7.5 Pleura Flashcards
Describe the anatomy of the pleura.
Pleurae refer to the serous membranes covering the lung, mediastinum,
diaphragm, and the inside of the chest wall.
Two layers, visceral and parietal membranes, meet at the lung hilum.
- Visceral:
attached closely and adheres to the whole surface of the lung,
enveloping the interlobar fissures. - Parietal:
the outer layer, which is attached to the chest wall and the
diaphragm and named as mediastinal, diaphragmatic, costal and cervical
pleura, as per the association with the adjacent structures.
The potential space between the two layers is called pleural space and is
filled with a small amount of fluid amounting to around 0.2 mL/kg (5–10 mL).
This is determined by the net result of opposing Starling’s hydrostatic and
oncotic forces and lymphatic drainage.
Pleural fluid as little as 1 mL serves as a lubricant and decreases friction between the pleurae during respiration.
What are the constituents of pleural fluid?
- Clear ultrafiltrate of plasma
- Quantity: 0.2 mL/kg (8.4+/– 4.3 mL)
- Cellular contents: 75% macrophages, 25% lymphocytes
- Biochemistry:
Compared to plasma,
the pleural fluid is alkaline (pH @ 7.6)
and has higher albumin content but
lower sodium,
and LDH contents.
What is the blood supply of pleura?
- Visceral pleura is supplied by the bronchial arteries and drains into the
pulmonary veins. - Parietal pleura gets its supply from systemic capillaries
internal mammary
Venous drainage is via the
intercostal veins
azygos veins,
finally draining into the
SVC and IVC.
How is pleura innervated?
The visceral pleura do not have pain fibres
is supplied by the
pulmonary branch of vagus nerve
the sympathetic trunk.
The parietal pleura receives
extensive innervation:
somatic intercostal
phrenic nerves.
Explain the starling’s forces and describe the pathogenesis of pleural effusion.
The movement of pleural fluid
between the pleural capillaries and the
pleural space is governed by
Starling’s law of transcapillary exchange.
Net filtration = Kf [(Pc − Pi) − σ(πc − πi)]
What do the elements of Net filtration equation mean
Net filtration = Kf [(Pc − Pi) − σ(πc − πi)]
Kf: filtration coefficient and is dependent on the area of the capillary walls and
the permeability to water..
σ: reflection coefficient and is the ability of the membrane to restrict passage
of proteins.
Pc and Pi: Hydrostatic pressure in capillary and interstitium respectively.
πc and πi: osmotic pressure in capillary and interstitium respectively.
Pathogenesis of pleural effusion
- increased formation
- Decreased reabsorption
increased formation
- Increased interstitial fluid in the lung: LVF, PE, ARDS
- Increased pressure in capillaries: LVF/RVF, SVC syndrome, pericardial
effusion - Increased interstitial pressure: para pneumonic effusion
- Decreased pleural pressure: lung atelectasis
- Increased fluid in peritoneal cavity: ascites, peritoneal dialysis
Decreased reabsorption
- Obstruction of lymphatics: pleural malignancy
- Increased systemic vascular pressures: SVC syndrome and RVF
How to differentiate an exudate from transudate
Light’s criteria differentiates an exudate from transudate.
The pleural fluid is an exudate if one or more of the following criteria are met:
- Pleural fluid: serum protein > 0.5
- Pleural fluid: serum LDH > 0.6
- Pleural fluid LDH more than two-thirds the upper limits of normal serum LDH
Due to local pleural and pulmonary disease
* Malignancy
* Parapneumonic effusions
* Pulmonary infarction
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Autoimmune diseases
* Pancreatitis
* Postmyocardial infarction syndrome
Due to systemic factors that influence the formation and reabsorption of pleural fluid
* Left ventricular failure
* Liver cirrhosis
* Hypoalbuminaemia
* Peritoneal dialysis
* Nephrotic syndrome
* Mitral stenosis
* Pulmonary embolism
What drugs are known to cause pleural effusions?
- Amiodarone
- Phenytoin
- Methotrexate
- Carbamazepine
- Propylthiouracil
- Penicillamine
- Cyclophosphamide
- Bromocriptine
What are the effects of pneumothorax on pleural pressure?
Basic concepts
- At FRC, due to the tendency of the lung to collapse and the chest wall
to expand, the pleural pressure is maintained negative.
This negative pressure holds the alveoli open.
- Also due to gravity, the pleural pressure at the base
of the lung is higher than that at the apex (more negative at the apex).
If chest wall is pierced (open pneumothorax)
or the visceral pleura is breached (closed pneumothorax),
air leaks into the pleural cavity causing a pneumothorax
until the pressure gradient no longer exists.
Because the thoracic cavity is below its resting volume
and lung above its resting volume,
with a pneumothorax,
the thoracic cavity enlarges and the lung becomes
smaller and hence collapses.
The pleural pressure is same throughout the entire pleural space,
as per point (2), with the upper lobe being more affected than the lower lobe.
In tension pneumothorax, air enters into the pleural cavity with inspiration
but cannot leave due to a flap of tissue acting as a one-way valve.
The developed pressure collapses the affected lung
if high enough can cause a mediastinal shift.
What are the indications of intercostal drain in pneumothorax and pleural effusions?
* In any ventilated patient
* Tension pneumothorax after initial decompression
* Persistent or recurrent pneumothorax
Pleural effusion
* Large and symptomatic effusion
- Malignant pleural effusion, chylothorax
- Traumatic haemo pneumothorax
- Empyema
- Postoperative, for example,
thoracotomy, oesophagectomy, cardiac surgery
What is the role of ultrasound in chest drain insertion?
Pleural procedures and thoracic ultrasound:
British Thoracic Society Pleural disease guideline 2010.
Ultrasound-guided pleural aspiration is strongly recommended to
increase success rates and reduce the risk of complications, particularly
pneumothoraces and inadvertent organ puncture, and may not decrease the
incidence of laceration of the intercostal vessels.
The evidence concludes that site selection for all pleural aspiration should be
ultrasound-guided, with more emphasis when aspirating small or loculated
pleural effusions or when a clinically guided attempt has been unsuccessful.
Describe the anatomy relevant to the insertion of chest drain.
- Site
- Intercostal space
- Direction of the drain
- Chest drainage system
- One bottle
- Two Bottle
- Three bottle
- Site
Safe triangle is bounded by the
pectoralis major anteriorly,
latissimus dorsi laterally,
fifth intercostal space inferiorly.
The base of the axilla forms the apex of the triangle.
This area is considered safe as it minimises risk
to the underlying viscera, muscles, and internal mammary artery.
Also the diaphragm rises to the fifth rib on expiration, and thus chest drains should be
placed above this level.
occasionally the second intercostal space in the mid-clavicular line is chosen
especially for apical pneumothorax, but its routine use is not recommended
because of damage to internal mammary vessels.
If the drain is to be inserted into a loculated pleural collection, the site of
puncture will be determined by imaging.
- Intercostal space
The neurovascular bundle is situated between the internal and innermost
intercostal muscles at the lower border of the rib.
So to avoid the vessels, the needle is inserted in the space just above the rib.
- Direction of the drain
Ideally the tip of the tube should be aimed apically to drain air and basally
for fluid, but successful drainage can still be achieved when the drain is not
placed in an ideal position
- Chest drainage system
Chest drain is connected to a drainage system
containing a valve mechanism to prevent fluid
air from entering the pleural cavity.
This is usually achieved by a Heimlich valve
underwater seal system.
In patients breathing spontaneously,
the air/fluid is expelled during expiration
whilst in IPPV the air/fluid exits in inspiration.
- 1-bottle system
Used in drainage of simple pneumothoraces.
When patient inspires, water in the bottle is drawn up the tube to a height
equal to the negative intrathoracic pressure. So the collection bottle is
placed at least 100 cm below the patient’s chest to prevent water from being
sucked back up.
The length of the tube under water should be limited to 2–3 cm to reduce
any resistance to air drainage. See Figure 7.4.
- 2-bottle system
In chest drains inserted for pleural effusion,
the draining fluid might increase the depth
in the bottle and increase the resistance to air flow.
The first stage acts as a fluid drainage bottle,
the second stage then functions as an underwater seal
that is not affected by the amount of fluid collecting in the
first chamber.
See Figure 7.5.
- 3-bottle system
If suction is required in case of persistent pneumothorax,
this is provided by the use of underwater seal
at the level of 10–20 cm H2o or the application
of a low-pressure suction adapter.
The depth of the fluid in the third bottle determines
the amount of negative pressure that can be transmitted to the
To obtain a suction of 20 cm H2o,
the tip of the tube should be 20 cm
below the surface of fluid.