who invented gram staining method? developed when?
Christian Gram; 1884
crystal violet
hexamethyl-p-rosanaline chloride
function of crystal violet
color all cells and background material deep blue
function of Gram’s iodine
large iodine material REPLACE smaller chloride in stain molecule
bacteria thick celled walles contain
teichoic acid
gram-positive bacteria retain what dye complex?
crystal violet-iodine dye complex
bacteria w thin celled walls contains
this decolorizer damages thin lipid walls and allows the stain complex to wash out
alcohol-acetone decolorizer
unstained elements are counterstained RED by
safranin dye
differential ability of gram stain makes it useful for
microbial taxonomy
gram stain is used routinely forbthe primary micicroscopic examinatioj of specimens submitted for
smear and culture
gram staining is used when - infection is strongly suspected
bacterial infections
ex. routinely stained directly
- Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
- Sterile fluid
- Wounds
- Exudates
- Expectorated sputum
- Bronchoalveolar lavages
ex. routinely stained NOT directly
urine and stool
samples sent for — are usually NOT STAINED
focused screening cultures
gram stain is used to characterize
bacteria growing on culture media
adherence can be improved by (2 ways)
- fixation in 70-95% alcohol
- warming the slide to remove all water from the material
examine stained smear using
- low power objective
stained smear is examined closely using
40-60 oil objective
suspicious areas of stained smear are evaluated using
100 oil objective
gram (+) stain
deep blue to blue black
gram (-) stain [other elements]
safranin red
individual structures absorb diff amounts of safranin- so they can be described as either
- prominent staining (strong avidity)
- weakly stained (low avidity)
gram negative: enteric
strong avidity, stain bright red
gram negative: pseudomonads
less avid, stain moderately well
thin walled gram-negative organisms taht are stained WEAKLY
- Legionella spp.
- Anaerobic bacilli
- Borrelia spp.
- Spirilum spp.
used to wash away the crystal violet (no water rinse)
dilute iodine solution
a more rapid decolorizer
used to decolorize the slide
acetone or absolute alcohol (or mixture of both)
anaerobes stain better w
dilute carbolfuchsin (1 min)
anaerobes is flooded w — for 30 sec to 1 min
dilute carbolfuchsin
neutral red
most commonly used stain in the clin microbiology lab
gram stain
2 main groups of bacteria
gram positive (blue to purple)
gram negative (pink)
determines the gram-staining characteristics if a specis
cell wall structure
4 sequential components
-crystal violet (primary stain,1 min)
-iodine (mordant or fixative, 1 min)
-alcohol or alcohol acetone sol. (decolorizer quick on then rinse)
-safranin (counterstain 30 sec)
used for rinsing between each sequential step
cells in direct smear that appear pink (gram negative)
Epithelial cells
Amorphous background material
cells in direct smear that appear pink (gram negative)
Epithelial cells