75. CNS Infections Flashcards
What are the different manifestations and causes of neurocystocercosis?
Consumption of food/water contaminated with human feces = ingest eggs - become cysts in CNS
consume raw/undercooked pork = ingest cysts - become tapeworms
Pathogenesis of Meningitis (3)
- Hematogenous Dissemination: Bacteremia to choroid plexus and crosses BBB (no humoral immunity in subarachnoid space)
- Contiguous Spread: from sphenoid sinusitis to cavernous sinus (cavernous sinus thrombosis and meningitis)
- Neuronal Transmission: reactivation/spread of HSV 2 from sensory root ganglia - follow axons to subarachnoid space (aseptic meningitis)
CP, CSF findings of Bacterial Meningitis
Typical Bacteria involved
CSF: high proteins, low Glucose, high WBC, high PMNs
S. pneumonia - G+ lancet shaped diplococci
N. meningitidis - G- diplococci
Listeria monocytogenes - G- rods in chains
Aseptic Meningitis
- etiology
- CP
- CSF findings
ENTEROVIRUS (other: arbovirus, west nile virus, HSV 2, HIV, Syphilis)
CP: photophobia, headache, fever (no focal neuro sx)
CSF: low protein, normal glucose, high WBC, high lymphs
Subacute/Chronic Meningitis
- etiology
- CP
- CSF findings
TB, Syphilis, Sarcoidosis, Neoplasm, Fungus
CP: sx for weeks
CSF: high protein, low glucose, high WBC, high lymphs
Main cause of Encephalitis
- etiology
- sx
- dx
- tx
- pathogenesis
HSV 1 Encephalitis
- fever, FOCAL encephalopathy (focal neuro sx)
Path: Reactivation of latent HSV in trigeminal nerve root ganglion - ascends via retrograde spread to temporal cortex/limbic system - spreads cell-to-cell causing necrosis
HSV 1 -> Poor prognosis encephalitis
HSV 2 -> benign, recurring meningitis
Pathogenesis of Encephalitis
CP of Encephalitis
- Hematogenous - from resp tract, GI, subQ tissue
- Neuronal Transport
CP: fever, headache, altered consciousness
Brain Abscess
- pathogenesis
- CP
- Dx (what not to do)
- Etiology
- tx
PG: Hematogenous spread (follows infarction micro/macro of brain) - usually in grey/white junction [can be by contiguous spread following trauma]
CP: TRIAD - fever, HA, focal neuro deficit (due to location)
Dx: MRI > CT (dark center, enhanced rim) - NO LUMBAR PUNCTURE (risk herniation)
E: many types depending on source
tx: drainage and BROAD ABx (cultures often miss some pathogens)
Spinal Epidural Abscess
- sx
- late signs
Back pain, focal spinal tenderness, fever
late: LE weakness, loss of bladder control
Ciguatera Fish Poisoning
- what is the toxin
- sx
- where?
Foodborn toxin
Ciguatoxin - thermostable (cooking doesn’t help) Na Channel Activator produced by dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus (in reef fish)
sx: N/V, numbness, itching, hot/cold sensitivity, dizziness, weakness (varies by amount consumed, can last weeks-mo)
where: increasing worldwide due to climate change and water temps get warm