7. Blood + Immunology Flashcards
How long can blood be stored before expiry
depends soln CPDA1 -35 days
What determines length time
Survival rate tfused RCC after 24 tfusion
Crite min accept surval 70%
Storage cond - low temp
- inhib red cell metab
1/30 gylcoysis
inhib bact
ASeptic tech - streilise equp - min bact contam
is this used in Ireland?
Citrate - anticoag - bind Ca
Phos - buffer - phos 4 metab
Dextrose - ocntin glycoysis + energy
Adnin - sub atp synth
Maint 2 3 dpg better
Storage lesion
Loss plt granulo
loss coag fact
decrease 2 3 dpg odc left
FOrmat microagreg
biochem change K, Na Fall Ph
What happens coag factors
V VIII - labile factors decrease quick
Normal haemostasis - VOOO 35% normal
acute phase protein - endog prod increase - decrease risk inadeq post tufsion
Other levels not signif until 21 days after stor
Packed cells - not plasma - diliton all coag factors
when just RCC + Crystalloid
Plt fuc lost stog 4’C
24-36h - most non functional
mass tfisoon - coag diln tycopenia b4 coag def
Why hyperkalaemia not commoner following tfusion
blood bank blood has a high [K] 12mmol/l @ 7d
despite hyperK not comon cause
Restoration RCC metab act = K reuptake by RCC
Na K Atpse
Elevated catehcol - cell uptake K
Dilutional effect distrib Excell space
Slow tfusion min risk
Compatability testing blood
Why need x match blood
b4 tufsion donor test recp blood - avoid tfusion rxn
blood group imcompat
reacting anbtiobdy
Main point = haemolysis prevention
3 diff procedures
1 Blood typing ABO + Rh
2 Abody screen
3 X match
Two comp - x match
Saline test check abo group
Indir Coombs test - det haemolytic IgG abod
What is indir coombs
presence IgG abod dir against rcc membrane antigens - cause haemolysis
Abod not cause aggult - during other test
Det incomplete abod - margin safet
Testing coomb reagent
Coombs control test
What is risk reaction ABO rh Compat donor tfused w/out abod / xmatch
How much reduced
Admin aboRh compat safe addit proced add addit maragin
Abo 99.4
Abo Rh 99.8
Abi rh + neg abod screen 99.94
Abdo Rh compat
neg abod
coombs 99.95
Coombs adds so little - removed routine testing
Plasma proteins
Glob a1 a2 b g glob
Gama - almost completely composed Ig
What normal conc plasma prot
50-80g L
Alb 45
Glo 25
Fib 3 (acute phase_
IG - 10-15
List fxn plasma protein
Oncotic pressure
transport / carrier fxn
Role a-b balance
Protelyti csystem - complement kinin coag fibrinolytic
Immune resp
Enzyme act
highest concentration 35-55g l
Liver -> circ
12-15g day
25 total proti
Only pl prote not glyco
Single polpept chain 585 AA
mol wt 69000
IV half life - circ 20d
5% exchange into ISF /hr
- retunr circ via lymph
Some taken tissue cell - metab aa for intracell use
Present blood 50% and rest 50% exvasc
Main fxn
Oncotic pressure
tport /carrier
Taken up tissue brogken to AA
syhtn protein / energy
Co2 tpor - carbimno n term (hb more)
High conc and Low mol wt 65-80% plasma oncotic pressure
capillary fluid dynamic
main IV volume
Lig bind ffa bili calcium hormone cu drugs
Is alb essential life
rar e- no albumin other healthy
other protein increase
Which plasma protein major inbolved bind basic drugs
A1 acid glycoprotein
Alb - binds acidic
retinol bind prot - 1/2 at 10-12h
acute starvation
Immune system
What are the major components
Host defence
Effector activity
1 Natural / inate
not dep prior exposure
primitive part
a barrier function
b Macrophage
c NK cell
d Complement
e other antibact protein
2 Acquire immunity
Powerul spec system
delayed onset - esp new antigen
a Humoral
B lympho - prod spec abod v antigen (can recog more than 2 epitope on invading)
prev exposed
each b can diff plasma - prod 1 type abod
Ig G A M E D
class type heavy chain
some stim b cell - memory cell - faster / larger response
b Cell immunity
T lymph - cell med immunity
T - kill ifncet / for cell
prod Lymphkine
amplify response immune cell
memory T prod
Essential role interaction
What type T lymph present
TCR - recog spec pep antigen bound to MHC in membrane - prlof activated cytotox T + Memory
Memory persist - futue exposure same antigen
- rapidly prolif
Cytotoxic Have CD8 membrane protein
Helper T cell - dont attack / destroy
regulation other aspect
CD4 on membrane
TCR of cells - recog spec pep antigen when bound to MHC II - knwon as Antigen preseting cell (maco / dendritic)
T cell stim - prolif prod mature help T + Memory helper T
T chemical factor - large amt lymphokines IL2,6 y interfon gran monocyte col stim
lymphokine cause cause
Stim phagocytic activity macropahe
Stim prolif cytotocix T lympho
Stim b lymp - prolif + diffnt into plassma cell
pos feedback - further activation helper T
Helper - Amplification - response
Suppresor - neg feedback control act cyototox t and helper
CD4 - recetpr used HIV virus into help celler
What is a killer cell
Activated cytotox T lympho
Nat killer cell - plasma
Cytotox T lmyph - maut cyto t TCR- membrane cell - bind spec shoty pept antigen MHC1 prot membrane infected cell have spec pept how they are ID perforin inserted membrane attack cell cytotox sub injejct swell and die - killer search new target
NK cel
Lymphocytic lineage Nk Not b - not T Lack antigen recgo mol 10% mononeculear cell - lymphoctes in blood NK attack ill invading body cell mailg ciruses coat abod
not req sensitatisation
no mem or amplif with repeat exposure
What is role MHC In immune rxn
MHC1 v MHC 2
Cell membrane protein
bind short pept antigen
present cells immune sys
2 gene MHC - loc chromo 6
1- two prote
b2 microglob three class a b c
indidiv six mhc 1
all cell mhc 1 on surface
pept bound to MHC class 1 molecule cell display membrane - MHC complex recog - spec abd displayed B or by TCR rec on cytoi - lymp prolif
Class 2 Two membrane span prot II - prd cetrain cell body macro dendrit b cell
Antigen presenting cell
Prtein degraed - external source TCR helper T Cell - bind class II pept complex on APC Act helper T cell prolif prod lymphkine stim rest cells
What are cytokine and lymphokines
Cells immune system secrete various polpetide chemical mediatior
Cytokine - ptent polypetitde act other cell
cell membrane receports
prod diff body cell
each cytokin
fel cell type predom precuros
production response to spec stimuli
Lymhpokine are cytokine prod lymphocytes
What are groups of cytokines
IL Interferon Chemokin heamatopeitc colony stim facto TNF
What are Chemokines
Chemtatct cytokine attarct chem variy immun reaction
each - prod certain cell attract sepc cell
How are cytokine diff hormones
Not prod sepcial gland
most paracrine / autocrinme action
conc - small =bt extremely potent
Coag system
Intrinsic + Extrinsic path - join final common fath firbrin clot
Intrinsic activate contact cert surfaces Act factor Xii-> Act XI XIa act IC Ca +Factor VII - Ixa convert X->Xa
Extrinsic pathway
Tissue injury expose thromboplastin
Combin + act VII
Complex act X
Final common path
Xa - Prothrombin-> thrombin (Ca, FV, Plt F 3)
Xa extemly important
Insol fibrin end reslt of 3 steps
Pomyersaion 1
Polmresastion 2
Contract clot - decrease defect vessel wall
plt req cotnract
Role platelets in haemostasis
3 mains tage haemo stasis
vascon damage
form plt plu
blood clot
plt - partic all 3 satge
local vasocon - involved activation coag
sertonin + vasoctive txa2 adp rel act plt - vcon at site
plt adhesion
vWF bind - expos mult bind site on vWF mol
plt glycoprot mech plt adhere site inj
Plt activate
med - activate
Plt aggreg
Fibronge gpIIbIIIa complex plt - plt choesion
txa2 stim plt agreggotion vasocn
opposite prstacyclin
Preventing coagulation
1 Thromboresistant endothel Abense damge - prevent collagin gloycclayx repep plt coag pgi2 - inhib plt agreg no - inhib plt - thrombomodulin - act pro c endothel - heparan sulp = act circ at III smooth - prvent activation
2 Blood washes away mediator
Plasma prot - inhib / lim spread coag
ATIII (inc heparin)
Pro C Pro S thrombodulin
Extrenisc path inhb
fribonoyltic syst
vWF role haemostasis
Role plt adhesion to damage subendothkium
Role plt to plt bind
Bind Factor VIIIplasma - prevent degradation
ppl def vWF - prolong bleeding normal plt count
Citrate toxicity
Adverse effx hypoCa - massive tufsion
normal metab rapidly liver - imparid hypothermia decrease flow
myocardial depression
Ca cant get low enough to cause coag probs before it would cause arrest
what are major forms dietary iron
Bound haem - myoglob /red cells red meats
organic lgiands most ferric form
some food high iron
oxalate spinach prevent abosiprtion