#7 Root Words Flashcards
[command] Word Examples: mandatory (commanded), remand (order back), mandate
[madness] Word Examples: mania (insanity, craze), monomania (mania on one idea), kleptomania, pyromania (insane tendency to set fires), maniac
Mar, mari, mer
[sea, pool] Word Examples: marine (a soldier serving on shipboard), marsh (wetland, swamp), maritime (relating to the sea and navigation), mermaid (fabled sea creature, half fish, half woman)
[mother] Word Examples: maternal (relating to the mother), matrimony, matriarchate (rulership of women), matron
[half, middle, between, halfway] Word Examples: mediate (come between, intervene), medieval (pertaining to the Middle Ages), Mediterranean (lying between lands), mediocre, medium
[great, million] Word Examples: megaphone (great sound), megalopolis (great city; an extensive urban area including a number of cities), megacycle (a million cycles), megaton
[remember] Word Examples: memo (a reminder), commemoration (the act of remembering by a memorial or ceremony), memento, memoir, memorable, barometer, thermometer
[small] Word Examples: microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave, micrometer (device for measuring small distances), omicron, micron (a millionth of a meter), microbe (small living thing)
(wander] Word Examples: migrate (to wander), emigrate (one who leaves a country), immigrate (to come into the land)
Mit, Miss
[send] Word Examples: emit (send out, give off), remit (send back, as money due), submit, admit, commit, permit, transmit (send across), omit, intermittent (sending between, at intervals), mission, missile
Mob, Mot, Mov
[move] Word Example: mobile (capable of moving), motionless (without motion), motor, emotional (moved strongly by feelings), motivate, promotion, demote, movement
[warn, remind] Word Examples: monument (a reminder or memorial of a person or an event), admonish (warn), monitor, premonition (forewarning)