7 - The Constitutional Foundations of European Administration Flashcards
Outline of the lecture? (4)
1/ what is at stake in administrative law?
2/ delegated and implementing acts
3/ agency acts (Meroni vs ESMA)
4/ composite administrative procedures
What is a fundamental question with respect to administrative law?
How can we make sure, through the law, that when power is delegated, executives do not become so powerful as to become legislators themselves?
Evolution with respect to administrative law? (5)
1/ ancestors had a bad experience with monarchs and autocrats ruling authoritatively
2/ this led to democratic revolutions
3/ legislative bodies with representatives elected by the people set up to let people reign over their political community
4/ in late 19th and 20th centuries, legislators couldn’t handle the gvt of political communities anymore => reverse process occurred via which some powers were delegated back to the executive
5/ safeguards nowadays however exist to prevent the executive from becoming too powerful
What does the term ‘activities of the executive’ encompass? (2)
1/ administrative powers
2/ executive powers
What are the 2 executive forms of legislation in the EU?
1/ autonomous executive powers
2/ delegated executive powers (3 forms)
Examples of autonomous executive powers in the EU? (2)
1/ State aid
2/ competition law
What are the 3 forms of delegated executive powers?
1/ delegated acts (Art. 290 TFEU)
2/ implementing acts (Art. 291 TFEU)
3/ agency acts
How much of EU lawmaking is done via executive forms of legislation?
Characteristics of Article 290 TFEU? (5)
1/ delegation of powers to EC on the basis of an express legislative provision
2/ confers EC the power to supplement or amend provisions of original legislative act
3/ original legislative act must be adopted on basis of the OLP or a special legislative procedure
4/ delegated legislative act must not, as solely the EC acts
5/ delegated legislative act will be annexed to the original legislative act
Characteristics of Art. 291 TFEU? (2)
1/ allows EU legislator to transfer powers to the EU executive
2/ mainly covers instances in which uniform implementing measures are required
Differences between Arts. 290 and 291 TFEU? (4)
1/ Art. 290 gives the EC legislative powers (‘amend or supplement’ original legislative act)
2/ Art. 291 confers an executive power on the EC (‘uniform implementation measures’)
3/ Art. 290 requires EC to adopt measures based on a ‘legislative act’
4/ Art. 291 allows EC to adopt measures based on ‘legally binding Union acts’ (more broad)
What is the EC considered to adopt when acting under Article 290 TFEU? (2)
1/ a non-legislative act
2/ this results from the EU’s formal definition of ‘legislative acts’, requiring such acts to be adopted according to a legislative procedure
What does delegation of power from the legislative to the executive require?
Constitutional safeguards
What are the constitutional safeguards regarding delegated acts within the EU (Art. 290)? (4)
1/ EP and Council can revoke the delegation of power
2/ entry into force of delegated act is possible only if no objection of the EP and Council within defined time period
3/ possibility for EP and Council to bring an annulment action under Art. 263 TFEU
4/ EU legislator can only delegate ‘non-essential elements of the legislative act’
What did Schengen Borders Code make clear? (3)
1/ the ‘essential elements’ doctrine for delegated acts
2/ essential elements defined as ‘political choices falling within the responsibility of the EU legislator’
3/ moreover, if FR are at stake, the EU legislator must take the final decision
What is the reasoning behind the SBC decision? (2)
1/ CJEU set up limits to the powers that can be transferred to the EC (executive)
2/ this is aimed at protecting the EU legislator as the ultimate creator of sovereignty in the EU
Constitutional constraints for implementing acts (Art. 291)? (2)
1/ EP and Council are to lay down rules and gnl pcples concerning mechanisms for control by MS for the EC’s exercise of implementing powers
2/ see Comitology Regulation in this respect