7. First Aid and CPR Training Requirements Flashcards
First Aid and CPR Training Requirements
~ one staff member with current and valid certificate(s) of course completion for first aid training and pediatric CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) procedures must be present at all times while children are in care
~ the same staff person may satisfy both requirements
~ by December 31, 2021, there must be a specific number of child care personnel with CPR certification and first aid training on-site at the facility while children are in care
CPR Courses and Certificates
~ a staff member who has current and valid first aid and CPR certificates must be present on field trips, while transporting children, and on-site at the program
~ certificates of course completion are valid based on the timeframes established by each first aid and CPR training program; however, the timeframes cannot exceed three years
~ CPR courses must include an on-site, instructor-based skills assessment by a certificated CPR instructor
~ documentation of first aid and CPR course completion must be maintained by the child care program and available for review by the licensing authority