词语 71-106 Flashcards
好逸恶劳 (hǎo yì wú láo)
love ease and hate work
鹤立鸡群 (hé lì jī qún)
superior,way above the common
狐假虎威 (hú jiǎ hǔ wēi)
bully/intimidate people using one’s powerful connections
囫囵吞枣 (hú lùn tūn zǎo)
to accept information without properly understanding/digesting it
胡作非为 (hú zuò fēi wéi)
commit all kinds of outrages, act in defiance of the law
花言巧语 (huā yán qiào yǔ)
beautiful and elegant but insincere words
画龙点睛 (huà lóng diǎn jīng)
add the vital finishing touches
画蛇添足 (huà shé tiān zú)
overdo smth / ruin smth by overdoing it
诲人不倦 (huǐ rén bù juàn)
never tire of teaching others
豁然开朗 (huò rán kāi lǎng)
恍然大悟,be suddenly enlightened
混水摸鱼 (hùn shuǐ mō yú)
take advantage of a crisis for personal gain
家喻户晓 (jiā yù hù xiǎo)
well known/known by all/ household name
见仁见智 (jiàn rén jiànzhī)
opinions differ
见义勇为 (jiàn yì yǒng wéi)
see what is right and act courageously
捷足先登 (jié zú xiān dēng)
early bird gets the worm / first come, first serve