7.0 Puberty Flashcards
What age is average for menarche in females?
13yrs old<br></br><br></br>Usually no egg present (anovulatory)
What is a sign of male puberty?
First ejaculation (often nocturnal)<br></br><br></br>Usually only seminal plasma with no spermatozoa
Define gonadarche:
Changes dependent on steroid hormones from gonads
Define adrenarche:
Changes dependent on steroid hormones from adrenal gland
What age do girls hit peak growth velocity?<br></br>What age do boys hit peak growth velocity?
Girls = 12 yrs<br></br>Boys = 14yrs
What explains the height difference between men and women?
Boys are older and taller at point of take off.<br></br><br></br>Amount grown during growth sprout is actually the same in males and females
Complete the blank:<br></br><br></br>Adult men have _____ times more lean body mass than women.<br></br><br></br>Adult women have _____ times more body fat than men.
Adult men have 1.5 times more lean body mass than women.<br></br><br></br>Adult women have 2 times more body fat than men.
How long after menarche do females experience their first ovulation?
Ranges from months → 2 years
When is adult stature reached in females?
When is adult stature reached in males?
What do testicular androgens cause in males?
1) Development of genitalia<br></br>2) Body hair<br></br>3) Enlargement of larynx and laryngeal muscles
What do ovarian oestrogens cause in females?
Development of breast and genitalia
What do ovarian and adrenal androgens cause in females?
Pubic + auxillary hair
When do testes descend from abdomen?
7-8th month in utero
What hormones control descent of testes?
1) Mullerian inhibitory substance (MIS)<br></br>2) Testosterone