7) Male Reproductive Tract Flashcards
What does the scrotum develop from?
Labioscrotal folds (genital swellings)
What are the layers of the scrotum? (2)
Cutaneous layer and superficial layer containing Dartos muscle (SM)
What is contained within the scrotum?
Testis, epididymis and first part of spermatic cord
Describe the structure of the testis:
Compound tubular gland enclosed by a thick, fibrous capsule called the tunica albuginea. Also surrounded by tunica vaginalis
What is the arterial supply to the testis?
Testicular arteries from abdominal aorta
What is the venous drainage of the testis?
R - right testicular vein into IVC
L - left testicular vein into left renal vein
What is oligozoospermia?
Low number of sperm in semen
What is cryptorchid testis?
What is it associated with?
Spermatogenesis impaired because of elevated temperature due to maldescended testis
Associated with increased incidence of malignant testicular tumours
What is orchitis?
Inflammation of testis, due to mumps after puberty, impaired spermatogenesis
What is the epididymis located?
Superior and posterolateral surface of testis
What are the sections of the epididymis?
Head, body, tail
Describe the route of the spermatic cord:
Inferior abdomen through inguinal canal to posterior border of testis
What is contained within the spermatic cord?
Testicular artery, cremasteric artery and artery to vas
Pampiniform plexus
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
Vas deferens and lymphatics
Describe the structure of the pampiniform plexus:
Meshwork of veins that wrap around testicular artery
What is the function of the pampiniform plexus?
Cool blood entering testis so ensure optimum temperature for gametogenesis
What forms the ejaculatory duct?
Duct of seminal vesicle and terminal portion of vas deferens
Describe the vas deferens:
Straight muscular tube transporting sperm to prostatic urethra
Rich autonomic innervation of SM to allow contraction
What are the coverings of the spermatic cord?
External spermatic fascia (aponeurosis of external oblique)
Cremasteric muscle and fascia (internal oblique)
Internal spermatic fascia (transversalis fascia )
What is hydrocoele?
Serous fluid in tunica vaginalis
What is haemtaocoele?
Blood in tunica vaginalis (trauma)
What is varicocoele?
Why is it more likely on the left?
Varicosities (enlarged veins) of pampiniform plexus
More likely on left due to vertical course
What is spermatocoele?
Epididymal cyst, collection of products of testes in epididymis e.g. developing spermatozoa
What is trans-illumination?
Light can pass through fluid but not solid mass so used in diagnosis
What is testicular torsion?
Twisting above upper pole, risk of necrosis
What is the innervation to anterior surface of the male repro tract?
Lumbar plexus
What is the innervation to posterior and inferior surface of the male repro tract?
Sacral plexus
What is the lymphatic drainage of the testis?
Para-aortic nodes
What is the lymphatic drainage of the scrotum?
Superficial inguinal nodes
Where are the seminal vesicles located?
Between bladder and rectum, posterior to prostate
Describe the prostate gland:
Fibromuscular gland with central and peripheral zones
Why does malignancy of the prostate gland present late?
Affects peripheral zone
How can prostate cancer metastasise?
Via lymphatics (internal iliac/sacral nodes) and venous route (internal vertebral plexus)
What are the parts of the penis?
Root, body and glans
Describe the internal structure of the penis:
Pair of corpora cavernosa dorsally and single corpus spongiosum ventrally (contains urethra)
What is the arterial supply to the penis?
Internal pudendal artery (anterior branch of internal iliac)
What two muscles are found on the male perineum?
What is the function of bulbospongiosus?
Helps expel urine and maintain erection
What is the function of ischiocavernosus?
Compresses veins and helps maintain erection
What is the least distensible part of the male urethra?
What is the cremasteric reflex?
Stroking of superior medial thigh causes elevation of testis on same side (ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerve)