7Cs of communication Flashcards
- This is communicating what you want to convey using the least possible words.
- The message is complete without being too wordy.
- It prevents confusion and grabs audience attention.
Features of conciseness
- The message is non-repetitive in nature.
- It is more appealing and comprehensible to the audience.
- Provides short and essential messages while limiting word usage.
- It avoids using excessive and needless words and underlines/ highlights the main message.
The use of unnecessary words and is thus the opposite of conciseness.
Eliminating superfluous
- Avoid using double negatives
- Be careful when using abbreviations
- Beware of phrases that repeat themselves
- Use intensifiers appropriately
- Avoid plagues - words that do not add meaning to a sentence
- Avoid clichés - phrases used to show lack of original thoughts
- Use active voice
- Use the ‘less is more’ rule
- Completeness
- Involves the use of 5W & H.
- Have all the facts required for the intended receiver to understand the message
- The sender should consider the receiver’s mindset
- Importance: Increases reputation, better decision making, saves costs, informative and persuasive
- Concreteness
- Messages that are specific, definitive and to the point
- Eliminates room for misinterpretation
Characteristics of concrete messages
- Denotative words are used instead of connotative words.
- Messages are specific
- Simple words are used
- Messages are straight to the point and exact
How to achieve concreteness
- Use specific facts and figures
- Avoid uncertainty
- Choose simple image building words
- Use denotative words
- Clarity
- The quality of being logical and easily understood
- Characteristics: explicitness, short sentences and concrete words
Ways of achieving of clarity
- Know your point
- Be specific
- Focus on individual’s behavior and avoid making slanderous remarks when offering feedback.
Importance of clarity
- Enables understanding of the message.
- Reduces noise
- Eases relations between sender and receiver.
Tips on improving clarity
- Consider your audience.
- Say exactly what you mean.
- Avoid jargon.
- Keep it short and simple.
- Choose the right medium for the message.
- Over-communicate where necessary.
- Consideration
- This means preparing every message with the message receivers in mind
Ways to show consideration
-Having a considerate perspective:
1.Putting yourself in other’s shoes.
2. Anticipate the needs of others.
3. Think of other people when in public.
4. Think of people’s financial situations as well
Being considerate in a conversation:
5. Choose your timing carefully
6. Choose your words carefully
7. Avoid monopolizing conversation
8. Thank people often
9. Apologize when you have made a mistake
10. Be tactful
Acting considerately:
11. Do nice things for people when they need help
12. Have good manners
14.Be punctual
15.Do random acts of kindness
16.Keep your place or spot clean
Tips to have a considerate personality
- Go out of your way to help people
- Practice more often. Practice makes perfect (almost perfect)
- Ask how one is feeling more often instead for personalizing yourself.
- However do not let people take advantage of your kind acts.
- Correctness
- Refers to both factual and linguistic accuracy. All the information you provide needs to stem from valid, reliable, and credible sources that can be located.
Characteristics of correctness
- The message is exact, correct and well-timed.
- If the communication is correct, it boosts up the confidence level.
- Correct message has greater impact on the audience/readers.
- It checks for the precision and accurateness of facts and figures used in the message.
- It makes use of appropriate and correct language in the message.
- Use the right level language of language
- Check accuracy of figures, facts and words.
- Maintain acceptable writing mechanics.
Factors that affect accuracy
- Lack research
- Perception.
- Complexity of the message chain
- Cultural variables.
- Environmental factors.
- Prejudice.
Conducting accuracy checks
- Developing listening skills
- Read widely and comprehensively
- Proofreading
- Seek clarification when in doubt
Importance of double checking
- You’ll Get Second and Third Opinions.
- Will Help You know how to Reach People.
- Experience Matters (it helps you get familiar with your work).
- Thorough and Precise(computer do not put sophisticated correction ).
- Courtesy
- The showing of politeness in one’s attitude and behavior towards others.
- Courtesy involves being aware of not only of the perspectives of others, but their feelings as well.
How can we show courtesy
- Show respect for others.
- Always apologize when you do something wrong.
- When someone is having a conversation, do not interrupt.
- When you change your plans, let others know.
- Respect the needs of others in public.
- Never embarrass another person.
- When refusing an invitation, be kind an honest.
- Respect your elders.
A courteous tone
- Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful and appreciative.
- Use expressions that show respect.
- Use non-discriminatory expressions
Having or showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues.