6kret Flashcards
Charcoal Cefoperazone deoxycholate agar
Campy-BAP and Campy thio antibiotic components
vancomycin,trimethoprim,cephalothin,polymyxin B, and amphotericin B
C.jejuni in stained smear
Seagull-Winged appearance
causative agent for gastric carcinoma
a form of cancer involving the GIT
gastric carcinoma
C.jejuni and H.pylori Catalase test
agent of whooping cough
B.pertussis is aka
Bordet-Gengou Bacillus
Bordetella colonies resemble
tiny drop of mercury
potato infusion agar with glycerol and sheep blood with methicillin or cephalexin(short shelf life)
Bordet-Gengou agar media
Charcoal agar with yeast extract,starch, and 40 ug cephalexin (2 to 3 month shelf life but inferior to regan-lowe agar
Modified Jones-Kendrick Charcoal Agar Media
Charcoal agar with 10% horse blood and cephalexin (4 to 8 week shelf life)
Regan-Lowe agar media
Synthetic agar lacking blood products
Stainer-Scholte agar media
Bordet- gengou agar is aka
potato glycerol blood agar
Brucellosis aka
undulant fever or malta fever
Brucella MOT
ingestion of contaminated animal products,including meats and milk; farmers can directly acquire infections throughout direct animal contacts
Brucella spp that causes severe infections
L.micdadei aka
Hoba agent or TatLock
L.bozemanii aka
Wiga agent
2nd most common Legionella
3rd most common legionella spp.
disease of rodents,primarily the rabbits caused by francisella
most serious form of tularemia
Pneumonic Tularemia
associated with bacterial vaginosis