7 - Strategic awareness & Staff Management Flashcards
What are the three core components of our Prevention First model?
- Deploy to beat demand
- Target the drivers of demand
- Mindset
Is Performance Management a disciplinary process?
No only when an employee has been unable or unwilling to improve to satisfaction following a performance improvement plan.
Five principles that underpin the Kia Tū policy are:
People centric
What is the NZ Police vision?
To be the safest country
What is Kia Tu policy and what is the purpose of the policy?
Kia Tu refers to unacceptable behavior in the workplace.
It is a new approach to preventing and addressing unacceptable behavior in Police
Our mission is to prevent crime through exceptional policing, What is the first Peelian Principle?
Prevent crime and disorder
Can employees directly report inappropriate behavior to the IPCA?
Yes if:
- They feel they are unable to report the behavior to anyone in the police or
- The behavior requires the immediate attention of the IPCA
Sec 9 - What are the functions of Police?
a) Keep the peace
b) Maintain public safety
c) Law enforcement
d) Crime prevention
e) Community support and reassurance
f) National security
g) Policing activities outside NZ
h) Emergency management
Section 20 of the Policing Act 2008 refers to a ‘Code of Conduct’, what is this?
Expected standards of behavior from police employees.
What are the 6 drivers of demand?
Mental health
Organized crime and drugs
Who does the Code of Conduct apply to?
Also known as Our Code in the police manual.
This code applies to anyone who is employed or engaged by the New Zealand Police regardless of the position or rank held.
It includes employees who are permanent, temporary or casual, contractors and consultants, volunteers or any other groups or individuals we have advised this Code applies to.
The code also applies to what we do outside of working hours where our actions may bring police into disrepute or may damage trust and confidence Police, as our employer, has in us.
Section 30 of the policing act adheres to command and control. What must every Police employee obey and be guided by?
- General instructions and commissioners circular and any applicable local orders.
- Lawful commands of a supervisor / acting supervisor
How can we be sure our conduct complies with the code of conduct?
- Would your decision withstand SCRUTINY?
- Does my decision ENSURE compliance?
- Is my decision LAWFUL?
- Is your decision FAIR?
Why is the rule of law, important for the NZ Police?
Police are responsible for administering the law and need to administer it in a fair and consistent way
Performance management:
What are the four steps to follow to deal with performance issues?
1) Informal discussion
2) The performance meeting
3) The performance improvement plan (PIP)
4) Completion of the PIP to the required standard
What is misconduct?
What is serious misconduct?
Behaviour or action breaching code of conduct or other police policies. May not justify dismissal but could result in formal disciplinary action.
Behaviour or action breaching the above, employment agreements and seriously damage trust and confidence. May justify dismissal.
Under our business model, What is Our Purpose?
What does it rely on?
Be safe and feel safe
Public having trust confidence police will respond quickly, investigate and do everything they can.
Prevention First is designed to support and enhance the delivery of our key outcomes: What are they?
• prevent crime and victimization
• target and catch offenders
• deliver a more responsive Police service
What is New Zealand polices mission?
To prevent crime and harm through exceptional policing
What are the 6 police values
Commitment to Maori and the treaty
How was Te Huringa O Te Tai strategy developed?
By listening to voices of the community, staff, Iwi Maori and encourages the enhancement of our organisational values with Maori
What is empathy
Walk in their shoes.
We seek understanding and consider the experience and perspective of those we serve.
Duty of Commissioner to notify Authority of complaints.
The Commissioner shall notify the Authority of every complaint received by Police, other than a complaint notified to the Commissioner by the Authority
Notification must be given as soon as practicable, but no later than 5 working days after receipt of the complaint
As a manager you have a duty to consider any requests for FEO.
What is the timeline to respond to those requests question?
Who can decline and if FEO application?
Within one month of receiving them.
Only the district commander or national manager can decline an FEO applications.