairo, Illinois?
Ohio River
This popular New York City Landmark lies at the intersection of Broadway and 7th Avenue in the heart of New York’s Theater District. Name this busy area famous for its New Year’s Eve celebrations
Times Square
What is the capital of Finland?
What is the capital of Norway?
What is the capital of Portugal?
What is the capital of Australia?
What is the capital of Switzerland?
What is the address of the White House?
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
What is the famous highway that stretches from Chicago to Los Angeles?
Route 66
What is the best known street in New York City’s theater district?
What is the street in Memphis known for its blues music?
Beale St
What is the famous Beverly Hills street with the best shopping?
Rodeo Drive (pronounced Row-day-o)
Las Vegas Blvd is most commonly known by this name
The Strip
The U.S. financial capital is on this New York City street
Wall Street
What is the California city where you can drive down Lombard Street?
San Francisco
What is the London street where the Prime Minister lives?
Chicago’s famous street named for the great lake on which it sits
Michigan Ave
What term refers to the wide part of a river’s lower end, where it meets the sea?
What is the wilderness area in east-central California’s Sierra Nevada mountains, a region made up of sharp mountain peaks and sparkling lakes and streams, which became one of our nation’s first national parks.
Honshu is the principle and largest island of what Asian nation?
What is the beautiful white marble mausoleum build around 1640 in Agra, India by the Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife.
Taj Mahal
What location in the South Pacific Ocean about 2,300 miles west of Chile, is famous as the site of enormous statues of people that were carved hundreds of years ago
Easter Island
What Central American country has the largest land area?
What was the first U.S. state to be created out of the Louisiana Purchase?
Due in large part to the presence of a nearby naval base, what is the largest city by population in Florida?
What college, the oldest in Connecticut, was charted in 1701?
Cape Town is the oldest city on what continent?
What was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution?
What building in Washington D.C. has the words “Equal Justice Under Law” carved above its entrance?
Supreme Court Building
In what state does the Rio Grande begin?
What did Scotland and England united to form in 1707?
Great Britain
Christchurch & Dunedin are cities on the South Island of what country?
New Zealand
In what country are Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake located?
In what city and state is the Professional Football Hall of fame located?
Canton, Ohio
In what city and state is the National Baseball Hall of fame located?
Cooperstown, New York
By what familiar name is the detective department of the London Metropolitan Police known?
Scotland Yard
What republic in southwest Asia on the Mediterranean Sea was founded as a Jewish state in 1948
What blue-flowered variety of the lupine (loo-pine) is the state flower of Texas?
What is the longest river in Europe?
At what location did General Robert E. Lee surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant, effectively bringing an end to the civil war?
Appomattox Court House (Ap-poe-mat-icks)
Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens and the Bronx make up the five divisions of New York City. What are these divisions called?
Boroughs (pronounced burrows)
What state would you travel if you wish to visit Valley Forge National Historic Park?
Mount Kosciusko is the highest mountain on what large island nation?
What state license plate says Land of Enhancement?
New Mexico
What state license plate says Constitution State?
What state license plate says Evergreen State?
What state license plate says Native America?
What state license plate says Sportsman Paradise?
What did Scotland and England untie to form in 1707?
Great Britian
What is the tallest mountain in Canada?
Mount Logan
What is the smallest country in the world?
Vatican City
What is the name of the city located in western Saudi Arabia, that is considered Islam’s holiest city, as it’s the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and the faith itself?
What location in the South Pacific Ocean about 2,300 miles west of Chile, is famous as the site of enormous statues of people that were carved hundreds of years ago
Easter Island
What U.S. state is the home to the 16th tallest mountain in our country?