7 Flashcards
Alstroemeria hybrids are also knjown as the __________.
Princess Lily
Zantedeschia rehmannii, Z. elliotiana, Z. hybrids also known as __________.
Calla Lily
Iron deficiency, identified by blackening or interval chlorosis of young leaves, is the primary problem for plants growing in a low pH medium.
Seed-grown tubers generally produce __________ eyes, which means plants will have a __________ number of flowers and leaf sprouts.
More, higher
Most Callas sold today from the United States are three year old true seed hybrids.
Floriculture is defined literally as “_________________________” but includes florist shops, flower retailers, wholesale florists, production greenhouses and floral supply companies.
Culture of flowers
_______________ provides even faster seedling production than other hydration methods and results in 100% usable seedlings.
The _______________ point is the light intensity at which the plant is receiving as much light energy from the light during photosynthesis as it is during respiration.
Light compensation
Although general plant growth usually requires light with all wavelengths, __________ and __________ wavelengths result in the greatest plant growth response.
Red (700), blue (470)
The Italian Renaissance was significant during the _______________ centuries.
15th and 16th
The placement of three main flowers or branches signifies __________, __________, and __________.
Heaven, man, earth
Place cut Antirrhinum majus stems vertically as soon as possible after harvest; stems placed horizontally may begin to bend upward in as little as __________.
30 minutes
When the source of __________ is removed, the concentration of the __________ drops quickly, thereby releasing lateral branches from __________ dominance and allowing them to develop.
Auxin, hormone, apical
_______________ is similar to seed hydration except the process is allowed to progress further until the seed coat splits and the radical becomes visible.
_______________ is a technique used by seed suppliers to imbibe the seed and begin germination, but then stop the process before the radical (root) emerges.
Seed hydration
Stratification is the application of a moist chilling treatment of 32 to 50 F (0 to 10 C) to seeds.
The __________ fuzzy fungal growth of Botrytis blight often begins with injured or necrotic areas and then infects healthy tissue.
Measuring light requires the use of _____ factor(s).
Light has _____ function(s) in plant growth.
Helianthus annus L. is the most commonly grown __________ species.