3.3 Cardiac muscle, blood, Flashcards
What is prepotential
Phase 4 diastolic depol occurs in PM cells -> heart - depol contin til apotent initiated - threshold reached
Signif prepotent in sa node cell heart
normal conditon not all cells have preportent -
responsible for automaticity
cells - fastest prepotent - PM heart
usually sa node -
Draw ap for SA node cell & super impose ventricle muscle cell
Page 85
0 rapid depol - rapid entry Na
Tabe comparing page 86
No platue in SA, no distinction between phase 2+3
Duration 150ms v 250
SA - slow response ap
RMP SA -60vs -80 ventricle
Depol slower in sa node
Conduction vesolocity - slow speed deol - conduction easily block
phase 4 - RMP unstable during 4 in SA- spont diastol depol
Slow SA channel can be block Verapamil
How are the AP periph myelinated axon & skeletal muscle - different from cardiac
Mian diffrence - very short duration perip 1-2 msec
muscle 5-10msec
absence platuea
absence of prepotential
What is the function AV ring firbous
Inuslation - provide speration atria from vent
fibrous skeleton procides sturcutor for origng insert myocardial scell - insertion valve
how is it relevant to av node =
criticallyt imporant - conduction heart 2 reaseonn
1 only pathway - atria ventricle
Adds Delay - conduction av slow - addit delay - necc allow atrail contract finish before ventricular contract commences
two aspects related - av node- not only eletricl path - delay not provide much delay contract
specalise cell av node lower RMP - lower threhsole
slower rate ph 0 vs ventricular - very slow conduciton velocity
Depol ph 0 - open slow Ca channel - rather that fast Na - centrilcl & atrial
av node not conduction >230 impluses - due to refctor
what is the conduction velcotiy - other parts conductuion path
Atrial muslce 1 msec
avnode 0.05 msec
purkinje 4 msec
ventricular 1msec
What is the last part of the heart depolarised - why
Psoterbasal part LV
AP - travels
wave depol travel purkinje in IVseptum
spread left -> right
To apex and then back under endocardial surfcae - towards base heart
depol travels endocaridal to epicardial surface
wall of rv thinner - epicardial right side excited before left
Conseq last part depol - epicard surf left vent at base heart
Properties of cardiac muscle
specil intrinsic property
Excitability - Automaticity rhythmicity conductivity contractility
Define automaticty
Proerty heart - enable inititae own heart beat
some myocardial cells - sa / av node -
RMP not stable during phase 4
Resping potenti spont decrease towards therhold potential
Change proten 0 intrisnic proerty cells - not require extenral nervous chem input
external infleunce may modify rate chang
Cells fastest depol thresh set heart rate - act as pacemaker heart
normally SA node PM cells - cardiac AP inititated when firing level - threshold reach
Follow depol - membrane repol - sequence spont depol occurs again
predicatble regulartiy - gives heart regular rthythum
Ventricles normalyl have a stable RMP during phase 4 -cant act as PM - some cells have properties automat & rhythy, - not apparent - rate sa and av fast - abnormal compelte block - cells take over as ventriular PM - rate ~ 30bpm
Depol PM cell membrane travel cell to cell myocardial action pteotntial - propagation depol thru heart - conductivity
Some tracts cells heart - conduct ap quicker others
specialise tract cells - conducting system
Benefits cordination cotnraction
How does AP trvvel cell to cell
cardiac muscle stronglyjoined at ends - eintecalted discs
advant prevent cell pulling aprt contract
fibres in series - skeleatal muscle prpominet parllel
AP - travel cell to cell thuru low resistance pathwya along interaclated discs - here cell membrane fused gap junction
electricl signal easily cross junction
no chem transmitter
What is exctiability
how is it measured
why is it difficult
what circustance need to be considered
Ease myocardial cell responde to stimulus by depolarising
cell response smaller stimulus than another said - more excitable
Degree - assessed size minim stim necc depol cell - initiate AP
difficult measure reproducibility - depend geometric arrangement electrode cell membrane difficult constant not reliable reproduced
1 Myocardial cell during phase 4 - stim cell
resting MP - decrease to threshold potential
slow phase 0 subseq depol - index excitability
more excitable cell - larger slow higher velocity conduction
2 Following onset AP - period time cell not stimulated no matter how large stimulus - absolute refractory period 0- onset ap at threshold - midway thru repol during phase 3 - longer in atrial pacemaker
3 From ened absolute until fully repol - relative refractory period - cell stim - requires supramax stim - difficult respod measure
Response stim varies - membrane potential - time stimulus apply
closer start refractory smaller membrane potential - greater stim required initiate another
ap generated stim lower mp - slower ate rise ph 0
slower conduction velocity
excitability defined increase slow phase as slope phase 0 increase
membrane - repol during later half 3 size stim depol decrease - slope phase increase if stim
context resting myocardial during phase 4 either size stim required depol or describe ease arrhythmia induced
Refers to myocardial relaxation
factor affect co -improvement realz - improv filling - increase preload
relaxation active energy consuming - active tpor ca cytop to sr
ca atpase
drugs postive lusitroph or negtaive
nitroglcy positive - improved diastolic relax account benefits in rx hfail
speed conduction thru av node -
dig slow conduction negative droptrope
phenytoin speeds rate - positive
Mixed venous blood
Mix systemic venous blood drain all cap bed -
not catain blood shunted -
Present central shunt true mix blood may no be possible
pulmonary venous not comonent mix venous blood
How could obtain sample
Three maj streams - SVC, IVC, Cor sinus
po2 lowest cor sinus
Stat mix ven only obtrain Pa - no shunt - adeq mix 3 streams
adeq mixing single o2 sat thruout blood sample site
ra not adeq mix
rv maj mix chamber - not adeqate sample obtain
slow asp from PAc - best method sample
What is the po2 cor sinus
Typically low - 20mmHg
high oxygen extration ration
signif - moycardial o2 consump only increase flow
Po2 mix venous blood
what affects
typicall 40-75% sat of hb
Fick equation CO = Oxygen consump / CaO2 - Cv O2
Ca - oxygen content art blood
Cv oxygen content mix venous vood
mix ven o2 increased increase CO, incease art o2 content or decrease o2 consumption
effect change mix venou o2 content depened % sat hb in mix blood