7.7 : Changes as a Result of the World Economy (Pgs. 496-504) Flashcards
Contracting work to non-company employees or other companies.
Tertiary and quaternary sector companies move their back offices to other countries.
New International Division of Labor
A changed system of employment in the various economic sectors throughout the world.
^ Basic vs. Non-Basic Economic Activity
Basic: actions that create new wealth for a region
Non-basic: Does not generate new money for the area. Allows for recirculation of the existing money in the area.
Transnational/Multinational Corporations
Businesses that operate in multiple countries.
Export Processing Zones (EPZ)
Special manufacturing zones.
Special Economic Zones (SEZ)
Allow easy access to international markets.
Minimize transportation costs into the U.S.
Free-trade Zones
Locations where a foreign company can store, warehouse, transfer, or process without additional taxation or duties if goods are exported.
Postindustrial Economy
A country that no longer employs large numbers of people in factories but has people who provide services and process information.
Assembly Line
Where an item is moved from worker to worker, with each repeatedly performing the same task.
The system of mass production. Changed manufacturing and became standard practice across industries.
Substitute Principle
In which businesses maximize profit by substituting one factor of production for another.
The remaining workers are often trained to do more than one job, so they can rotate among a few different workstations during a day, reducing the risk of injuries.
Economies of scale
Allows owners to increase output with improved efficiency.
Just-in-Time Delivery
A system in which the inputs in the assembly process arrive at the assembly location when they are needed.
Locational Interdependence
The location decision for one factory is dependent upon the location of other related factories.
A hub for information-based industry and high-tech manufacturing.
Growth Poles (Growth Centers)
The concentration of high-value economic development in the growth pole attracts even more economic development.
Spin-off Benefits (Spread Effects)
Positive economic outcomes beyond the growth pole.
Backwash Effects
Negative effects on one region that result from economic growth in another region.
Corporate Parks (Business Parks)
As a result of this growth, office buildings and other commercial space are more likely to be evident on the landscape.