6.2.1 Emergency Leave Travel Request Flashcards
Travel costs are authorized if the emergency leave is OCONUS or from a _ _ _ _?
What is the only authorized transportation mode?
Requirements for emergency leave to be funded by gov’t.?
A. On permanent duty OCONUS
B. Assigned to an OCONUS ship/unit operation
C. With an OCONUS domicile who is on permanent duty or initial training in CONUS
Reimbursement is authorized only for air transportation and ground transportation between interim airports. Is Reimbursement for ground transportation between PDS/home/destination and the airport authorized?
Not authorized
If member is on leave in CONUS & emergency occurs is transportation authorized?
Is mbr authorized transportation costs if on TDY away from PDS or assigned to a ship or unit operating away from its home port?
Authorized round trip including per diem, except: at emergency leave location, admin absence or leave status.
Authorized reimbursement is not to exceed the cost from where to where if TDY?
From TDY location to PDS location
What constitutes immediate family members?
Father, mother, loco parents, spouse, children, brother, sister or only living relative.
District commanders and COs may grant emergency leave to officers not to exceed ?
30 days at any one time
District commanders and COs may grant emergency leave to enlisted members not to exceed how many days?
Leave will be charged for any travel performed in ?
Continental United States
When deployed on a cutter mbrs may only be covered for travel from the cutter to the cutter’s homeport?
Approval of advance leave in excess of 30 days is by whom?
Delay en route is authorized for officers up to ____ days?
20 days
Delay en route for enlisted members is authorized up to ___ days?
60 days