7 Respiratory Mechanics 2 Flashcards
Applied forces
- The pressure required to overcome elastic recoil and viscous forces is normally supplied by the respiratory muscles
Inspiratory and expiratory muscles
- Inspiratory muscles
- The most important inspiratory muscle
- Other inspiratory muscles
- Expiratory muscles
- Inspiratory muscles
- The pressure required to expand the respiratory system above its resting volume is normally provided by the inspiratory muscles
- The most important inspiratory muscle
- Diaphragm
- Other inspiratory muscles
- External intercostals
- Sternocleidomastoids
- Expiratory muscles
- Abdominal wall muscles
- Internal intercostals

How the diaphragm increases the volume of the lungs
- First, as it contracts, it flattens from its normal dome-shaped configuration, and, like a piston, increases the volume of the thorax (and lungs) and decreases the volume of the abdominal compartment
- Second, as abdominal volume falls, intra-abdominal pressure increases, and this pushes the lower ribs outward, further increasing lung volume

The change in pleural pressure, alveolar pressure, flow, and volume during a breath
- Normally
- During inspiration
- Normally
- Ppl is negative at end-expiration due to the opposing elastic recoil of the lungs and chest wall
- That is, the visceral and parietal pleurae are being pulled away from each other
- During inspiration
- Lung elastic recoil increases
- The pleural surfaces are pulled apart even more
- Ppl becomes progressively more negative

Since the diaphragm increases the volume of the lungs faster than they can fill with air,…
- Alveolar pressure falls (becomes negative)
- This creates a pressure gradient between the mouth (mouth pressure = 0) and the alveoli
- As air enters the lungs,…
- Alveolar pressure becomes less negative
- The pressure gradient driving flow decreases
- Both return to zero by the end of inspiration

Passive expiration
- Passive expiration
- As gas leaves the lungs and the respiratory system returns toward its equilibrium volume,…
- When the respiratory muscles are relaxed,…
- The change in pressure, flow, and volume during such a passive expiration
- Passive expiration
- The pressure required to overcome viscous forces is provided by the elastic recoil of the respiratory system
- As gas leaves the lungs and the respiratory system returns toward its equilibrium volume,…
- Pressure must be supplied only to overcome the viscous forces produced by expiratory airflow
- When the respiratory muscles are relaxed,…
- This pressure is provided solely by the elastic recoil of the lungs and chest wall
- The change in pressure, flow, and volume during such a passive expiration
- Under these conditions, both flow and volume reach zero only when the respiratory system has returned to its equilibrium position
- I.e. total elastic recoil pressure and alveolar pressure are zero

Acitve expiration
- In many circumstances, of course, expiration is not passive
- In the presence of high ventilation requirements (e.g. exercise) or disorders affecting the lungs or chest wall, the expiratory muscles supply additional pressure to augment flow and shorten expiratory time

Active expiration:
Starting volume
- “Starting volume”
- Expiratory limitation
- At lower volumes, however,…
“Starting volume”
- Maximum flow reached during forced expiration varies directly with the volume at which expiration begins
- This “starting volume” also determines the relationship between maximum flow and muscular effort
Expiratory flow limitation
- At volumes greater than about 85 percent of the vital capacity, increasing effort leads to a progressive rise in expiratory flow
- At lower volumes, however,…
- A maximum flow is reached and cannot be increased regardless of how much pressure is generated by the respiratory muscles
- This is referred to as expiratory flow limitation

Active expiration:
Expiratory flow limitation
- Alveolar pressure
- Pleural pressure
- Alveolar pressure
- The sum of the pressures produced by lung elastic recoil and the pressure within the pleural space
- The total pressure available to overcome the viscous forces produced during expiratory airflow
- Pleural pressure
- Surrounds both the alveoli and the intrathoracic airways
- Determined by…
- The elastic recoil of the lungs and chest wall
- The activity of the expiratory muscles

Active expiration:
Expiratory flow limitation
- The physiologic basis of expiratory flow limitation is most easily understood by examining…
- During a passive expiration
- During a forced expiration
- The physiologic basis of expiratory flow limitation is most easily understood by examining…
- The pressures surrounding and within the airways during expiration
- During a passive expiration (panel A)
- Pleural pressure remains negative and is always less than the pressure in the airways
- During a forced expiration (panel B)
- Pleural pressure becomes positive

Active expiration:
Equal pressure point (EPP)
- Equal pressure point (EPP)
- Airways downstream from the EPP
- Cartilaginous airways
- Non-cartilaginous airways
Equal pressure point (EPP)
- Since the pressure within the airways must fall as gas moves toward the mouth (where the pressure is zero), the pressure inside and outside the airways must eventually become equal
Airways downstream from the EPP
- Airways will become narrowed at some point downstream (mouthward) from the EPP
- Cartilaginous airways
- Large airways
- Supported by cartilage
- Relatively resistant to compression
- Non-cartilaginous airways
- Easily narrowed because they have little structural rigidity
- Normally supported only by the elastic recoil of the surrounding lung parenchyma

Active expiration:
Expiratory flow limitation
- This critical airway narrowing
- Expiratory flow
- This critical airway narrowing
- Responsible for expiratory flow limitation
- Expiratory flow
- Resistance is very high in the collapsed airway segment and much lower beyond it
- So expiratory flow is driven by the pressure gradient between the alveoli and this “choke point” (in this example, 10 cmH2O)
- Not by the gradient between the alveoli and the mouth
- Increasing effor tdoes not increase the pressure gradient or flow

Active expiration:
Expiratory flow limitation
- Increasing expiratory effort
- Direct relationship between lung volume and maximum expiratory flow
- Maximum expiratory flow
- (Panel C) increasing expiratory effort (e.g. by increasing Ppl to 20 cmH2O)
- Only serves to move the EPP
- The site of airway compression closer to the alveoli
- The expiratory pressure gradient and the flow rate do not change
- Direct relationship between lung volume and maximum expiratory flow
- Airway pressure at the EPP is equal to Ppl
- Alveolar pressure is equal to lung elastic recoil pressure plus Ppl
- –> expiratory pressure gradient is equal to lung elastic recoil pressure
- Maximum expiratory flow
- Determined solely by lung elastic recoil
- The pressure gradient is ~ equal to lung elastic recoil pressure
- Varies directly with lung volume
- Expiratory flow is determined by lung volume
- Determined solely by lung elastic recoil