7 - Public Health and Your Practice Flashcards
What are the differences in life expectancy and healthy life expectancy depending on your socioeconomic status?

What are determinants of health?
Determinants of health are a range of factors that have a powerful and cumulative effect on the health of populations, communities and individuals
What are the aims and approaches of Primary Prevention?

What are the aims and approaches of secondary prevention?

What are the aims and approaches of tertiary prevention?
e.g vitamin B1 for alcohol dependence

What health improvement services are public health responsible for?

What health protection measures are public health involved in?

What are the main differences in health between the richest and the poorest?

How can socio-economic status be measured ?

Deprivation is strongly associated with ill health.
Explain the relationship between these two factors

What is the Black Report?
Explanation for inequalities in health

What is the artefact explanation for inequalities in health?

What is the social selection explanation for inequalities in heatlh?

What is the behavioural-cultural explanation for inequalities in health?
- Bad choices may be rational for those whose lives are constrained by lack of resources
- Good choices may be difficult to exercise in adverse conditions

What is the materialist explanation for inequalities in health?

What is the leading cause of obesity?
What is the psychosocial explanation for inequalities in health?
- Psychosocial pathways act in addition to direct effects of absolute material living standards
- How social inequality make people feel, e.g poor social support, autonomy at work, job security
- Impact of stress on health directly (immune system) and indirectly (health behaviours)
What is the relationship in health between men and women?
- Men die quicker, women get sicker
- Women: differences in pay, differences in family support, differences in line of work

What is the income distribution explanation of health inequality?

What 4 things can be done to reduce inequalities?

What is the difference between inequality and inequity?
What inequities are there in access to healthcare?

Why can’t you trust the data about inequities in access to healthcare?
- Evidence is based on utilisation, difficult to interpret
- Differences in service use based on gender and ethnicity as well as deprivation
What are some determinants of health of a patient?
Have to consider these when considering physical and mental symptoms of a patient

Briefly outline the six explanations in the Black Report