7.2 Bacterial Classification Flashcards
Bacteria are classified into how many major groups based on genetic similarities?
a) 2
b) 5
c) 8
d) 10
What is the main characteristic used to differentiate Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria?
a) Cell size
b) Flagella presence
c) Cell wall structure
d) Nucleus structure
Which bacterial group is known for its wavy, spiral structure?
a) Proteobacteria
b) Spirochetes
c) Chlamydias
d) Cyanobacteria
Cyanobacteria are often referred to as:
a) Red algae
b) Blue-green algae
c) Brown algae
d) Green algae
What is the primary characteristic that distinguishes Green Sulfur Bacteria?
a) Aerobic phototrophy
b) Production of oxygen during photosynthesis
c) Utilization of sulfide or sulfur for photosynthesis
d) Lack of chlorosomes in their cells
What is the primary function of the carboxysome in cyanobacteria?
a) Photosynthesis
b) Nitrogen fixation
c) Carbon dioxide fixation
d) Oxygen production
Which bacterial group includes species capable of causing diarrhea in humans?
a) Alpha Proteobacteria
b) Beta Proteobacteria
c) Gamma Proteobacteria
d) Delta Proteobacteria
Gram-positive bacteria have a cell wall composed mainly of:
a) Peptidoglycan
b) Lipopolysaccharides
c) Cellulose
d) Chitin
What is a unique characteristic of spirochetes?
a) Flagella located outside the cellular body
b) Lack of flagella
c) Flagella located in the periplasm
d) Flagella used for external fluid interaction
What is the smallest group of Proteobacteria?
a) Alpha Proteobacteria
b) Beta Proteobacteria
c) Gamma Proteobacteria
d) Epsilon Proteobacteria
What is the characteristic shape of bacteria that are classified as cocci?
a) Rods
b) Spirals
c) Spheres
d) Cubes
Which bacterial group is intracellular obligate parasites of animals and humans?
a) Proteobacteria
b) Chlamydias
c) Spirochetes
d) Cyanobacteria
Which bacterial group is characterized by the absence of nuclei and membrane-bound organelles?
a) Archaea
b) Eukaryotes
c) Prokaryotes
d) Viruses
What is the name of the unique cellular envelope found in thermophilic bacteria known as Thermotogae?
a) Capsule
b) Toga
c) Coccus
d) Peptidoglycan
Which bacterial group includes species that are often used as vectors in genetic engineering?
a) Alpha Proteobacteria
b) Beta Proteobacteria
c) Gamma Proteobacteria
d) Delta Proteobacteria
What bacterial group is widely studied for its potential use in biofuel production?
a) Chlamydias
b) Spirochetes
c) Cyanobacteria
d) Gram-positive bacteria
Which bacterial group is found in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals, forming mutualistic relationships with hosts?
a) Bacteroidetes
b) Thermotogae
c) Green Sulfur Bacteria
d) Green Non-Sulfur Bacteria
What is the primary pigment used by green sulfur bacteria for photosynthesis?
a) Chlorophyll
b) Bacteriochlorophyll
c) Phycoerythrin
d) Phycocyanin
Which bacterial group is characterized by its ability to fix nitrogen?
a) Alpha Proteobacteria
b) Beta Proteobacteria
c) Gamma Proteobacteria
d) Cyanobacteria
What is the function of the light-trapping organelles called chlorosomes in green sulfur bacteria?
a) Oxygen production
b) Carbon dioxide fixation
c) Photosynthesis using sulfide or sulfur
d) Locomotion
What is the function of the light-trapping organelles called chlorosomes in green sulfur bacteria?
a) Oxygen production
b) Carbon dioxide fixation
c) Photosynthesis using sulfide or sulfur
d) Locomotion
What is the main characteristic of green non-sulfur bacteria that distinguishes them from green sulfur bacteria?
a) Type of electron acceptor used in photosynthesis
b) Presence of flagella
c) Gliding motion for locomotion
d) Ability to produce oxygen during photosynthesis
Which bacterial group is known for its spiral or curve-shaped members that are pathogenic to animals and humans?
a) Alpha Proteobacteria
b) Beta Proteobacteria
c) Gamma Proteobacteria
d) Epsilon Proteobacteria
What is the primary structure of the cell wall in Gram-positive bacteria?
a) Outer membrane
b) Peptidoglycan layer
c) Lipopolysaccharides
d) Cellulose
What is the characteristic arrangement of cocci in Streptococcus bacteria?
a) Pairs
b) Chains
c) Packets of four
d) Irregular clusters
What is the primary function of Gram-positive bacteria’s exposed peptidoglycan layer?
a) Oxygen production
b) Carbon dioxide fixation
c) Nitrogen fixation
d) Easily penetrated by antibiotics
Which bacterial group is characterized by the absence of flagella for locomotion but can move through a gliding motion?
a) Thermotogae
b) Green Sulfur Bacteria
c) Green Non-Sulfur Bacteria
d) Bacteroidetes
What is a unique characteristic of Green Sulfur Bacteria?
a) Aerobic phototrophy
b) Production of oxygen during photosynthesis
c) Utilization of sulfide or sulfur for photosynthesis
d) Lack of chlorosomes in their cells