7: Quantum Behaviour Flashcards
What is a quantum?
A single discrete packet of EM radiation
What did Max Planck suggest about how EM waves could be released?
Said they can only be released discrete packets
What did Einstein suggest the EM waves could exist as?
E M waves, and the energy they carry, can only exist in discrete packets. These wave packets are called photons
How did Einstein believe that a photon acts?
As a particle. And will either transfer all or none of its energy when interacting with another particle
Do photons have charge?
What is an electronvolt defined as?
The kinetic energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 Volt
equation to work out number of electronvolts
eV = 1/2 mv²
eV = 1.6 * 10-19J
What is threshold voltage? (LEDs)
The minimum voltage at which current will pass through an LED
Explain the threshold voltage, for LEDs
This is the voltage needed to give the electrons the same energy as a photon emitted by the LED.
All of the electron’s kinetic energy after it is accelerated over this potential difference is transferred into a photon
so E = hc / lambda = V0
eV = 1/2mv² so lambda = h / sqr root(2meV)
Describe the set up for the experiment to find the Planck constant using LEDs
Connect an LED, of known wavelength, to the electrical circuit.
Connect an ammeter in series with the LED and a resistor with your power source.
Put a voltmeter in parallel with your LED.
Close any blackout blinds and place a shaded tube over the LED to look through.
The room should be as dark as possible so you can see when the LED first begins to make light
how to find gradient from kinetic energy frequency graph
gradient is planck’s constant
Describe the experiment to find the Planck constant using LEDs
what should you do if the line doesn’t go through the origin
Start off with no current flowing through the circuit, then adjust the variable power source until the current just begins to flow through the circuit and the LED lights up.
Record the voltage across the LED. Repeat this experiment with a number of LEDs of different colours that emit light at different wavelengths.
Plot a graph of threshold voltage against frequency. You should get a straight line graph with the gradient of h/e. Find h. Repeat the experiment to find an average value of h
if the line doesn’t go through the origin, you can add or take away the value of the Vintercept (depending on if its above or below) to get the threshold voltage

What is the photoelectric effect?
When a light with a high enough frequency is shone onto the surface of the metal, and causes electrons to be emitted. For most metals, this frequency falls in the UV range
What is the photoelectric effect evidence for?
The theory that light is quantised. It can’t be explained with wave theory
Describe how the photoelectric effect works
Free electrons on the surface of the metal absorb energy from the light, making them vibrate If an electron absorbs enough energy, the bonds holding it to the metal break and the electron is released The electrons emitted are called photoelectrons
What are the conclusions of the photoelectric effect?
1) For a given metal, no photoelectrons are emitted if the radiation has a frequency below the threshold frequency 2) The photoelectrons are emitted with a variety of kinetic energies ranging from 0 to a max. value. This value of maximum kinetic energy increase with the frequency of the radiation, and is unaffected by the intensity of the radiation
What is the relationship between photoelectrons emitted and intensity of the radiation?
The number of photoelectrons emitted per second is proportional to the intensity of the radiation
Describe wave theory (Energy, intensity) and how it describes what would happen to electrons on the surface of metals
For a particular frequency of light, the energy carried is proportional to the intensity of the beam The energy carried by the light would be spread evenly over the wavefront Each electron on the surface of the metal would gain a bit of energy from each incoming wave Gradually, each electron would gain enough energy to leave the metal
Why can wave theory not explain the photoelectric effect?
If the light had a lower frequency it would take longer for the electrons to get enough energy – but it would happen eventually. There is no explanation for the threshold frequency The higher the intensity of the wave, the more energy it should transfer to each electron – kinetic energy increase with intensity. There is no explanation for the kinetic energy depending only on the frequency
Explain the photoelectric effect in terms of the photon model - why does the frequency affect the kinetic energy of the electrons, not intensity of the light
When light hits the surface, the matter was bombarded by photons If one of these photos is absorbed by a free electron, the electron will gain energy equal to hf. So higher frequency will result in a higher kinetic energy Each electron only absorbs one photon at a time, so all the energy it needs to gain before it can be released must come from that one photon So an increase in the intensity of the light won’t affect the kinetic energy of the electrons – only the frequency will
What is the work function energy?
Before an electron can leave the surface of the metal, it needs enough energy to break the bonds holding it there. This is the work function energy and its value depends on the metal
How can threshold frequency be explained by the photon model?
If the energy gained by an electron from a photon is greater than the work function, the electron is emitted. If it isn’t, the metal will heat up, but no electrons will be emitted. Since, for electrons to be released, hf ≥ Φ, the threshold frequency must be f = Φ/h
Electrons in atoms exist in well-defined []
Discrete energy levels
Which energy level is n=1?
The ground state
How can electrons move down energy levels?
By emitting a photon
Why is the energy of a photon, emitted by electron when it moves down an energy level, always one of some certain values?
The transitions are between definite energy levels
What is the energy of a photon equal to, when an electron moves down an energy level?
The difference in energy is between the two levels
[] gases produce line emission spectra
What is excitation?
When the atoms in a gas becoming excited. If you heat a gas to a high temperature, many of its electrons move to higher energy levels
Why do hot gases produce line emission spectra?
The electrons move to higher energy levels. As they fall back to the ground state, these electrons emit energy as photons. If you split the light from the hot gas with a prism or diffraction grating, you get a line spectrum.
What does the line emission spectrum look like for a hot gas? What do the lines mean?
Bright lines against a black background. Each line on the spectrum corresponds to a particular wavelength of the light emitted by the source. Since only certain photon energies are allowed, you only see the corresponding wavelengths
Describe the absorption spectrum, when white light is shone through a cool gas
The spectrum of white light is continuous. It contains all possible wavelengths
Where do hot things emit a continuous spectrum?
In the visible and infrared parts
[] gases remove certain wavelengths from the continuous spectrum
When do you get line absorption spectra?
When light from a continuous spectrum of energy passes through a cool gas
In which state will most of the electrons, in a cool gas, be?
Ground state
Explain how absorption spectra work
Most electrons in the ground states. Photons of the correct wavelength are absorbed by the electrons to excite them to higher energy levels. These wavelength are then missing from the continuous spectrum when it comes out the other side of the gas.
What does an absorption spectrum look like?
Continuous spectrum, with black lines in it corresponding to the absorbed wavelength
What happens, if you compare the absorption and emission spectra of a particular gas?
The black lines in the absorption spectra match up to the bright lines in the emission spectrum
What did Feynman suggest about the path of a photon?
Instead of just taking one route to the detector, the photon will take all the possible parts to the detector in one go.
How can you work out the frequency of the phaser of a photon?
f = E/h
How can you find the probability that a quantum will arrive at a point?
Square the resultant phasor amplitude
Photon: describe the relationship between brightness and probability
The more probable it is that a photon will arrive at a point, the brighter it will appear
Photons: which path is the quickest route?
The path that gives the highest probability. A straight line
Which phasor will contribute the most to the resultant amplitude and probability of a quantum arriving at the end of the quickest path?
The final phasor
Explain refraction in terms of quantum behaviour and phasors
When light travels in water, it slows down, but its frequency stays the same. This means the photons still have the same energy, and a photon’s phasor will still have the same amplitude and frequency of rotation whatever the material its travelling through.
Refraction: Which path is responsible for the photon that will get to your eye?
If you add up all the phasors for all the possible paths, it’s the path that takes the shortest time that contributes the most to the resultant amplitude (and so gives the highest probability that the photon will get to your eye)
Describe the paths of a focused photon (or any other quanta)
Make sure all the straight line paths from the source to the focus point take the same amount of time - so the final phasors for every path will be in the same direction
Describe the paths of photons passing through a convex lens
The paths towards the edges of the lens are longer than those that go through the middle. You make the time taken for each path the same by increasing the amount of glass in the middle part of the lens to increase the time it takes to travel along the shorter paths between the source and detector
Explain how the slit experiments work with electrons instead of photons
You can show interference and superposition patterns for electrons using a fluorescent screen.
As an electron hits the screen, it causes a photon to be released, so you can see the location of the electron
and just like photons, electrons try every path
so if you record the location where every photon is released, you get an interference pattern similar to that of a bright and dark fringe patter seen in the slit experiments

Explain the bright/dark fringes in the electron slit experiment
Bright fringes in an electron interference pattern show where the probability of an electron arriving is high
Dark fringes show where the probability of an electron hitting the screen is low
What is evidence for electrons being quantum objects?
Electron diffraction
When are (electron) diffraction patterns observed?
how is it similar to photon diffraction
why do electrons diffract
how to calculate the frequency of the phasor
When accelerated electrons in a vacuum tube interact with the spaces in a graphite crystal
you can think of it in the same way as photon diffraction, sum the final phasor for each path to find out probability of an electron hitting fluorescent screen at a particular point
Electrons diffract because their wavelength is comparable to the size of atoms/gap between atoms/atomic spacing
frequency = Ekinetic / h where Ekinetic = 1/2 mv²

What happens to the diffraction pattern when you increase the accelerating voltage of the electrons? Link this to the de Broglie equation
You increase the electron speed.
The diffraction pattern circles will all squash together towards the middle.
This fits in with the de Broglie equation - if the velocity is higher, the wavelength is shorter and the spread of the lines is smaller
(wavelength is similar here to just the size of the object)
Why don’t electrons show quantum behaviour (diffraction) all the time?
You only get diffraction if a particle interacts with an object of about the same size as its De Broglie wavelength
What is the relationship between wavelength and diffraction effects?
A shorter wavelength gives less diffraction effects
Describe how the relationship between wavelength and diffraction effect is used in electron microscopes
Diffraction effects blur detail on the image.
If you want to resolve tiny detail in an image, you need a shorter wavelength. this allows you to have a sharper image, which is smaller.
Light blurs out detail more than electrons do, so an electron microscope can resolve finer detail than a light microscope. They can let you look at smaller things
(you see this on a normal day, watching tv vs on mobile, looks much better on phone!)
how many electrons at a time can be sent through a narrow slit to get an interference pattern
one particle at a time