621 Flashcards
From the brain to the muscle
Motor nerves pulse
Allows physical control of the body
Somatic nervous system
Detecting pain and sending it to the brain
Sensory neurons
The connecting are on between the sensory and motor neurons
The nerve path that leads from the stimulus to the reflex actions
Reflex arc
Enclose the brain and cerebral fluid
The skull
Protects and and holds the brain
Cerebral spinal fluid
A point where depolarization must reach an order for action potential to start
Positive cells exit making neurons negative
Negative sells exiting make the neuron more positive
The change in an axon when potassium channels clothes and sodium gates open after depolarization
Action potential
The most common inhibitory the brain
External information travels to the sensory nerve impulse. Information moved from the spinal cord into the brain.
Sensory receptors
The difference in a charge from the inside and outside of a resting cell
Resting potential
The gap between schaawn cells
Node of ranveir
The fatty layer around the axon
Schwann cells + myelin sheath
Valcules in the ends of the axon are contain a neurotransmitters that are sent into synapse when nerve impulse is received
Synoptic vessel
What a neurotransmitter reaches the dendrites of postsynaptic neuron
Excitatory response
When I post synaptic neuron is made more negative inside to raise the threshold
Inhibitory response
Chemicals that are secreted by neurons to simulate motor neurons
Enzymes that break down in the near transmitter Acetylcholine
The main neurotransmitter of both the somatic nervous system And the parasymathic nervous system
Neurotransmitters in the cortex that account for 75% of Exeter a transmitter in the brain
Send layer that covers each color is fear of the brain and allows us to experience the sensation, voluntary movement and thought processes associated with consciences
Cerebral cortex
Joins the two hemispheres of the brain of a layer of white matter made up of Exxon transfers impulses from one hemisphere to another
Corpus callosum
Motor part of the brain also processes other information and allows us to use critical thinking
Frontal lobe
Receives sensory information from the skin and skeletal muscles associate it with our sense of taste
Partial lobe
Receives information from our eyes
Occipital lobe
Receives information from our ears
Temporal lobe
Processing sensory information, receives pain heat touch and cold
Controls body temperature hunger and behavior along with other metabolism stuff
Responsible for complex behaviour intelligence
Involved in head
Receives sensory information and motor control
Central nervous system
Containers that travel in and out of the central nervous system. Three sets of spinal nerves and 12 sets of cranial nerves
Peripheral nervous system
Send information to internal organs which are not under conscious control
Autonomic nervous system
Keeps information going to and from the skin and skeletal muscles
Somatic nervous system
Controls organs when the body is under stress
Sympathetic nervous system
Controlled to bother you at rest along with slowdowns heart rate
Parasympathetic nervous system
Controls the right side and things over logic science and math
Left hemisphere
Controls the left side of the brain and is responsible for creativity
Right Hemosphire
A type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. This is caused by the death of brain cells
The inflammation of the Meddings, caused by viral or bacterial infection
Fever, vomiting, drowsiness, severe pain are the symptoms of
The symptoms of meningitis
Along with lasting progressive disorder that affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. This causes vision, balance, muscle control and other basic functions to fail
Multiple sclerosis
An abnormality in the shape of the cornea and lens that results in an even focus
Within transparent memories in the corners of the cornea the must be kept moist
Thick white outer layer that gives that I its shape
Concentration of cones on the retina located right behind the center of the lens
Fovea centralis
Is the pigment that enables the rods to detect them late
Photo receptors in the eye; unable to distinguish color and more light-sensitive and cones
The middle layer of the eye, which absorbs lights and Provance internal reflection.
Color receptors in the eye
Long eyeballs or strong Ciliary muscles cause people not to see far
Difficulty seeing close up to to short eyeballs or weak ciliary muscles
Cloudy, or Opaque area on the lens of the eye and gets bigger overtime must blindness and if not treated
Abnormal shape in the cornea or lens which causes uneven focus
Peripheral vision is impaired due to the build up of aqueous humor fluid and pressure
Measures the electricity activity of the functioning brain prints on a map of what is going on
Pioneer doing brain surgery well a person is awake
Scans make a cross-section x-ray that makes a 3-D image of the brain
Can see which part of the brains are most active when needed
Use radio frequencies and large magnets and computers to process details images of the brain and other structures
Positive sodium comes into the neuron when the membrane is stimulated. Threshold is reached a -55mv
Sodium floods in due to a concentration gradient when the sodium gates open gates close and the neuron becomes more positive
Once action potential moves across the axon repolarization returns to 70 MV
There are two potassium ions for every blank sodium ions
A type of neuron with two extensions. A part of the pathway.sensory pathways for smell, sight, taste and hearing
Bipolar cells
Type of neuron located near the inner surface of the inner surface of the retina of the eye. Receives vision information
Dongloin cells
Begins in the eardrum and ends at the round and oval windows
Middle ear
Filled with liquid which helps sound vibrations travel. Contains a Coachella, vestibule, semicircular canal
Inner ear
Allows air pressure to equalize
Is caused by damage to the outer ear
Conduction deafness
Is caused by damage to hair cells in the Coachella
Nerve damage