6.qualitative research Flashcards
what is qualitative reseach
means making sense and communicate action
analyze non-numerical (descriptive) data to understand individuals’ social reality.
context of qualitative research
never context free of artificial generated
how many factors did braun and clarke state (2018)
1.meaning not numbers
comparison to quantative
2.not provide single truthful answer
rather multiple views
context is important
to understand and intrepet info
experimental( surface) or critical (underlyning)
surface= validate
underlyning= interpreted
whats experimental
critical realism
compare what workd really like eg language
what is critical
scoial construct
cant tell one bit knowlege more truthful
and is subjective(peoples feelings)
5.underpinned by ontological assumptions
understand being and exsistance reality= questions about real world ( experimental similar)
6.underpinned entomological
knowlge about belives and truths
types of entomological
lokk sat nature of knowlge and how aquired by looking things like
positivism - not go beyond observed bonderies- relies on empirical studies( experimental and stats)
constructionalism (soical)
contextual (emerge research position)
7.qualitaive research methodology
improve theory and practice
8.use all types of data collect
- uses only nominal and ordianla
- but uses interview, audio and all other types of data
thinking qualitatively
freeing from positivist norms
as posivist data= empricial
qualitative= meaning behind this ( human experience)