7 Hem Onc Viruses Keller Flashcards
Dengue virus. This virus is typically found in ___. Dengue virus is a flavivirus and is transmitted via ___. A classic symptom includes ___ from the nose and gums.
The virus is typically found in SOUTH AMERICA. Dengue virus is a flavivirus and is transmitted via MOSQUITOES. A classic symptom includes BLEEDING from the nose and gums.
Dengue virus. Immunopathogenesis is caused by ___ dependent enhancement. This typically occurs after a prior infection with a dengue serotype. Neutralizing ___ produced from a previous exposure to dengue virus, will increase viral entry into ___ increasing viral infection throughout the body.
Immunopathognesis is caused by ANTIBODY dependent enhancement. This typically occurs after a prior infection with a dengue serotype. Neutralizing ANTIBODIES produced from a previous infection will increase viral entry into MONOCYTES increasing viral infection throughout the body.
Lassa Fever Virus is transmitted by ___ excrement.
Lass Fever Virus is transmitted by MOUSE excrement.
Rift Valley Fever is transmitted by ___.
Rift Valley Fever is transmitted by MOSQUITOS.
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever are transmitted by ___.
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever are transmitted by TICKS.
Ebola and Marburg transmission remains unknown but is suspected to be transmitted from ___.
Ebloa and Marburg transmission remains unknown but is suspected to be transmitted from MONKEYS.
Esptein-Barr Virus. This virus is an enveloped, double-stranded ___ virus and is a member of the ___ family.
This virus is an enveloped, double-starnded DNA virus and is a member of the HERPRESVIRIDAE family.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Bind to the ___ receptor on B cells and some epithelial cells located in the oropharynx and nasopharynx regions. Infected cells will ___ and enters through the ___.
Bind to CD21 receptors on B cells and some epithelial cells located in the oropharynx and nasopharynx regions. Infected cells will PROLIFERATE and enter through the BLOOD STREAM.
Esptein-Barr Virus. ___ cells will proliferate and become activated in order to limit infected B cell proliferation.
CD8+T cells will proliferate and become activated in order to limit infected B cell proliferation.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Remains latent in ___ B cells and may become reactivated if these cells are stimulated.
Remains latent in MEMORY B cells and may become reactivated if these cells are stimulated.
Esptein-Barr Virus. In immunocompromised patients, EBV may be associated with ___ development.
In immunocompromised patients, EBV may be associated with CANCER development.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Transmitted through ___ and causes infectious ___ in teenagers and adults and a variety of ___ disorders, including B cell lymphomas.
Transmitted through SALIVA and causes infectious MONONUCLEOSIS in teenagers and adults and a variety of LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE disorders, including B cell lymphomas.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of ___ lymphocytes and a ___ heterophile antibody test.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Diagnosis is confirmed by presence of ATYPICAL lymphocytes and a POSITIVE heterophile antibody test.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Contains a ___ analogue, which stimulates B-cell growth and proliferation preventing the infected B cell from undergoing apoptosis.
Contains a IL-10 analogue, which stimulates B-cell growth and proliferation preventing the infected B cell from undergoing apoptosis.
Esptein-Barr Virus. B cell activation stimulates production of an IgM antibody. This is the ___ antibody.
B cell activation stimulates production of an IgM antibody. This is the HETEROPHILE POSITIVE antibody.
Esptein-Barr Virus. ___ Leukoplakia may result in EBV infection in immunocompromised patients. This white plague ___ be scrapped off from the tongue, differentiating it from a Candida infection.
HAIR ORAL leukoplakia may result in EBV infection in immunocompromised patients. This white plague WILL NOT be scrapped off from the tongue, differentiating it from a Candida infection.
Esptein-Barr Virus. WIthin the Asian Population, ___ carcinomas are associated with EBV infection.
Within the Asian Population, NASOPHARYNGEAL carcinomas are associated with EBV infection.
Esptein-Barr Virus. ___ lymphoma is a monoclonal B-cell lymphoma of the jaw and face found in children in Africa and is associated with a malaria and HIV. These conditions ___ cell immunity and increase the likelihood of an EBV infection to target ___ cells.
BURKITTS lymphoma is a monoclonal B-cell lymphoma of the jaw and face found in children in Africa and is associated with malaria and HIV. These conditions SUPPRESS cell immunity and increase the likelihood of an EBV infection to target B cells.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Burkitts lymphoma is typically classified as a ___ infection.
Burkitts lymphoma is typically classified as a CO-infection.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Causes infectious ___. The reactive cytotoxic CD8T cells are called ___ cells and are diagnostic.
Causes infectious MONONUCLEOSIS. The reactive cytotoxic CD8T cells are called DOWNEY cells and are a diagnostic.
Esptein-Barr Virus. Patients with history of infectious mononucleosis are required to refrain from contact sports for about a year to prevent the spleen from ___.
Patients with a history of infectious mononucleosis are required to refrain from contact sports for about a year to prevent the spleen from RUPTURING.
Esptein-Barr Virus. ___ should not be used for treatment since antibodies bind to the drug and manifest in the skin. This results in a ___ hypersensitivity reaction.
PENICILLIN should not be used for treatment since antibodies bind to the drug and manifest in the skin. This results in a TYPE 3 hypersensitivity reaction.
Cytomegalovirus. Enveloped, double stranded ___ virus and is a member of the ___ family.
Enveloped, double stranded DNA virus and is a member of the BETAHERPESVIRINAE family.
Cytomegalovirus. Replicates within ___ cells and causes both ___ and ___ infections.
Replications within HUMAN cells and causes both LYTIC and LATENT infections.
Cytomegalovirus. The virus infects ___ lymphocytes and binds to the host cell membrane, and release it DNA, proteins, and mRNA into the cytoplasm.
The virus infects MONONUCLEAR lymphocytes and binds to the host cell membrane, and releases its DNA, proteins, and mRNA into the cytoplasm.
Cytomegalovirus. Most common virus associated with ___ defects.
Most common virus associated with CONGENITAL infections.
Cytomegalovirus. Transmission via ___ secretions.
Transmission via BODILY FLUID secretions.
Cytomegalovirus. In children, CMV causes the ___ syndrome and in adults, CMV causes a ___ disease.
In children, CMV causes the BLUEBERRY MUFFIN syndrome and in adults, CMV causes a SEXUAL TRANSMITTED disease.
Cytomegalovirus. Diagnosis is confirmed with a ___ heterophile antibody test and the presence of a basophilic ____ inclusion.
Diagnosis is confirmed with a NEGATIVE antibody test and the presence of a basophilic OWL EYE inclusion.
Cytomegalovirus. Treatment includes ___.
Treatment includes GANCICLOVIR.
Cytomegalovirus. Prevents ___ to CD4 and CD8 T cells. Specifically, CMV prevents expression of ___ to CD8 T cells and ___ to antigen presenting cells.
Prevents ANTIGEN PRESENTATION to CD4 and CD8 T cells. Specifically, CMV prevents expression of MHC Class I to CD8 T cells and MHC CLASS II to antigen presenting cells.