7. Transfer Pricing Flashcards
What is a transfer price?
The price at which two division agree to transfer goods
What is the simplest way of dealing with transfer pricing between cost centres?
Transfer at cost (no profit making targets)
What are the 3 objectives of a successful transfer pricing system?
- Goal Congruence
- Autonomy
- Fair Performance Evaluation
What should a good transfer pricing system result in?
Optimum allocation of resources and motivation for divisional managers
What is the biggest conflict classically found in transfer pricing situations?
Goal congruence and autonomy
What is a perfect vs imperfect market?
Every item sells for the same vs to sell more, the price must be dropped
What are the 3 advantages of using a market price approach to transfer pricing?
- SD receives same return as through 3rd parties
- RD pays fair price based on market conditions
- Helps ensure goal congruence
What is the adjusted market price sometimes used in transfer pricing?
The market price less an adjustment to reflect savings on admin and distribution
What are the 2 main issues of using a market price approach to transfer pricing?
- There may be no external market (e.g. intermediary)
2. If SD is at full capacity, there may be other more profitable products it could sell to 3rd parties
What are the 2 advantages of using a standard cost approach to transfer pricing?
- SD has incentive to control their actual costs
2. RD knows in advance how much the items will cost
What is the main advantage of using a full cost approach to transfer pricing?
SD will cover all of their costs and so will want the transfer to happen
What is the main disadvantage of using a full cost approach to transfer pricing?
There is danger of dysfunctional decision making, as the SD may charge more than a 3rd party and thus encourage the RD to buy externally, leaving the group worse off overall
What is the main advantage of using a marginal cost approach to transfer pricing?
RD always makes the optimum guying decision from the groups perspective
What is the main disadvantage of using a marginal cost approach to transfer pricing?
SD does not earn any contribution towards its fixed costs and profitability, which is demotivational
In which situation is it particularly likely that dysfunctional decision making will occur?
If SD charges at full cost + markup