7.0 Security Classes Flashcards
What controls startup activities, menus, and Epic Menu options?
What kind of record does a user who is schedules with patients need?
A Provider record.
What kind of record controls details within activities like the tabs in Chart Review, or the
default report in SnapShot?
What to functionality like access to writing notes, adding diagnoses, and signing orders?
Access is controlled by records in the Security Class ﴾ECL﴿ master file.
What type of record changes a workspace based on context?
Workflow Engine Rule
Where do you link the record you wrote down above in order for it to impact a user? ﴾Hint:
this record contains hundreds of settings!﴿
Keys to pieces of Epic functionality.
Security points are individual keys to pieces of Epic functionality. Each activity ﴾like Chart Review﴿ is associated with one or more security points. Think of security types as baskets that hold different kinds of keys. You keep the different types of keys
separate since they unlock different types of things. Security types are associated with different types of products.
Why is having many types of security points is beneficial?
- The large number of security points that exist
- Current and future security changes.
- Ease of maintenance.
Security classes are like key rings. They are collections of security points. Users and user groups are associated with security classes.
Where is this security class record linked so that it impacts the correct group of users?
It is linked in a user template.
What function does security perform in Epic?
Security controls access to functionality‐ what a user is or is not allowed to do in the system.
Explain the difference between a security class and a security point.
A security point grants access to a single piece of functionality; it’s like a key. A security class is a collection of security points, like a key ring. Users are assigned a security class.
What security types does every user need? Choose all that apply.
In Basket, Reporting Workbench, and Shared
What is the difference between USER RECORDS (EMP) and PROVIDER RECORDS (SER)?
Everyone who logs in needs a user record, only users scheduled with patients need provider records.
True or false: a provider record is linked to a user record?
True; one and only one user record per provider record.
Which type of security class does every clinical use or need?
Epic care security class.
Which record can’t control details with an activities, such as the reports or preference list and end-user sees?
Profile (LPR) Record
Which type of security classes every clinical user in the hospital need
Impatient security class