7. Bariatric Surgery Flashcards
What BMI is considered overweight?
25 - 29.9
What BMI is obesity class 1?
30 - 34.9
What BMI is obesity class 2?
35 - 39.9
What BMI is obesity class 3?
≥ 40
What are the 3 categories of bariatric surgery?
combination of restrictive and malabsorptive
What are the specific restrictive procedures?
- vertical banded gastroplasty
- laparoscopic adjustable gastric band
- sleeve gastrectomy
What are the specific malabsorptive procedures?
- jejunoileal bypass
- biliopancreatic diversion
- biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
What are the specific combination restrictive and malabsorptive procedures?
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
What are the indications for gastric bypass surgery?
- BMI ≥ 40 without comorbidities
- BMI 35 - 39.9 with at least one severe comorbidity
- BMI 30 - 34.9 with uncontrolled T2DM or metabolic syndrome
What are contraindications for gastric bypass?
- age 65
- untreated major depression or psychosis
- uncontrolled eating disorder
- alcohol and/or drug abuse
- severe cardiac disease
- severe coagulopathy
- inability to comply with diet
What are some acute complications with bariatric surgery?
- bleeding
- infection
- anastomotic leak
What are some chronic complications with bariatric surgery?
- NV
- diarrhea
- dumping syndrome
What are some pharmacokinetic complications with patients who have had bariatric surgery?
- decreased surface area
- enzyme changes (reduced metabolism)
- faster GI transit time
- increased pH
What medication formulations are best for patients who have had bariatric surgery?
- liquid
- crushable
- non-oral
What medication formulations should you avoid in patients who have had bariatric surgery?
ER and EC formulations GI irritants (NSAIDS)