7th-8th ILM Tree Islamic Studies Flashcards
Love of This World is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - حب الدنيا SYMPTOMS - When Dunya distracts us from God CURES - Remembering death - Being thankful to Allah - Not seeking praise - Getting rid of distraction
What is the supplication described as the Master of Seeking Forgiveness?
اللهم أنت ربي لا إله إلا أنت، خلقتني وأنا عبدك، و أنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت، أبوء لك بنعمتك علي، وأبوء بذنبي فاغفرلي فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت Oh God, You are my Lord; there is no god but You. You created me, and I am your servant. I uphold Your Covenant and Your Promise to the best of my ability. I seek refuge in You from the fault of my doings. I acknowledge the blessings You have showered upon me, and I acknowledge my shortcomings. So forgive me for indeed none forgives sins except You.
Wantonness is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - بطر SYMPTOMS - Wanting excess - Easily getting in debt CURES - Hunger (Fasting / Eating less) - Reflecting on death and the Day Of Judgment
Relying On Other Than God is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures?
SYMPTOMS - Fearing or desiring other than God - Obsession of people or things - Lack of certainty CURES - Yaqeen/Certainty - Knowing only Allah can help me and harm me - Seeking refuge in Allah from fearing and desiring other people or things
What did Imam Ali (R) say about what happens when we die?
الناس نيام، فإذا ماتوا انتبهوا People are asleep, when they die they wake up.
Mockery is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - سخرية SYMPTOMS - Making fun of others - Putting others down CURES - Know that anyone I see is better than me and find the reason why - Know that you will be embarrassing yourself in the future - Know joking hardens the heart
What did the Messenger of Allah (S) say Allah loves most of all?
أحب الأعمال إلى الله أدومها وإن قل. Allah loves most of all, the consistent even if small.
What did the Messenger of Allah (S) say about someone who has an atom of arrogance in their heart?
لا يدخل الجنة من كان في قلبه مثقال ذرة من الكبر No one who has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise.
Fear of Poverty is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures?
SYMPTOMS - Negative opinion of Allah - Clinging to money - Anxiety and stress CURES - Having a good opinion of Allah - Contentment - Increasing Taqwa (awareness of God) - Sadaqa (charity)
Boasting/Arrogance is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - فخر / كبر SYMPTOMS - Drawing attention to what I have done - Speaking about myself CURES - Know that anyone I see is better than me and find the reason why
What are 7 standard cures to all diseases?
1- Deny the nafs/ego its desires 2- Hunger 3- Tahajjud (night prayer) 4- Silence 5- Tafakkur (contemplative meditation) 6- Suhba (healthy companionship) 7- Beg Allah to cure you (as if you are drowning)
Aversion Towards Death is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures?
SYMPTOMS - Hating death to the point of not wanting to speak or hear about it CURES - Seeing death as life
What did the Messenger of Allah (S) say about the metaphysical law of reaction to our actions (i.e. how will we be treated)?
كما تدين تدان The way you treat others you will be treated.
What is the most effective tool to purify the heart?
Consistency, even if slight. Strategy to polish the heart? If God made an act of goodness easy for you, do it frequently. And if an act of goodness is difficult for you, do it occasionally.
Ostentation is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - رياء SYMPTOMS - Lack of action for Allah when no one is around - Increasing action when people are around - Perform worship to gain a place in heart of people not for the pleasure of Allah - Trading the afterlife for the dunya CURES - Private/secret actions of worship - Get rid of: 1)love of praise 2)fear of blame 3)desire of the world 4)fear of people - Know that only Allah can help me or harm me - Trading the dunya for the afterlife
What is Satan’s effective tool?
التسويف شعار الشيطان Later is the slogan of Satan.
What did the Messenger of Allah (S) say about who is the complete/perfect believer?
أكملكم إيمانا أحاسنكم أخلاقا The most complete believer is the one with the most beautiful character.
What did Prophet Muhammad (S) say about who is closest to him on the Day of Judgment, in relation to adab/character?
إن من أحبكم إلي و أقربكم مني مجلسا يوم القيامة أحاسنكم أخلاقا Indeed the most beloved to me and the one sitting nearest to me on the Day of Judgement is the one with the best character.
What is a verse in the Qur’an about fleeing death?
قل إن الموت الذي تفرون منه فإنه ملقيكم ثم تردون إلى علم الغيب والشهادة فينبئكم بما كنتم تعملون Say, the death from which you flee will overtake you. Thereafter, you will return to The Knower of the seen and unseen. He will inform you of all you had been doing” (Quran, 68:8)
What happens when one belittles his brother for a sin/mistake according to the Messenger of Allah (S)?
من عير أخاه بذنب لم يمت حتى يعمله Whoever belittles his brother for sin, Shall not die until he does the same
Displeasure With the Divine Decree is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures?
SYMPTOMS - Annoyed at Allah (may God protect us) - “Why me?” CURES - Trusting there is a hidden wisdom - Knowing it always could’ve been worse
What did Umar ibn Al-Khattab (R) say about where we seek honor?
نحن قوم أعزنا الله بالإسلام فإن ابتغينا العزة بغيره أذلنا الله We are a people, with Islam, Allah honored; Seeking honor without it, we’ll be lowered.
What is a verse in the Qur’an about counting our blessings?
و إن تعدوا نعمه الله لا تحصوها If you tried to count Allah’s blessings, you would never be able to number them.” (Quran, Nahl:18)
Negative Thoughts is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - سوء الظن SYMPTOMS - Having a bad opinion of someone without proof CURES - Remembering baseless suspicion against a believer is haram/prohibited - 70 excuses
Heedlessness is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - غفله SYMPTOMS - Lack of attention to what is infinitely more important in one’s life than material goods CURES - Seek forgiveness 70-100 times daily - Visit righteous people - Visit graves - Salawat (praise the Prophet - peace be upon him) - Recite Quran
Write a proverb about chasing people’s acceptance rather than God.
رضا الله غاية لا تدرك، ورضا الناس غاية لا تترك. فاترك ما لا يدرك، وادرك ما لا يترك. Pleasing people is a goal we can’t achieve, And pleasing Allah is a goal we can’t achieve. So leave what we can’t achieve, And achieve what we should never leave.
Envy is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - حسد SYMPTOMS - Want someone to lose a blessing CURES - Contradict your feelings - Knowing that envy will come back and hurt me - ٌRemembering that Allah (SWT) has the wisdom to distribute the best
False Hopes is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - تطويل الأمل SYMPTOMS - Laziness - Hard-heartedness - Stop thinking about mortality - Sense that you are “independent” from God - “I’m not gonna die anytime soon.” CURES - Meditate on death - Trade dunya for afterlife
What is the supplication we say so that we don’t confuse truth with falsehood?
اللهم أرنا الحق حقا وارزقنا اتباعه وأرنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه Oh Allah, show me the truth as the truth and give me the ability to follow it; and show me falsehood as falsehood and give me the ability to avoid it
Vanity is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - عجب SYMPTOMS - Forgetting that God gave you what you have -Thinking fortune is independent -Admiring yourself and forgetting God CURES - Realizing that God is the provider of all blessings
Rancor is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - غل SYMPTOMS - -Being angry at someone to an extent that you want to harm them CURES - Say and do nice things for, to, and about them (decisional and emotional forgiveness)
What are two sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (S) in relation to speaking the truth (when we prefer not to)?
قل الحق ولو كان مرا قل الحق ولو على نفسك “Say the truth even if bitter.” “Say the truth even if against you.”
Blameworthy Modesty is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures?
SYMPTOMS - Not denouncing when you need to denounce - Not asking a question because you are shy - Meekness CURES - Not being shy when asking a question about Islam
Fantasizing is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures?
SYMPTOMS - Dwelling on other people’s faults - Heart engaging in matters that are of no concern to him CURES -Thinking of own flaws
Fraud is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - غش SYMPTOMS - Making something bad appear good - Concealing faults CURES - Remembering defrauding anyone is haram/forbidden - Remembering whoever defrauds is not one of us
Obliviousness to Blessings is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures?
SYMPTOMS - Thinking you got your own blessings without the help of God - Not noticing blessings - Thinking God doesn’t give you anything CURES - Knowing that the blessings are too numerous to count - Pray Duha (after sunrise prayer) - Tafakkur (contemplative meditation) - Knowing only God can help me
Seeking Reputation is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - سمعة SYMPTOMS - Mentioning something good you did CURES - Repentance
Write a proverb about adab/manners.
الأدب أغلى من الذهب، و بالادب تنال الرتب Manners are worth more than gold and with manners, elevations unfold.
Anger is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - غضب SYMPTOMS - When we let anger overtake us so we lose our composure - When anger overtakes our emotions CURES - Do not let anger overtake you - Acceptable at right time, right place, for the right reason, and at the right intensity - To remove it: remember how praiseworthy the forbearant believer is - To reduce it: make wudu with cold water - Sit if standing, lie down if sitting
What did Prophet Muhammad (S) say about contentment?
القناعة كنز لا يفنى Contentment is an endless treasure.
What did Prophet Muhammad (S) say about the ONLY reason he was sent?
إنما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق Indeed I was only sent to perfect noble character.
Displeasure With Blame is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures?
SYMPTOMS - Concerned with creation’s opinion rather than the Creator’s - Displeasure with criticism - Desire praise of others CURES - Know that only Allah can help or harm me
What is the supplication we say when seeing a mirror?
اللهم كما حسنت خلقي فحسن خلقي Oh God, just as You have made my appearance beautiful, make my character beautiful.
Miserliness is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - بخل SYMPTOMS - Hoard money (constipation) - Always count money - Find it difficult to spend money on family and friends CURES - Zakat/Sadaqa - Remembering death - Realize people hate misers
Hatred is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - بغض SYMPTOMS - Hating someone for no legitimate reason CURES - Pray for the person you hate by name - Empty heart from hatred before sleep - Love for your brother what you love for yourself - Praise the person in public
Iniquity is a disease of the heart. Symptoms? Cures? Arabic term?
ARABIC TERM - بغي SYMPTOMS - Chasing desire and harming others while doing so (going out of bounds) - Pleasing people, not Allah CURES - Remembering death - Envisioning the hereafter
What does God say in the Qur’an about parents?
Parents #1 وَقَضَى رَبُّكَ أَلاَّ تَعْبُدُوا إِلاَّ إِيَّاهُ وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا إِمَّا يَبْلُغَنَّ عِنْدَكَ الْكِبَرَ أَحَدُهُمَا أَوْ كِلاَهُمَا فَلاَ تَقُلْ لَهُمَا أُفٍّ وَلاَ تَنْهَرْهُمَا وَقُلْ لَهُمَا قَوْلاً كَرِيمًا (23). وَاخْفِضْ لَهُمَا جَنَاحَ الذُّلِّ مِنْ الرَّحْمَةِ وَقُلْ رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا (24). Your Lord has commanded that you should worship none but Him, and that you be kind to your parents. If either or both of them reach old age with you, say no word that shows impatience with them, and do not be harsh with them, but speak to them respectfully (23) and lower your wing in humility towards them in kindness and say, ‘Lord, have mercy on them, just as they cared for me when I was little.’ (24)
What is the definition of Birr? And what is the opposite of Birr?
Parents #2 Birr include everything nice & good. The opposite is عقوق.
Explain the idea of correlation of Allah’s pleasure and parent’s pleasure.
Parents #3 If my parents are happy with me, it is correlated with Allah being happy with me. If my parents are unhappy with me, it is correlated with Allah being unhappy with me. If my parents are happy with me, it is correlated with tawfiq. If my parents are unhappy with me, it is correlated with failure.
Define “finesse” when it comes to parents.
Parents #4 Cool Clever Ways To Melt My Parents’ Hearts
What are the best words to say to my parents?
Parents #5 Labbayk wa sa’dayk! At your service, at your pleasure.
Why is caring for parents (and not children) emphasized in Qur’an?
Parents #6 Because caring for children may be more natural and pleasurable, while caring for parents may not always be as pleasurable.
“Lower your wing to your parents in humility” implies what?
Parents #7 It implies that there may come a time where you may be strong and correct, while your parents may be less strong and less correct. Even in those situations we lower ourselves anyways!
What are the three duas that will not be rejected by Allah (swt)?
Parents #8 The dua of the parent for their child; the dua of one fasting; and the dua of the traveler.
Explain the categoreis of birr and uqooq and provide examples.
Parents #9 Eyes, ears, tongue, hands, feet, heart, money, marriage.
How can one have birr to their parents after the parents pass away?
Parents #10 - Praying for them - Practicing What they Taught Me - Visiting Their Friends & Relatives! - Perform Sadaqa /Sunnah/ Qur’an / Umrah /Etc. and send them the hasanat (and it doesn’t reduce your hasanat)
Explain: الادب قبل الطاعة
Parents #11 Adab before obedience. Sometimes we disobey our parents for the sake of our parent’s comfort. For example, if there is only one bed and the parent gives it to the child, the child may refuse to obey and insist sleeping on the floor (providing the bed to the parent).
What is Imam Al-Ghazali’s magnum opus?
Ihya Ulum Al-Din; Revival of the Religious Sciences
What year did Imam Al-Ghazali pass away?
What is the name of summary of the famous magnum opus?
Al-Arba’in fi usul al-din; 40 Foundations of Religion
What is the name of Imam Al-Ghazali’s book that we are studying in class, in Arabic & English?
Bidayatul Hidaya; Beginning of Guidance
Why did Imam Al-Ghazali travel and hide for 10 years?
To dig deep in his heart and find sincerity!
What is Imam Al-Ghazali’s Nickname?
Hujjatul Islam; The Proof of Islam
What are 3 types of students seeking sacred knowledge?
1- To use it for hereafter – winner; 2- To use it for honor and money and feels guilty about it. If he repents he is from the winners; 3- To use it for honor and money, and convinces himself he has a high place with Allah, because he dresses and talks like scholars. Satan’s man.
More frightening than Dajjal?
Evil Scholars
Hadith Translate: التائب من الذنب كمن لا ذنب له
One who repents from a sin, is like one who has no sin.
How do I wake up from sleep? First words…
First words on your HEART and TONGUE be remembering Allah
How do we get dressed? Intention to…
Intention to obey Allah by covering AWRAH – and not to show off (which is loser).
What are some of the etiquette when using the bathroom?
Enter with left; Exit with right; Say dua when entering ; Say dua when exiting; Clean ourselves properly (because this causes punishment in grave)
Why is the miswak so special?
Purifies the mouth; Pleases Allah; Displeases Shaitan; Prayer is worth 70 TIMES more
DUA HADITH to say after wudu so that the 8 doors of paradise open for him/her and he/she can enter from anywhere?
أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ وحده لا شريك له وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ
What do we say after mua-dhin says hayya ala al-salah, and hayya ala al-falah?
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
What do we say after mua-dhin says al-salatu khayrun minal nawm?
صدقت وبررت; You spoke the truth and did well!
What is the shafa’ah?
Intercession. The Prophet (S) will help us on the Day of Judgment!
How do we get the shafa’ah? Say this after the adhan:
اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ هَذِهِ الدَّعْوَةِ التَّامَّةِ وَالصَّلاَةِ الْقَائِمَة آتِ مُحَمَّدًا الْوَسِيلَةَ وَالْفَضِيلَةَ وَابْعَثْهُ مَقَامًا مَحْمُودًا الَّذِي وَعَدْتَهُ Oh Allah! Lord of this perfect call and prayer to be established, Give Sayyidana Muhammad (S) the intercession and prominence, and resurrect him to the praiseworthy place that You promised.
What to do tafakkur about?
My mistakes, My sins, My Deficient Worship, Exposing Yourself (through the above) to God’s painful punishment and anger, Imagine your acts of worship for the day, Nearness of your end, Approach of death that cuts short all hopes, Not having choice/control, Possibility of reaching a state of sorrow and regret because of delusions
What is the definition of Useful Knowledge?
Increases your fear of Allah, Increases your insight into your own defects, Increases your knowledge of how to worship Allah, Reduces your yearning for this world, Increases your yearning for the Hereafter, Opens your eyes to the things that spoil your worship so you may guard against them, Lays bare to you the scheming of Satan, his deceit, his misleading of the evil scholars
3 Levels With Religion? Safe…Profitable…Loser…
Safe – does obligatory and no sins; Profitable – voluntarily performs deeds; Loser – Falls short of obligatory
3 Levels With Other People? Angel…Animal…Scorpion…
Angel – Helps others and brings happiness to hearts; Animal – does not help and does not harm others; Scorpion – No one expects good from him, and fears his harm
What happens during the time we pray the 4 rakah of sunnah before Dhuhr?
The doors of heaven open, and we like good deeds from us to be raised during this moment.
What are the two friends that accompany you to the grave?
Good Deeds; Knowledge
What is the secret key to have barakah in time?
Having a structured scheduled day
Special times to make dua?
Before breaking fast; Laylatul qadr; Sujud; Traveling; Raining; Between adhan and iqamah; Immediately after obligatory/FARD prayer; Friday before sunset; Before dawn/FAJR
How must we sleep to earn the entire night of prayer?
With wudu, and in remembrance of Allah
How to have presence/khushoo’ in prayer?
Recite Al-Nas before prayer; Empty heart from other thoughts; Think about Who you stand before and Who you call; Feel ashamed about talking to my Master, while my heart is absent with the dunya, AND MY MASTER KNOWS WHAT I’M THINKING; Get to know the magnificence of Allah!; Imagine a respected shaykh watching my prayer…
How to lead a fard prayer for a group?
Short and considerate
Friday Sunnah?
Shower, brush teeth, dress nice, oil hair, wear white, perfume, trimming facial hair for men, fingernails; Hidden moment on Friday that dua is accepted ; 4 rakats before the prayer; Do not step over shoulders
What are the Sunnah Days of fasting?
Sunnah Days: Arafah, 9th & 10th of Ashura, first 10 days of dhul-hijjah, sacred months, 3 White Days of every lunar month (13th, 14th, 15th), 6 days of shawwal
Hadith Translate: المهاجر من هاجر السوء, والمجاهد من جاهد هواه
المهاجر من هاجر السوء, والمجاهد من جاهد هواه; The migrant is the one who migrates from wrong, and the warrior is the one who wages war against his desires
Shepherd Hadith Translate: كلكم راع، وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته
كلكم راع، وكلكم مسؤول عن رعيته; All of you are shepherds, and all of you shall be asked about your flock
Seven Gates to Heart, and 7 Gates to Hell
Eye, ear, tongue, stomach, private, hand, foot
Sins of Eye?
Non-marriage; Looking down at others; Looking for other’s mistakes
Hidden Backbiting/Ghibah? Definition in Arabic and English:
Definition: Listening/Saying something about others that they dislikeذكرك اخاك بما يكره
“If Allah Most High wills good for you, He will give you the ability to see…
“If Allah Most High wills good for you, He will give you the ability to see your faults. Looking at yourself with an eye of satisfaction is the height of foolishness and the epitome of ignorance.”
8 Sins of Tongue?
Lying, Breaking promise, Backbiting, Arguing, Praising myself, Cursing, Supplicating/Dua against others, Mockery
Why leave arguing?
Get a house in paradise if I stop arguing, or a house in the highest part of paradise if I stop arguing even though I was correct! Satan makes you a fool, when you argue for the truth with someone who you know will reject the truth.
How can I understand how despicable a sin is?
Imagine others doing the sin and see how you are disgusted by the act, your dislike of the person. You cannot know the ugliness of your own faults except by seeing them in others.
Is it okay to accept money from someone who has haram income?
If you have certainty their money is unlawful, then can’t accept the money. If you have doubt, then it’s not your job to verify.
How to protect tongue from haram?
Don’t type anything negative about others!
How to protect feet from haram?
Do not humble yourself to wealthy person with purpose of benefitting from their wealth!
Define these 3 diseases of the heart: Envy: Ostentation: Conceit/Arrogance:
Envy: wanting another to lose a blessing; Ostentation: Seeking a place in the hearts of people for the sake of fame; Conceit/Arrogance: Looking at oneself with the eye of honor, and looking at others with the eye of lowliness
Sign of an arrogant person as a warner and warned? As a warner…, As a warned…,
As a warner, he is aggressive. As a warned, he rejects advice and gets offended
Hadith: what are the three destroyers, in English? ثلاث مهلكات: شح مطاع، وهوى متبع، وإعجاب المرء بنف
ثلاث مهلكات: شح مطاع، وهوى متبع، وإعجاب المرء بنفسه; Three destroyers: greed that is followed, desires that are obeyed, impressed with one self
What is the root cause of every disease of the heart?
Love of this world! Hadith: حب الدنيا رأس كل خطيئة
How do we view the dunya in a balanced manner, in English? الدنيا مزرعة الاخرة
الدنيا مزرعة الاخرة; This world is a field we may cultivate for the afterlife.
Hadith Qudsi Translate:أنا جليس من ذكرني
I’m the companion of the one who remembers Me.
Hadith Qudsi Translate:أنا عند المنكسرة قلوبهم من اجلي
I am with the broken-hearted for my sake.
Definition of Tawakkul?
Action of the limbs, serenity of the heart.
5 qualities to look for in a friend:
Intelligent (wise), Character Adab, Upright Religion, Not in love with Dunya, Honest
Write the 5 Maxims in Arabic & English.
Matters will be judged by their purposes
الأمور بمقاصدها
Certainty will not be overturned by doubt
اليقين لا يزول بالشك
Harm must be removed
الضرر يزال
Hardship must be alleviated
العسر يجلب التيسير
Custom has the weight of the law
العادة محكمة
What are the 2 types of obligations? Differences?
Fard ‘Ayn & Fard Kifaya. Personal Obligations & Communal Obligations. A personal obligation must be fulfilled by every mukallaf Muslim. A communal obligation must be fulfilled by someone (not everyone).
What is “Waqf” and explain!
Endowment funds. Capital (money or property) is invested. The profit is used to support a specific cause. These upheld the Muslim civilization (but they were lost or stolen at the collapse of the Muslim civilization). We must rebuild them!
What are the 5 “Maqasid” and define “maqasid”
These are the 5 objectives of Islamic Law. In order: preserving religion, life, intellect, property, family.
What are the terms for the 3 priorities in Arabic & English?
Daruriyyat, Hajiyyat, Tahseeniyyat. Necessities, Needs, Beautifications. For example: house, washing machine, and chandalier.
Define altruism.
Selfless concern for others.
Translate Etiquette of Disagreement to Arabic and explain.
Adab-ul Ikhtilaf. Even when we disagree, we do so with proper manners.
Hadith: what happens when we abandon an argument?
God replaces it with a house in paradise. And if one is correct and still abandons the argument, God replaces it with a house in the highest levels of paradise.
Translate & Explain: المختلف فيه لا ينكر
The disagreed-upon shall not be discredited. This means that if others are different valid opinions, then we should not oppose such opinions.
Define “Scrupulousness” in English, and write the term in Arabic.
ورع. It is being careful and avoiding the doubtful
What are the two types of assumptions? In Arabic and English.
سوء الظن & حسن الظن. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt and 70 excuses, or not
Explain استصحاب in English and provide 3 examples.
Presumption of continuity. We presume someone is innocent (not guilty), something is pure (not impure), and something is halal (not haram).
Why is indifference to beauty tantamount to indifference to the divine?
Not knowing the difference between beauty and ugliness, may lead to not knowing the difference between truth & falsehood!
What is the difference between true beauty and false beauty?
True Beauty: timeless & tranquil; False Beauty: imbalanced, dissonance, chaotic
What is the difference between sacred art and religious art?
They both often share the same substance; however, the form could be very different. Sacred art inspires tawhid through symmetry & harmony. Religious art is not necessarily symmetrical or harmonious, even though it contains religious symbols.
Provide 2 examples demonstrating that Allah cares about form & substance?
Qur’an: lofty ideas & melodious tunes; Beloved Messenger (S); Friday Sunnah / Cleanliness
What is the most important class at ILM Tree & why?
(hint: think about grave)
- Explain these terms:
- Conform vs Non-conform
- Consciously vs Sub-consciously
- Paradigm
a. We copy or we don’t copy.
b. We copy on purpose, or we copy without noticing that we’re copying.
c. A way to see the world. Like red sunglasses will make everything red.
- Explain:
- Isolation
- Integration (give an example)
- Assimilation
- Inferiority Complex
a. Hiding our Muslim identity in America
b. Choosing what to accept/reject from American ways
c. Copying everything from American culture (camouflaging and hiding our Muslim identity)
d. Having a feeling that everything “American” is better than everything “Muslim”
We are practicing the Sunnah of Propet Nuh (A) when he built a boat in a desert. Explain.
Our boat is Islam. When Prophet Nuh (A) built the boat in the desert he was mocked. Eventually everyone on the boat was saved, and the mockers drowned. Today our boat is Islam and others will mock our boat. We will stay on the boat of Islam in this desert of godlessness and be saved in sha Allah when our boat docks in paradise.
What are the 3 dimensions? Define. Where are they located? What is the name of the science to study each dimension. What happens if we neglect each dimension?
- Islam. Goodness. Actions of the Body. Fiqh (Islamic Law). If we neglect, we can’t prove our submission to God, and we submit to our ego instead of to Allah. 2. Iman. Truth. Beliefs of the Mind. Aqidah (theology). If we neglect, it becomes a culture instead of a religion. 3. Ihsan. Beauty. Character of the Heart/Soul. Tazkiya/Tasawwuf (virtue). If we neglect, religion becomes dry, rigid, and just a bunch of rules.
Have you re-read how to be a lady/gentleman?
If not, re-read and live. You will shine with light (God-willing).