词语 139-158 Flashcards
人云亦云 (rén yún yì yún)
echo what others say, dont have your own opinions
如火如荼 (rú huô rú tú)
big scale and active
如释重负 (rú shì zhòng fù)
big sigh of relief
塞翁失马 (sài wēng shī mâ)
blessing in disguise
三思而行 (sān sī ér xíng)
think before you act
杀鸡儆猴 (shā jī jîng hóu)
to punish an individual as an example to others
伤天害理 (shāng tiān hài lî)
outrageous acts
舍己为人 (shě jî wèi rén)
to sacrifice one’s own interest for other people
实事求是 (shí shì qíu shì)
follow the facts
事半功倍 (shí bàn gōng bèi)
get twice the result with half the effort, efficient
守望相助 (shôu wàng xiāng hù)
protect and help each other
熟能生巧 (shú néng shēng qiâo)
practice makes perfect
水到渠成 (shuî dào qú chéng)
when conditions are right, success will follow naturally
水落石出 (shuî luò shí chū)
the truth comes to light
司空见惯 (sī kōng jiàn guàn)
a common occurence