6.9 Question-word questions and fronting with more than one verb Flashcards
How can the rules for question-word questions and for fronting be combined in one rule?
X or Question word, Verb, Subject, Sentence Adverbial
Translate the sentence using the rule with the correct placement of words:
You must not smoke here
Här får du inte röka
X = här, Verb = får, Subject = du, Sentence Adverbial = inte
Translate the sentence using the rule with the correct placement of words:
Tomorrow you must be on time
Imorgon måste du komma i tid
X = imorgon, Verb = måste, Subject = du
There is no sentence adverbial
Translate the sentence using the rule with the correct placement of words:
What do you want to do tomorrow?
Vad vill du göra imorgon?
Question word = vad, Verb = vill, Subject = du
There is no sentence adverbial
Translate the sentence using the rule with the correct placement of words:
What happened at the party on friday
Vad hände på festen i fredags?
Question word = vad, Verb = hände
There is no subject or sentence adverbial
Why can you leave the subject position empty in these two questions?
Vem kan inte simma? Vad hände på festen i fredags?
You can only leave the subject position empty when the question word is the subject, as in these two questions.