7 - Strategic awareness & Staff Management Flashcards
What are the three core components of our Prevention First model?
- Deploy to beat demand
- Target the drivers of demand
- Mindset: taking every opportunity to prevent harm
Is Performance Management a disciplinary process?
No. It only becomes relevant for disciplinary purposes when an employee has been unable or unwilling to satisfactorily improve following a Performance Improvement Plan.
Five principles that underpin the Kia Tū policy are:
People centric
What is the NZ Police vision?
To be the safest country
What is Kia Tu policy and what is the purpose of the policy?
Kia Tu refers to unacceptable behavior in the workplace.
It is a new approach to preventing and addressing unacceptable behavior in Police
Our mission is to prevent crime through exceptional policing, What is the first Peelian Principle?
The basic mission for which the police exist is to “prevent crime and disorder”.
Can employees directly report inappropriate behavior to the IPCA?
Yes if:
- They feel they are unable to report the behavior to anyone in the police or
- The behavior requires the immediate attention of the IPCA
Sec 9 - What are the functions of Police?
a) Keep the peace
b) Maintain public safety
c) Law enforcement
d) Crime prevention
e) Community support and reassurance
f) National security
g) Participation in policing activities outside NZ
h) Emergency management
Section 20 of the Policing Act 2008 refers to a ‘Code of Conduct’, what is this?
The code of conduct is a code prescribed by the commissioner of police that sets out the expected standards of behavior from Police employees.
This code applies to anyone who is employed or engaged by New Zealand Police and includes Volunteers, permanent, temporary, casual contractors and consultants.
What are the 3 Pou (pillars) of Te Huringa o Te Tai (enhances changing the tide)?
– Our people and their mindset
– Effective initiatives and improved practice
– Effective partnerships
What are the 6 drivers of demand?
Mental health
Youth – Rangitahi
Families – Whanau
Organized crime and drugs
M. Y. A. F. R. O
What is a supervisors role around rehabilitation, return to work and stay at work processes for an employee because of illness or injury?
What does the rehab rely on?
A supervisor must take the lead role in initiating and managing rehabilitation of your employees following work absences due to illness or injury.
- Relies on early and appropriate contacts being made with the ill or injured employee
- Rehab meeting being conducted soon as possible
- Return to work/rehab plan
- Regular ongoing meetings
- Rehab process to continue until the ill or injured employee returns
- Specialist medical advice being sort when appropriate
Who does the Code of Conduct apply to?
Also known as Our Code in the police manual.
This code applies to anyone who is employed or engaged by the New Zealand Police regardless of the position or rank held.
It includes employees who are permanent, temporary or casual, contractors and consultants, volunteers or any other groups or individuals we have advised this Code applies to.
The code also applies to what we do outside of working hours where our actions may bring police into disrepute or may damage trust and confidence Police, as our employer, has in us.
Section 30 of the policing act adheres to command and control. What must every Police employee obey and be guided by?
General instructions and commissioners circular and any applicable local orders.
Lawful commands of a supervisor
In the absence of a supervisor responsibility devolves on a Police employee available who’s next in-line and in the case of equality the longest serving police employee.
No Police employee may in exercising any power, carrying any function of duty act under the direction, command or control of minister of the Crown or person who is not authorized under this act to command and control the actions of a police employee
How can we be sure our conduct complies with the code of conduct? (SELF TEST)
Would your decision withstand SCRUTINY? Community, Police Service, Media.
Does my decision ENSURE compliance? Code of Conduct, Policy, General Instructions.
Is my decision LAWFUL? Laws, Regulations, Rules.
Is your decision FAIR? Community, Colleagues, Your family, Others.
What is performance management?
Performance management is about seeking improvement through dialogue and providing support to enable employees to perform satisfactorily.
It is not a disciplinary process.
Why is the rule of law important for the NZ Police?
Police are responsible for administering the law and need to administer it in a fair and consistent way
What are the 4 steps in the Performance Management process?
1) Informal discussion
2) The performance meeting
3) The performance plan (PIP)
4) Completion of the PIP to the required standard
What is misconduct?
What is serious misconduct?
This is behavior or actions that breach the code of conduct or other police policies while misconduct may not justify dismissal it may result in formal disciplinary action.
This is behavior or actions that breach of this code of conduct or other police policies and employment agreements and seriously undermine damage and trust and confidence police has in you, calling into question if employment relationship can continue.
It is behavior or actions that may justify dismissal
In regards to Section 63 of the Policing Act 2008 - What can the commissioner do when it comes to acting appointments?
The commissioner may appoint an employee temporarily to any higher level of position or
Authorise an employee to exercise or perform all or any of the powers and duties under this Act or any other enactment, of any level of position higher than that employee’s own level of position.
Under our business model, What is Our Purpose?
What does it rely on?
To ensure everybody can “be safe and feel safe”
The public having the trust confidence police will respond quickly, will investigate and do everything they can when they or their neighbor is affected by crime.
Prevention First is designed to support and enhance the delivery of our key outcomes: what are they
• prevent crime and victimization
• target and catch offenders
• deliver a more responsive Police service
What is New Zealand polices mission?
To prevent crime and harm through exceptional policing
What are the 6 police values?
Maori, commitment to Maori,
P. R. I. M. E. D
How was Te Huringa O Te Tai strategy developed?
PAGE 25 - By listening to voices of the community, staff, Iwi Maori and encourages the enhancement of our organisational values with aura Maori
EMPATHY - Page 34
Walk in their shoes.
We we seek understanding and consider the experience and perspective of those we serve.
Duty of Commissioner to notify Authority of complaints.
The Commissioner shall notify the Authority of every complaint received by Police, other than a complaint notified to the Commissioner by the Authority
Notification must be given as soon as practicable, but no later than 5 working days after receipt of the complaint
As a manager you have a duty to consider any requests for FEO.
What is the timeline to respond to those requests question?
Who can decline and if FEO application?
Within one month Receiving them as per Employment Relations Act.
Only the district commander or national manager can decline an FEO applications.
When a police member has attended a critical incident what timeframe must the first appointment with a psychologist be made and what time frame should the second appointment occur within?
The first appointment with a psychologist will not occur earlier than 72 hours following a critical incident.
The second appointment should occur within 10 days post incident
What are the five frameworks of the PHPF model?
F1 – Strategy
F2 – Culture
F3 – Leadership
F4 – Capability
F5 – Performance management
What is the crime triangle in relation to our deployment model?
- Provide support and assistance to those repeatedly victimized
- Act with urgency against repeat and priority offenders
- Maximize resources to locations that repeatedly suffer disproportionate levels of crime
P. A. M
What are the section 8 principles of the Policing Act (A Through to F)
(a) principled, effective, and efficient policing services are a cornerstone of a free and democratic society under the rule of law:
(b) effective policing relies on a wide measure of public support and confidence:
(c) policing services are provided under a national framework but also have a local community focus:
(d) policing services are provided in a manner that respects human rights:
(e) policing services are provided independently and impartially:
(f) in providing policing services every Police employee is required to act
professionally, ethically, and with integrity.
With a breach of Code of Conduct what is considered?
The nature and circumstances
Intent. - did you knowingly make decisions or act out of line with this Code. Values and policies?
Your position, duties and responsibilities
Your ability to fulfill your duties and responsibilities
Impact on the trust and confidence Police has in you
How similar behavior has been treated in the past
What are the two documents at Our Business sits along side?
Under the Our Prioities, what are their directions?
Our Priorities and Our Plan
The three priorities held in Our Priorities are,
- Be first then do,
- Delivering the service New Zealand is expects and deserves,
- Focused prevention through partnerships
What are the three delivery rules of prevention first?
PREVENT crime and victimization
TARGET and catch offenders
DELIVER a more responsive Police service
In the police business model what is our Our Goals?
Safe homes - families free from violence, abuse and neglect. Preventing burglary and other threats
Safe roads - working with partners to prevent death and injury resulting from crashes.
Safe communities - safe public spaces where businesses, social gatherings and entertainment can be enjoyed without fear of crime or harm
Te Huringa o Te Tai - Page 25
Who does it impact and what benefits does it provide?
It will have a direct impact for Maori and will produce benefits for all NZers through improved service and reducing crime and victimisation.
This strategy is about whanau, about all of us.
What are the 6 principles of s8 of the Policing Act 2008
- principled, effective, and efficient policing services a cornerstone of a free and democratic society end of the rule of law.
– effective policing relies on wide measure of public support and confidence
- policing services provided under the national framework but also have a local community focus
-policing services provided in a manner that respects human rights
- Services are provided independently and impartially.
- police employee is required to act professionally ethically and with integrity
Set within the framework of Prevention First, Te Huringa o Te Tai focuses Police’s effort around three pou: what are they
• our people and our mind-set
• effective initiatives and improved practice
• effective partnerships.