11 - The Principle of Solidarity in EU Law (The Case of the CEAS) Flashcards
What are 2 questions linked to the principle of solidarity?
1/ is it a legal pcple?
2/ is it a GPEUL?
How can we rename this lecture and why? (4)
1/ in search of a legal pcple
2/ the making of a legal pcple
3/ no one agrees on what solidarity means
4/ no definitive answers yet
When did solidarity first appear in the EU? (3)
1/ see Schuman declaration (1950)
2/ mentions ‘de facto solidarity’
3/ bears the question of whether solidarity can be seen as one of the central values underpinning European integration
In which preambles was solidarity mentioned? (4)
1/ ECSC (1951) - ‘real solidarity’
2/ EEC (1957) - ‘solidarity which binds Europe and overseas countries’
3/ TEU (1992) - ‘solidarity between their peoples’
4/ Lisbon Treaty (2007) - ‘society’, ‘between generations’, ‘among MS’, ‘with the wider world’
How to define solidarity in the EU? Is it a legal concept? (3)
1/ substantive content
2/ addressees
3/ scope (preamble of the CFR)
What falls within the substantive content of solidarity? (5)
1/ money
2/ collective goods
3/ production
4/ security
5/ energy
Who can be addressees of solidarity at EU level? (4)
1/ MS
2/ citizens
3/ intra-State
4/ transnational
How does the preamble of the CFR relate to the scope of solidarity? (2)
1/ solidarity as ‘indivisible, universal value’
2/ imposes respect for national identities of MS and organisation of their public authorities at all levels
What is an essential question and unresolved dilemma with respect to solidarity?
How to preserve national solidarity and deepen+strengthen solidarity between and across citizens and MS?
In which Treaty provisions is solidarity mentioned? (3)
1/ TEU ‘common provisions’ - Arts. 2 and 3(3)(5)
2/ TEU, Title V on EU external action and CFSP - Arts. 21, 24(2)(3), 31 and 32
3/ TFEU, immigration energy, disasters - Arts. 67, 80, 122, 194, 222
What can be said about the argument of solidarity as a legal pcple? (3)
1/ we can speak about the dvpt of a legal pcple of solidarity
2/ CJEU has started referring to it in its case law
3/ see esp. GC (2019), CJEU (2021)
Findings of GC in T-883/16 (2019)? (4)
1/ ‘general pcple of solidarity’
2/ ‘at the basis of the whole Union system’
3/ ‘entails rights and obligations both for the EU and for the MS’
4/ however, GC does not expressly state that solidarity = legal pcple
Findings of CJEU in C-848/19P (2021)? (4)
1/ pcple of energy solidarity (Art. 194(1) TFEU) can ‘produce binding legal effects on the MS and institutions of the EU’
2/ pcple of energy solidarity forms ‘basis of all of the objectives of the EU’s energy policy’
3/ acts adopted by EU institutions must thus be ‘interpreted, and their legality assessed, in the light of the pcple of energy solidarity’
4/ this seems to imply that solidarity = legal pcple
Is solidarity in the EU variable according to context? (3)
1/ different rights and obligations
2/ constitutional implications
3/ what are the drivers of solidarity?
What are some of the potential drivers of solidarity? (5)
1/ agricultural policy
2/ cohesion policy
3/ free movement - equal treatment
4/ energy, security and civil protection (TFEU)
5/ asylum policy