11 Diffusion / Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia Flashcards
Bulk flow
- Bulk flow
- During expiration,…
- Bulk flow
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported through the conducting airways by “bulk flow”
- That is, there is actual movement of the gas along a pressure gradient
- During expiration,…
- This process is reversed
- Gas flow progressively increases as it moves toward the mouth
Bulk flow
- During inspiration, as gas moves from the mouth through the conducting airways, this pressure gradient (the difference between airway and alveolar pressure)…
- This occurs for two reasons
- This causes…
- At the level of the alveoli,…
- During inspiration, as gas moves from the mouth through the conducting airways, this pressure gradient (the difference between airway and alveolar pressure)…
- Progressively falls
- This occurs for two reasons
- (1) As gas flows through the airways, total gas or airway pressure decreases because of losses to viscous or frictional forces
- (2) As gas travels from the trachea to the respiratory bronchioles, the diameter of individual airways decreases, but total cross-sectional airway diameter increases dramatically
- This causes…
- A progressive drop in total airway resistance, which is accompanied by a decrease in airway pressure
- As airway pressure falls, so does the rate of gas flow
- At the level of the alveoli,…
- Bulk flow stops
- The movement of O2 and CO2 depend solely on the process of diffusion
- Diffusion
- O2 and CO2 move…
- O2 dissolves in and diffuses through…
- CO2 diffuses…
- Diffusion
- The net movement of molecules from a region in which a particular gas exerts a high partial pressure to a region in which a lower partial pressure is present
- The process whereby O2 and CO2 are exchanged across the alverolar-capillary interface
- O2 and CO2 move…
- Between the alveoli and the pulmonary capillary blood along partial pressure gradients
O2 dissolves in and diffuses through…
- The alveolar epithelium
- The capillary endothelium
- The plasma (where some remains dissolved)
- The erythrocyte (where it combines with hemoglobin)
CO2 diffuses…
- In the opposite direction

Fick’s law
- Fick’s law
- The surface area available for gas diffusion in an average size adult
- The rate of gas transfer will fall with…
- Fick’s law for diffusion
- Describe the factors that determine the rate at which O2 and CO2 move across the alveolar-capillary interface
- The more surface area of contact you have b/n gas and blood, the more O2 and CO2 will be able to move across it
- The greater the gradient of partial pressures b/n alveolar gas and capillary blood, the faster the molecules will move
- The thicker the membrane, the less the molecules will move
- Vgas = [A x D x (P1 - P2)] / T *don’t need to memorize*
- Vgas = the rate at which gas passes through the gas-liquid interface
- A = surface area of the interface
- D = diffusion coefficient of the particular gas
- P1 – P2 = partial pressure difference of the gas across the interface (between alveolar gas and plasma)
- T = thickness of the interface (diffusion distance)
- Describe the factors that determine the rate at which O2 and CO2 move across the alveolar-capillary interface
- The surface area available for gas diffusion in an average size adult
- ~ 100 square meters
- The rate of gas transfer will fall with…
- Any process that decreases the gas-liquid interface
- E.g. destruction of lung parenchyma or alveolar capillaries
Diffusion coefficient
- Diffusion coefficient (D)
- DCO2 vs. DO2
- Diffusion coefficient (D)
- Directly proportional to the solubility of the gas in the tissues and fluids that it must traverse
Inversely related to the square root of the molecular weight (MW) of the gas
- I.e. the larger the molecule, the slower it moves
- D α solubility / √MW
- DCO2 vs. DO2
- Although CO2 has a higher molecular weight than O2 (1.17:1), its solubility is 24 times that of O2
- These factors cause DCO2 to be approximately 20 times DO2
Partial pressure gradient
- Gas molecules
- May be considered to exist in 2 forms in a liquid
- The molecules in these phases are…
- The partial pressure gradient
- PO2
- PCO2
- The thickness of the alveolar-capillary barrier
- Gas transfer will be decreased by…
Gas molecules
May be considered to exist in 2 forms in a liquid
Gas –> partial pressure
- The partial pressure of a gas in a liquid is equal to the partial pressure of the gas outside the liquid
Dissolved in liquid –> concentration
- The concentration of a gas in a liquid is determined by both its partial pressure and its solubility
Gas –> partial pressure
- The molecules in the gas phase and the liquid phase are in equilibrium
May be considered to exist in 2 forms in a liquid
- The partial pressure gradient
- Important factor determining gas transfer
- PO2
- O2 moves from an alveolar PO2 of approximately 100 mmHg to a mixed venous PO2 of about 40 mmHg
- PCO2
- The partial pressure of CO2, however, only falls from about 46 to 40 mmHg during the movement of blood through the lungs.
- The thickness of the alveolar-capillary barrier
- Normally between 0.2 – 0.5 μm
- Gas transfer will be decreased by…
- Any process that increases this diffusion distance
- E.g. interstitial fibrosis, interstitial edema

Gas partial pressure and concentration
- The partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in the end-capillary blood is normally equal to…
- The concentration of dissolved O2 and CO2
- The partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in the end-capillary blood is normally equal to…
- The partial pressure in the alveolar gas
- The concentration of dissolved O2 and CO2
- Dissolved O2 (ml/dl) = 0.003 x PaO2
- Dissolved CO2 (ml/dl) = 0.067 x PaCO2
Diffusion of O2
- Time an erythrocyte spends in alveolar capillaries
- O2 during this time in the lungs
- PO2
- PO2 under resting conditions
Time an erythrocyte spends in alveolar capillaries
- An average of 0.75 seconds
O2 during this time in the lungs
- O2 diffuses across the alveolar-capillary interface along its partial pressure gradient
- Most of the O2 enters RBCs and combines with hemoglobin
- Only a small proportion remains in a gaseous form or dissolved in the plasma
- PO2
- Only the gaseous O2 contributes to the PO2 of the blood
- A large amount of O2 can be transferred before alveolar and capillary PO2 become equal
- Even so, this equilibration occurs very rapidly
- PO2 under resting conditions
- Alveolar and capillary PO2 normally equilibrate within 0.25 second
- Equilibrium occurs even when transit time is reduced
- That is, the maximum amount of oxygen has normally been transferred to the erythrocytes and plasma by about one-third of the total blood transit time

Diffusion of O2
- During strenuous exercise
- The time required for alveolar-capillary equilibration increases in the presence of disorders that…
- If the diffusion impairment is severe, there may be…
- During strenuous exercise
- Transit time is markedly reduced by the increase in cardiac output
- Alveolar and blood PO2 equilibrate long before the blood leaves the alveoli
- The time required for alveolar-capillary equilibration increases in the presence of disorders that…
- Decrease the surface area available for diffusion
- Increase the thickness of the diffusion barrier
If the diffusion impairment is severe, there may be…
- Insufficient time for equilibration to occur
A gradient between alveolar and end-capillary PO2
- This gradient will be further increased during exercise

Diffusion of CO2
- Equilibration of PCO2 between the capillary blood and alveolar gas takes…
- In the lungs, CO2 molecules move…
- Most CO2 molecules come from…
- Only a small percentage…
Equilibration of PCO2 between the capillary blood and alveolar gas also takes approximately 0.25 second
- This may seem strange given the much greater diffusion coefficient for CO2
- However, the partial pressure gradient for CO2 is much less than that for O2
- Incomplete equilibrium of PCO2 is not clinically relevant because of the small partial pressure gradient
- In the lungs, CO2 molecules move along the partial pressure gradient from the blood to the alveolar gas
Most CO2 molecules come from the RBCs
- Only a small percentage leave the dissolved form in the plasma

Clinical assessment of diffusion
- In the pulmonary function laboratory, gas diffusion between the alveoli and the capillary blood is assessed by…
- As capillary blood moves through the tissues, the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide…
- In the pulmonary function laboratory, gas diffusion between the alveoli and the capillary blood is assessed by measuring the diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO)
- As capillary blood moves through the tissues, the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide are reversed

Partial pressure vs. concentration
- When O2 or another gas enters the blood…
- Partial pressure
- Concentration of the gas in the blood
- When O2 or another gas enters the blood…
- Some molecules remain in gaseous form
- Others actually dissolve and enter the liquid phase
- Partial pressure
- The pressure exerted by the gaseous molecules
- Concentration of the gas in the blood
- The number of dissolved molecules is reflected
Partial pressure vs. concentration
- Gas molecules move…
- At equilibrium,…
- Gases that are highly soluble will have…
- Gas molecules move…
- Between the alveoli and the blood
- Between the blood and the tissues
- Along their partial pressure gradient until equilibrium occurs
- At equilibrium,…
- The partial pressure of a gas is the same in the alveoli, blood, and all tissues and organs
- The concentration of a gas, however, depends both on its partial pressure and its solubility
- Gases that are highly soluble will have…
- A much higher blood and tissue concentration than poorly soluble gases, even if their partial pressures are the same
Partial pressure vs. concentration
- The rate at which the partial pressure of a gas equilibrates between the alveoli, blood, and tissues
- For example, O2 and CO2 molecules
- The rate at which the partial pressure of a gas equilibrates between the alveoli, blood, and tissues
- Inversely related to its solubility
- For example, O2 and CO2 molecules
- Diffuse between the alveolar gas and the pulmonary capillary blood along their partial pressure gradients
- Both are relatively insoluble
- Equilibration between the partial pressure in blood and alveolar gas occurs very rapidly
- Equilibration occurs quickly between the partial pressure of O2 and CO2 in the blood and tissues
Partial pressure vs. concentration
- The greater the gas solubility…
- For example, clinical anesthesia depends on…
- Therefore, the onset of action of an anesthetic gas…
- The greater the gas solubility…
- The longer it takes to reach partial pressure equilibrium
- For example, clinical anesthesia depends on…
- Achieving an adequate partial pressure (not concentration) of the anesthetic gas in the CNS
- Therefore, the onset of action of an anesthetic gas…
- Varies inversely with its solubility
- Insoluble anesthetics act quickly, whereas more soluble drugs have a more delayed effect
Mechanisms of arterial hypoxemia
- A decrease in PAO2 causes hypoxemia without an increase in PA-aO2
- Hypoventilation
- Reduced barometric pressure (high altitude)
- Reduced FIO2
- Disorders that affect the airways, parenchyma, or blood vessels cause an increase in PA-aO2
- Ventilation-Perfusion inequality
- Shunt
- Diffusion impairment
Mechanisms of arterial hypoxemia:
Hypoventilation increases PACO2
- According to the alveolar air equation, an increase in PACO2 (and PaCO2) causes PAO2 (and PaO2) to fall
- Since PaO2 decreases only because of the fall in PAO2, there is no increase in the normal PA-aO2
- PAO2 = (PB – PH2O) FIO2 – PACO2 / R
Mechanisms of arterial hypoxemia:
Reduced PB or FIO2
- According to the alveolar air equation, a decrease in total gas (barometric) pressure (PB) or FIO2 will decrease PAO2
- This causes PaO2 to fall, and therefore PA-aO2 does not increase
Mechanisms of arterial hypoxemia:
Ventilation-perfusion mismatching
- Low V/Q lung units cause both a decrease in PaO2 and an increase in the normal PA-aO2
Mechanisms of arterial hypoxemia:
- The addition of mixed venous blood to the arterial circulation causes a fall in PaO2 and an increase in the normal PA-aO2
Mechanisms of arterial hypoxemia:
Impaired diffusion
- lack of equilibrium between alveolar and end-capillary PO2
- This may result from thickening of the diffusion barrier or from a decrease in the surface area available for gas exchange
- If sufficiently severe, impaired diffusion leads to a decrease in PaO2 and an increase in the PA-aO2
- These abnormalities worsen with exercise
- Arterial hypercapnia always results from…
- PaCO2 equation
- Alveolar ventilation may be inadequate for two reasons
- Arterial hypercapnia always results from…
- Inadequate alveolar ventilation (hypoventilation)
- Decreased minute ventilation
- PaCO2 equation
- PAO2 = (PB – PH2O) FIO2 – PACO2 / R
- PCO2 equation
- PCO2 = K x VCO2 / (VE - VD)
Alveolar ventilation may be inadequate for two reasons
- (1) Abnormally low VE
- May result from respiratory center depression, neuromuscular disease, severe chronic lung disease, or “restrictive” chest wall disorders (e.g. severe kyphoscoliosis and massive obesity)
- (2) Inadequate increase in VE
- The PaCO2 will rise if VE is inadequate to compensate for an acute increase in either physiologic dead space or CO2 production
- (1) Abnormally low VE