7.5 The Responsibilites of the Judge and Jury Flashcards
Who are the 4 key personnel involved in a civil trial?
the judge
the jury
the parties (plaintiff and the defendant)
the legal practitioners
What are the responsibilities of the judge?
- manage the trial
- deicide on the admissibility of evidence
- attend to the jury if there is one
- determine liability and the remedy
- decide on costs
What does it mean to “manage the trial”?
- judges have significant powers of case management to make sure that the trial is conducted in a just, timely and effcient manner
What does it mean to “decide on the admissibility of evidence”?
- judges in a civil trial are responsible for deciding which evidence is to be permitted under the rules, and can exclude evidence from the trial
- this ensures fairness in evidence
What does it mean to “attend to the jury”
- judge may need to address the jury during the trial, give directions and sum up the case
What does it mean to “determine liability and the remedy”?
- if there is no jury, the judge must decide whether the plaintiff has established their claim against the defendant
What does it mean to “decide on costs”?
- judge will decide on which party should bear the costs
When is a jury used in civil trials?
- the defendant or the plaintiff during the pleadings stage that they wish to be tried by a jury (jury must be paid by party), jury can be overturned by court decision
- the court may order that a proceeding be tried with a jury, though it is rare
What are the responsibilities of a jury in a civil trial?
- be objective
- listen to and remember the evidence
- understand directions and sum up
- decide on liability and in some cases damages
What does it mean to “be objective”?
- the jury must be unbiased and bring an open mind
- put aside any prejudices or ideas
- no connection with any of the parties
What does it mean to “listen to and remember the evidence”?
- jurors can take notes to help them remember information, as evidence can be very complex
- cannot conduct outside research
How does the responsibilities of judges uphold the principles of justice?
- judge is impartial
- both parties receive no help from the judge
How do the responsibilities of judges not uphold the principles of justice?
- the judge is unable to help unrepresented parties, putting them at a huge disadvantage
How do the judge’s responsibilities uphold fairness?
- The judge is impartial, ensuring the trial can be conducted without bias, and decisions are made on law and fact alone
How do the judge’s responsibilities not uphold fairness?
- they have limited ability to help parties without legal representation which can lead to an unfair outcome
- there is a potential personal bias that can occur
How do the judge’s responsibilities uphold equality?
- judges ensure the rules of evidence and procedure apply equally to all parties
How do the judge’s responsibilities uphold access?
- judges have the ability in civil trials to actively manage proceedings minimising costs in civil trials