7.2 Medical Training Duties Flashcards
Indoc Training
Onboard medical/dental services Prevention of disease Prevention of injury Ashore medical facilities Emergency medical facilities Medical training requirements Hearing conservation and heat stress TRICARE program
Training and planning implementation
Run by XO
SMDR is resource for medical training
Submitted to TRAINO
How many people are assigned to BDS?
4 non-medical
1 phone talker
How often is stretcher bearers training?
Every 2 weeks
How soon must the medical PQS be completed?
6 months after checking in board
HM strikers can not be assigned what
Professional or technical duties
Long Range Training Plan
List of training events, drills, evolutions, lectures, GMTs
12 months
Short Range Training Plan
derived from LRTP
3 months
Construction of LRTP
List ships divisions and departments
List training topics
List periodicity of topics
List contingencies for missed training
Briefing requirements
Medical training team
Trusted agent
Watch standers
MTT Brief